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U-Haul Lists Top States Americans are Moving Into… Guess the Common Theme

U-Haul has released its 2024 list of the top states Americans are moving into and out of and there is a common theme to these two metrics. And I’ll bet you already see what is coming.

So, let’s hit the top five states Americans are moving into right off:

1). South Carolina
2). Texas
3). North Carolina
4). Florida
5). Tennessee

So, what is the common denominator? They are all low-tax, red states, which voted for Donald Trump.

And, drum roll please, what states are people running away from?

46). Pennsylvania
47). New York
48). New Jersey
49). Massachusetts
50). California

Can you see the similarity? Yep, they are all deep blue, Democrat states with people dumb enough to vote for Kamala Harris.

“State-to-state transactions from the past year reaffirm customer tendencies that have been pronounced for some time,” stated John J.T. Taylor, U-Haul International president. “Migration to the Southeast and Southwest continues as families gauge their cost of living, job opportunities, quality of life and other factors that go into relocating to a new state. Out-migration remains prevalent for a number of markets across the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast — and particularly California.”
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
I can't believe it! 😳

Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Yall stay where you are. We cannot handle anymore.
California tops the charts for the 5th year in a row. Great job Gavin!
Theyl bring the woke with em
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 I pity your TDS and lack of understanding what really happened in this election. Trump didn't win as much people got sick and tired of the Dems assinine ways.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M

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