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Pennsylvania / Philadelphia Suing Elon Musk


Is Elon breaking the law by offering a million dollars raffle to voters to sign his petition - whatever that may be. Pennsylvania seems to think so! And the federal government warned him it may be illegal but___
Pennsylvania supported Trump in 2016! They might actually support him this year!
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Learninglife9 · 61-69, F

He's been warned by the federal government what he's doing is possibly illegal - but to sue a man who has over 270 billion dollars - other than stopping him what do you hope to gain. And by the time it gets to court the election will be over.

Maybe it's to show people in the future the government will prosecute those who try such antics !
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@NativePortlander1970 Wow. Without hesitation you repeat the lie.
Vin53 · M
@NativePortlander1970 Well meanwhile, they're sitting in his 6,000,000 NYC penthouse enjoying a warm fireplace and wearing his NY Yankee's championship rings
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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Suing a man for doing something they think is "possibly illegal", while ignoring crimes of thousands of people that are actually illegal...

way to go democrats, creating more Trump voters every day...
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
You speak as though under Trump there was no crime.
You speak as if under Trump there was less crime no it wasn't.


Crime has existed since the existence of man.
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F

And it was actually lower when Barack Obama who is a Democrat was president


AuRevoir · 36-40, M
If you can pay lizzo $2.6 million and Beyoncé $10 million to appeal to their fans to vote your way, then no. There’s nothing wrong with what Elon Musk is offering, unless people love their double standards.
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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
will be funny after election and Trump implements government efficiency commission to audit the entire federal government /w Musk in charge...

bet they'll find all kinds of federal funding that states like Pennsylvania & Georgia no longer need... 🤔
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
@wildbill83 No,I don't see it going that way.But I hope it will go this way:any city or state that operates as a sanctuary for illegal aliens gets ALL federal funding pulled.
Hell I'll sign his petition, whatever it is for 1/2 a mil, but I already threw my ballot in the trash
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Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@Jimmy2016 if you live in any of the swing States I believe you can sign up until the actual election date. A dollar a ticket I think.
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I think I finally found common ground w/Nicolas Maduro: I don't like "Mux" either
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
It's not exactly buying votes, but it's close enough that it should still be illegal. The fact that he's able to do this is mind-boggling.
Cities cannot sue nor prosecute individuals over federal issues, specially when there's no crime committed to begin with.
@Learninglife9 The Philadelphia DA that's suing, according to the video you posted, the city itself, not the entire state.
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 I don't think the feds have established that it's actually a federal crime yet but they are investigating it.
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
@NativePortlander1970 - my mistake instead of saying Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - I left off the Philadelphia / what's wrong with me in these Pennsylvania cities..

And Trump won Philadelphia in 2016

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