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Is California entering into Swing State Territory?

Governor Newsom is trying to insulate California from Trump reforms, but Trump carried 40% of the vote in California. Furthermore most people in America hate Newsom as a liberal wackjob so he has no chance of winning the electoral college in a national bid for the President.

I see this only going in one direction, and that is people rising up and rebelling against the Democrats in California. I was born in California, lived there a few years again after the military in San Francisco, and support isn't as iron clad as it seems. Most people, even liberals, loathe Nancy Pelosi. They are just locked in and feel they have no choice.

California is heavily hispanic and we have four years for all the Trump hispanics to work their magic on the liberal hispanics. You gotta realize, whatever "liberal resistence" Newsom can mount will come in the form of sanctuary cities, even resisting federal laws that may be passed requiring participation with ICE by local police. This default will result in a massive, apocalyptic flood of illegals into these states, whether the "resistence" is effective or not. Alot of voters are going to freak out at the liberal reich and will revolt during the elections.

We may see a republican governor in California again in 4 to 8 years if the Democrats push this resistence too far and get monkey stomped by a tidal wave of illegals. Everyone except the very rich will be homeless, unable to affird rent. Jobs will pay nothing, and if high mininum wage is enforced only illegals workong under the table will be employed, or the businesses will close down. It will bankrupt the state.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
@Dignaga Disagree. The battle itself will change minds and show how evil the sanctuary agenda is. People will continue to turn against the left. It’s a worthwhile fight and needs to begin January 22nd.
@carpediem It will take a convenvention of states. Don't get too excited when congress merely passes a law requiring cooperation, precedent isn't with it.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@carpediem Not to mention have their federal funding cut off.I seem to recall that back in the 80s or 90s,when West Virginia refused to raise their drinking age from 18 to 22,the Federal government threatened to cut off their highway funding with they didn't comply.They complied.Whats good for the drinking age is good for the immigration enforcement.
4meAndyou · F
Los Angeles county DA George Gascon just got voted out...and he was an absolute horror...a George Soros DA. I think the people of California have been badly abused, and they are just exhausted enough to vote outside the Democrat party.
If they wernt frauds it would be red..

California is a red state.
@Roundandroundwego Not in a meaningful way. The red areas are farmlands, deserts, forests or mountains. My family is from the Grass Valley, Yuba City, San Andreas area.
@Dignaga to yeah, I was born in Philadelphia and almost everyone from Pennsylvania back then was from Philadelphia. But we were out voted by less numerous fascistic whites from the sticks. Pennsylvania has only been a red state, too. The country was designed to be this way - as my relatives from that time admit - to remain their country despite the majority.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Create a federal task force to investigate people like Newsom. They are corrupt to the core. Jail them. Problem solved.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@HobNoblin I completely agree with you. It's time to finish taking out the trash. Charge and jail those responsible!
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@AthrillatheHunt I completely agree with you.

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