You're a true MAGA, aka: someone who never bothers to fact check.
"The (Biden) Administration is trying to sell it for five cents on the dollar, knowing that we're getting ready to put it up, and what they're doing is almost a criminal act," Trump said.
That prompted Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick to discuss it with Gov. Greg Abbott and the latter requested the Texas Facilities Commission look into what material was being sold.
"The Texas Facilities Commission told us today that the material for sale was mostly junk, with most panels covered in concrete and rust. There were a few panels that might be usable but not worth the cost of shipping to Texas from Arizona," Patrick posted.
Patrick posted about the material again on Monday, Dec. 16, along with a clip of him being interviewed on Fox News about the matter.
So, the real question is: Why are the materials being sold?
Funny story, and glad you MAGAs brought this up.
Section 2890 of the National Defense Authorization Act,
introduced by Republican lawmakers in the House, requires the Department of Defense to develop a plan to use, transfer or donate all “covered materials” purchased for border barrier construction between fiscal years 2017 and 2022.
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