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Why do repubicans call democrats anti semites

When democrats are anti Netanyahu like many Israelis Netanyahu is as great as an obstcle to peace as Hamas.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
All Republicans have left is name calling. Usually in response to some serious commentary on policy or the personal or criminal failing of one of their "Heroes." There is no Republic platform left..😷
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Prison1203 Since you asked nicely, Yes. I wear progressive lenses. But you are correct. I should proof read better. I was used to having that done for me at work. 😷
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
Zionists go through great trouble trying to convince people that Israel is representative of Jews. It isn't.
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Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Netanyahoo is the sole reason why there is a war going on in the Levant. He funds Hamas and controls its leadership. The IDF controls the hostages and will periodically kill some to keep the war going.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@Diotrephes sources?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
Learn history. The Zionists are not hiding their agenda. Read their comments.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Prison1203 Diatribe doesn’t have sources to post, just gossip.
All I'm going to say is I saw a certain individual who spouted the usual extreme Pro Israel talking points........

But then hearted a meme of the racist image of a Jew rubbing his hands together.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic I'm not the slightest bit surprised.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
It comes down to the fact that they are bigots. They paint with a very broad brush, whether it be their political enemies, people of other ethnicities, members of non-Christian religions, etc. This is a direct result of their being simple-minded. (Please note that in this case, simple-minded doesn't mean stuріԁ. It just means simplistic in their thinking. Some very smart people I know are simple-minded.)

In a nutshell, here's what they think.

1. Israel is good. That is a given. It says so in the Bible.

2. Terrorism is bad. We all know this.

3. On October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists launched an attack on Israel.

4. Hamas is the de facto government of Palestine.

Pretend for a moment that you believe all four of those to be absolute, indisputable fact. Now also pretend that you have stopped gathering information at this point, and have reached a conclusion. The only conclusion you can reach at this point is that Israel = good, Palestine = bad.

Given this very simplistic conclusion, it's easy to see how these people would assume that anyone who disagrees with Netanyahu's campaign of genocide must hate Jews, because they are not accepting new information that might change their conclusion. Israel good. Palestine bad. If you like Palestine, you must hate Israel.
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Spotpot · 41-45, M
@ToddpicogramakaSatan Meaning you love smallpox.
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