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Polling 'Nostradamus' Calls US Election for Kamala Harris

Professor Allan Lichtmann predicts that Harris will win in November.

He's been right every single time since 1984, except for the time that the SCOTUS flipped Florida for GW Bush.

The only way Trump will win now is if the SCOTUS ignore the actual results and call the election for Trump.



That is all
JSul3 · 70-79
VOTE! Make his prediction come true!
I'd love to believe this, but I think Allan Lichtman is kind of a crank. His 13 keys aren't bad indicators, but that's all they are. The idea that Biden should have stayed in the race, that makes sense according to the keys, but that's because the keys don't acknowledge things like most people thinking Biden's brain is soup. The keys are also just a math equation, if you have 6 you get reelected. They ignore the fact that certain areas matter more than others. If the economy is good, but people think Biden can't physically do another four years, the economy being good doesn't matter.

So yeah, don't trust Lichtman, we're still the underdogs here.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
And isnt it tragic that we can even conceive of Scotus doing just that....?
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
You are biased taking subtle help of Nastradamus in playing your tactics.

We will see the results by ourselves.
JSul3 · 70-79
@DanielsASJ You are in for a big surprise.
Illyria · M
@DanielsASJ Ooh this comment is going to age badly 🤣
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Ynotisay · M
There's another component at play though. The only one that really matters. People voting.
Illyria · M
@Ynotisay Agreed. And yet the people voted exactly the way that Professor Lichtmann predicted every single time since 1984 (and again in 2000, but the SCOTUS stopped the count before it could be completed in Gore's favor).
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
I’m going to caution that there is another possibility: Lichtmann might just be wrong. His formula said Biden was a shoo-in for re-election, but does anyone still really believe that Biden was going to beat Trump this fall?

Besides, what’s he predicted, ten elections? In the grand scheme of things that’s a tiny sample size.

Of course I hope he’s right this time.
Illyria · M
@JPWhoo Well, we’ll never know whether Biden would have beaten Trump. But he is a history professor, and he did predict those ten elections by looking at how previous elections unfolded, and the historical data behind them.
talk about projection...

The only way Trump will win now is if the SCOTUS ignore the actual results and call the election for Trump.

☝this is why trump is so popular.. statements exactly like this after watching the biden DOJ/FBI the past 3 years.

how many times has biden ignored scotus this year alone?... 🍿
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akindheart · 61-69, F
what does SCOTUS have to do with the elections?
Illyria · M

Now the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity of the people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession.
Al Gore - December 13th 2000

Funny, it almost sounds as though he accepted it...?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Illyria then why the lawsuits
Illyria · M
@MasterLee Because he wanted to keep the count going. Once the SCOTUS stepped in, he accepted it. Unlike Trump who still hasn't accepted that he was defeated in a landslide in 2020 :)
Musicman · 61-69, M
What a dismal thought. ☹
Illyria · M
@Musicman No :)
Musicman · 61-69, M
@Illyria I didn't think so.
Illyria · M
@Musicman You'll find out, and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :)
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Illyria · M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

You said:

I defy anyone to post a coherent intelligent speech of hers.

Meanwhile, her electoral opponent has spent literal years spewing massive tornadoes of unintelligible word salad:

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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Illyria yes you are triggered.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Illyria trigger this
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@Patriot96 Sorry, he doesn't have a magnifying glass or a pair of tweezers.
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
Illyria · M
@MasterLee So you don't give a shit why FOX had to pay $787 million to Dominion. Figures.

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