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This is the supposed "radical far left" platform FOX and Trump would have you believe Kamala Harris is running on.

Does any of this sound radical to you?

Guaranteeing healthcare for all as a human right. They're talking about the ability of every one of us, regardless of income, to go to a doctor when we’re sick and not go bankrupt when we come out of the hospital. They're talking about the right to change jobs without fear of losing our healthcare.

The government using its bargaining power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs. They're talking about ending the absurdity of Americans paying, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.

Paid family and medical leave. A new mom and dad being able to spend the first few months with their newborn child without rushing back to work the next week. Being able to take care of a loved one who is sick without having to worry about missing a paycheck or losing a job.

Strengthening public education and childcare and paying teachers a decent salary. Making sure that all of our children, regardless of income, get the quality education they need to prepare themselves for the future.

Tuition free college. They're talking about the right of all Americans to get a higher education without leaving school with crushing debt. They're talking about the ability of the United States to have the kind of highly educated workforce that can compete effectively in a highly competitive global economy dominated by China.

The Green New Deal. This means creating millions of good-paying union jobs that will transform our energy system, protect us from climate change, and create a planet that is habitable for future generations – with less drought, famine, floods, extreme weather disturbances, disease and human suffering.

Raising the minimum wage to a living wage. They're talking about ending starvation wages and preventing people from having to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet for their families.

Strengthening and expanding social security. This is about making sure all seniors can retire and live out their lives with dignity.

Expanding Medicare to cover dental, hearing and vision. They’re talking about seniors being able to chew the food they eat, listen to the sound of their loved ones’ voices, and see the world around them.

Passing the Pro Act. This means giving working people the ability to exercise their constitutional right to organize unions against illegal, corporate opposition.

Ending Citizens United and moving toward public funding of elections. This is the need to protect our democracy and prevent billionaires, and their Super Pacs, from buying elections.

Making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. Simply saying that it is time we addressed the unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality that currently exists and end a regressive tax system that allows billionaires to have an effective tax rate lower than nurses or truck drivers.

This is a commonsense agenda, not a radical one.

Know what is radical?

A Republican party that wants more tax breaks for billionaires, massive cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, letting polluters destroy our planet and allowing drug companies to charge us whatever they want.


Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
Giving people the means to secure a better life and an actual retirement? Giving them the means to have an education?! Expecting the ultra rich to pay their fair share?!? Expecting more from politicians!?! That’s socialism! Or communism! Or Marxism! Or whatever else the talking heads tell us to be mad about! 😂
Convivial · 26-30, F
From a non American point of view you guys have a really interesting take on what constitutes the radical left lol.... These are what most people in the world call normal
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Convivial thats nice deary
@Patriot96 Yes, it is, and if you any ounce of true patriotism for the US of A, you'd try to understand how even Canada has much safer schools.
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dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Coming from a predominantly Union background from the Midwest, but now live in the Non-Union South, organizing Unions is not the problem. Here in the South, they've been told over and over again that Unions require you to Pay 50% to 75% of your Income each week in Union Dues. And when I tell them that I Have Never Paid More Than $5.00 per week in Union Dues from August 1982 to January 2008, I am called a Bold Face LIAR. Even when I can provide proof with previous Pay-Stubs (yes I still have quite a few), they still don't believe it.

Now when they say making the wealthy pay more in taxes, are they talking about eliminating all the Tax Deductions that the wealthy have and does it include ALL of the Wealthy here in the USA. Because the top 10 wealthiest Americans all donate huge sums of money to the Democrat Party which is a Huge Tax Deduction. Taylor Swift, Oprah, and Beyonce are very wealthy Democrat Donors.

Obamacare destroyed Healthcare here in the USA. FACT.

Paid family medical leave is already offered here in the USA. You just get 65% to 80% of your normal weekly pay depending on years of service.

The Green New Deal is costing us more than you'll realize. It'll be 50 to 75 years from now before we see any gains from it. Just think, you could be in your 70's before you get to reap the rewards of the Green New Deal. FACTS that people like you refuse to realize.
Now when they say making the wealthy pay more in taxes, are they talking about eliminating all the Tax Deductions that the wealthy have and does it include ALL of the Wealthy here in the USA. Because the top 10 wealthiest Americans all donate huge sums of money to the Democrat Party which is a Huge Tax Deduction. Taylor Swift, Oprah, and Beyonce are very wealthy Democrat Donors.

There's a reason why billionaires prefer Republicans. The Democrats actually do follow through on their promises when it comes to raising taxes on the rich.

Obamacare destroyed Healthcare here in the USA. FACT.

How? Most people who have the ACA like it.

The Green New Deal is costing us more than you'll realize.

We don't have the Green New Deal yet.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 Yes. Fascism is a combination of Communism and Capitalism. That's how that works. 😝
Wow, bringing the US in line with more of its allies...how novel.
Jokersswild · 22-25
I won't hold my breath. Obama had a Senate full of Democrats, and a majority Democrat House and couldn't get it passed.
Most of this would just catch up the USA to where the rest of the developed world has been since the 60s.
Do Americans still imagine you shouldn't be radical leftists? I imagine they do. Let's agree that means they're not humanist and not ready for democracy. And nobody can survive them.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Radical, the good kind like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the 90s would say.

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Fox count on its viewers believing the headline and not reading the fine print. Of course, since the are FOX viewers, they are usually right about that..😷
American Avenger is downvoting every post that doesn't support the worst president in American history: Donald Trump.
Illyria · M
@SW-User He's welcome :) He's going to be downvoting almost EVERY post come November 6th, once Trump is utterly obliterated 😂
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Nice try bunky. Its pie in the sky, just rhetoric
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
@Patriot96 Just like Mexico paying for that big, beautiful wall, or the replacement for Obamacare, amirite?
@sunsporter1649 We wish.
The US rightwing (and really, the resurgent global far right populist wave) is utterly brainwashed, and in their universe the sun rises in the west, up is down, 2+2=5, etc. etc. ....
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Theyitis · 36-40, M
@Stereoguy What isn’t doable?
Illyria · M
@Stereoguy So very many countries in the world already do this, and there's no 75% tax rate in sight (although a lot of people would welcome that for people earning over, say $10 million a year.
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