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In another brilliant move. Donold wants to visit Springfield

He wants them to know, they’ll be the first to go when he’s back in office. No hard feeling.[media=https://youtu.be/s-11e5ZBm6Q]
@MarthannBann888 says
The OWNERS of the animals say they were killed.
Neither Trump nor Vance nor the right-wing media can come up with a SINGLE case of a pet killed by Haitians. Not a SINGLE case. If I'm wrong about this, Martha my dear, this is your chance to prove it and rub my nose in it.

Meanwhile, here are the facts on Miss Sassy.
A Vance spokesperson on Tuesday provided The Wall Street Journal with a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors. But when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore’s house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement.

Kilgore, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, said she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app.
He lied about Springfield, then when asked to denounce the bomb threats, he refused to. I'm sure the people there will be thrilled to see him.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

The New Republic
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TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Go back to having a good economy 👍
@TheRascallyOne Trump botched our Covid response so badly we lost 22 MILLION jobs!

Never the less, there are more than 5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION) more people employed now than during the peak under Trump. Just read the graph.

And the number unemployed is historically low!

Inflation? The pandemic deflation was followed by worldwide inflation; that is now gone.

[sep] [sep] [sep] UPDATE [sep] [sep] [sep]
DUUUDE!!! This is the EXACT SAME jobs report that Trump used to tout, LOL!!!
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@ElwoodBlues is that the fake job reports released by the White House
I’ve noticed you never post stories about Biden/kams/dems acievments.. you just piss n moan about trump all day..
it’s sinfully delicious to witness.

I found this image of the original (now deleted) post. Note the impeccable sourcing: neighbor's daughter's friend.

LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@ElwoodBlues Yeah. Funny thing, that. Whenever it's a true story, they name names. When it's fake, it's my sister's cat's grandma's uncle's former roommate.
Ynotisay · M
Yes please. Go. Immediately. While it's still red hot. That would be PERFECT.
And then Harris can say "They're eating former Presidents."

You are such a hater, why do you hate America and Americans so much. You would walk ten miles to hurt your fellow Americans.

You just described yourself to a t...
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Then move!
@MarthannBann888 That makes no sense.

But that fits with your other nonsense.
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I saw a video of someone that said they knew some Haitians who had said they killed ducks from a park but I know that's not proof.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Evidence, Ellie May? The evening news, maybe. The first hand sources? Why would I report what a left wing magazine says someone says when I can report what they say? You looney lefties never submit an acceptable reference or any reference at all except when you have been bested and are trying to cover. There are established rules about references. The New Republic is not acceptable. Anything that has a right or left bent needs to be offset by an opposite opinion and the two reconciled. Research compared!
@MarthannBann888 says
The first hand sources?
WHAT first hand sources???

Neither Trump nor Vance nor the right-wing media can come up with a SINGLE case of a pet killed by Haitians. Not a SINGLE case. If I'm wrong about this, Martha my dear, this is your chance to prove it and rub my nose in it.

Meanwhile, here are the facts on Miss Sassy.
A Vance spokesperson on Tuesday provided The Wall Street Journal with a police report in which a resident had claimed her pet might have been taken by Haitian neighbors. But when a reporter went to Anna Kilgore’s house Tuesday evening, she said her cat Miss Sassy, which went missing in late August, had actually returned a few days later—found safe in her own basement.

Kilgore, wearing a Trump shirt and hat, said she apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile-phone translation app.
@ElwoodBlues @MarthannBann888 It's not like eating dog or duck is unheard of.
Adrift · 61-69, F
I love how depending on which media you watch one side is eituer all good or all bad.
The mayor said that he wanted "neither" side to come there.
I can put up with him if it means an improvement in the economy.

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