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Liberal Professor Wants To Line Trump Supports Up And Shoot Them


Once America wins back control in the elections and Trump is back in, we have to make every effort to deNazify the Democratic Party. It's pure Fascist hate at this moment. Thankfully most polls show Trump winning now, and that's not including the hidden votes that go uncounted by pollsters who show up at elections.

Americans are sick and tired of the racism, hatred, bigotry, fake trials, fake insurrections the Democrats keep pushing. All they want to do is abort minorities and start foreign proxy wars that the military industrial complex alone benifits from. We are sick and tired of their antics and their desires of bringing back the techniques of the Third Reich back. We are stuck in inflation hell because of what Kamala did in Yemen- she lost a war to the Houthis, no one can use the red sea for shipping. We are tired of the genocide in gaza. We are tired of the Ukraine war- it was never meant to be, Biden stealing the election was the cause, and Americans haven't benifited one bit from him being the titular head of state.

Americans are just sick of the fake eternal race wars, the divide and conquer strategies of keeping the sexes opposed. We are just sick of it all. Can't we all just be Americans again? A Democracy again? No need for this Fascist stuff.
AbbeyRhode · F
The hate and violence never ends with them! It's incredible to me that that alone doesn't wake more people up. All I can think is that they're too lazy to actually listen to what both sides are saying. The contrast couldn't be more clear.
Listen to a Democrat speak, and they're either spouting lies, or inciting division, fear, hate, and violence. They have nothing positive to say, so they attack their opponents.
Go to a Trump rally, and it's a different story. Hundreds of thousands of people filled with positive energy and love for this country. Trump inspires them with his own love for the country, and his plans to make life better for all Americans.
Musicman · 61-69, M
@AbbeyRhode Sadly you are right. ☹
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Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@AbbeyRhode democrats are the true “threat to democracy” .. They prove it daily.
Ynotisay · M
So you don't know who or what Gunther Eagleman is, huh? You just take what feeds your feeeeelings and it becomes true, right? It's the way little kids think. It would be cute if it wasn't so pitiful.
Do all Trumpists think females are not smart enough to be President?

To be clear, I'm not suggesting that anyone be shot, but I am curious.
@Thinkerbell Hillary's lack of "charm" was a huge problem for her, no doubt.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Speaking of huge, I think Hillary is hugely frustrated that an airhead like Kamala might succeed in becoming the first woman president whereas Hillary narrowly failed.

I would bet Hillary secretly hopes Kamala loses.
@Thinkerbell Maybe, if that didn't mean that Trump would win. I doubt those two would ever be bff's.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
Unfortunately, it’s people like you that need to look in the mirror. What line in this entire diatribe isn’t divisional?
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
@Handfull1 troll
While you're on the subject of hate speech, maybe you'd also like to look at some videos of one of the vilest hate preechers there are, who would be delighted if everyone who wasn't heterosexual was put against a wall and shot by a firing squad, paid out of the taxpayers' money. Yes, I'm talking about the *delightful" Matt Powell.
HobNoblin · 36-40, MNew
@autumngirl27 Just think of him as a Muslim. Anything he says or does will be OK then.
@HobNoblin Explain what you mean.
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Well Trumpists have been talking about this since 2016. It is not at all uncommon to see "Pinochet did nothing wrong" or "6 million was not enough" merch at Trump rallies.

So no surprise some anti fascists are not going to kneel in front of a ditch for you.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Isn't Gunther Engleman the insecure dude who said that any man who casts a vote for Harris will have their “man card” revoked immediately? I'm not sure he is trustworthy. NEXT>>>
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
Amazing a trumper quoting putin
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Ynotisay · M
@windinhishair No posts from that dude. Might as well just block him now.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M

Why does it take 9 men with rifles to shoot 1 man?
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Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@justanothername you probably wear one of Tim’s tampons and believe men can get pregnant…
HobNoblin · 36-40, MNew
Soviet NKVD filth. He's in trouble with his university now for saying the quiet part out loud.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Was this in the news?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Allelse No... it was some guy's tweet who is an avid maga follower needing to influence other maga followers who once claimed real men don't and can't support a woman for president.
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Ok, I have no problem with that
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You're kidding, right?
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No evidence ...

Musicman · 61-69, M
I love how they don't consider this hate speech all while claiming they are the party of unity and inclusion. 🤦‍♂
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Musicman · 61-69, M
@jshm2 I thought the Democrat party was the party of inclusion???
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Ynotisay · M
@Bill1372 What happened to your self-respect Billy Boy? Seriously.

It took me 3.2 seconds to find this. Just because I felt one of us needed to be an adult. And in advance Billy, if you say "buh buh buh CBS.They lie!"...I included a clip.

Man the hell up Billy. Poor me isn't the call. It's time.

(CBS News) President Trump on Thursday retweeted a video of a supporter saying that the "only good Democrat is a dead Democrat." The man in the video is a New Mexico politician who faced calls to resign after making the remark earlier this month.

Mr. Trump at midnight retweeted a video from Cowboys For Trump featuring the group's founder, Couy Griffin, who is also the Otero County commissioner. The clip shows Griffin speaking to a crowd of supporters.

"I've come to a place where I've come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat," Griffin says in the first seconds of the clip, drawing cheers and applause.

Bill1372 · 51-55, M
@Ynotisay thank you for proving my point. Didn’t take long to find it for you probably because multiple media outlets covered it I’m sure. They have a habit of not covering it if it reflects poorly on the loonie Libbies…

Also, big difference in what he said vs. someone saying to shoot someone else. He didn’t say to commit violence even though he shouldn’t have said what he did because there are nuts out there that will carry out harming someone as a result of what he said.
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