Why don’t you give all of us dummies a complete definition of a dictator including how BOTH the right and the left applies dictatorship in the conduct of their affairs.
For example, dictators prohibit free speech on the part of its citizens by means of claiming that their speech is hateful, by means that the opposition is dangerous, and by canceling the jobs of the opposition so they have no way to support themselves. It is the left that cancels people. It is Harris who claimed on tape last week that she was going to jail people who said “hate speech”. Said hate speech to be determined by her and her henchmen on the left. Offenders to be jailed. I saw the tape. It is the left that calls the right all types of names and denies access to economic opportunities.
All the things that you say we are, are in fact what you do.
DT has fulfilled the requirements to run for office. He has just as much RIGHT to be president as anyone else. If you try to deny him his legal rights, we will hunt you down, try you, and put you where you belong. You cannot deny a person his legal rights just because you believe your own lies little dictator, and are stupid enough to believe the vomit you spit out.
@MarthannBann888 I'm scared for my life because of the cats and dogs comment what if someone mistakes me as Haitian can you tell the difference between a black American and a Haitian?
No Harris is the dictator she right now can do the things she’s promised to do after the election, she has power right now and she’s not doing anything
Sneed, D. Trump is in trouble with republicans because he does not favor the 2025 project. I don’t know much about it, but Trump does not favor their stance on abortion. No one in the Republican Party favors dictating anything to anybody. We don’t cancel people. We don’t tell people what to do, and no one wants to take the time to tell people what to do. It’s you kkkdems who want to run everything. You are the dictators. You have always been dictators.
Sneed! You are too chicken to read a conservative opinion, why do you think you can comment on what conservatives want? You can say what some lying liberal says. But, you can’t say what we say. Until you can muster up the courage to read what we write and hear what we say, just be quiet! Unless you have something to add, you have nothing to add.