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We need Trump to make America great again Now!

Trump can fix this mess!

LadyGrace · 70-79
Absolutely and if Trump doesn't make it in office, we can kiss this country goodbye. But he will win, unless the Dems do something drastic, which I suspect they will because they've always been sneaky and underhanded and will do anything to win the election, and I mean anything. They'll be sure to drum up some type of disease that will keep people from going to the polls or cause a war.
@LadyGrace You're delusional
LadyGrace · 70-79
@independentone no more than you
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Northwest · M
Your troll algorithm is broken. You already posted this, and deleted it along with the responses.

The DOW soared 2.1% the day after President Biden was elected to nearly 27,500. It continued going up in anticipation, to close over 30,000 on his inauguration day, closing at an all-time high of over 30,000.

More recently the DOW hit highs of over 40,000.

The DOW closed over 39,000 on Friday.

There will be some moments of volatility as inflation control measures take root, but we have the best economy in the world.

Posting in all-caps does not make it fact. It makes it hysterical, especially that the President does not really dictate the course of the stock market.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Amen to that!!
carpediem · 61-69, M
The most dangerous time in my life.

He will always be chicken little

The economy has been doing fine. The stock market fluctuates on fear, innuendo, whispers. The gains or losses mean nothing until you actually cash out some stocks.

He never had historically LOW levels of UNemployment; he had historically HIGH levels of UNemployment.
black4white · 56-60, M
If the stock market was at let’s say 30k 4 years ago and is now at 38k how is that crashing …please explain?

We had the worst president in the history of USA by all ratings and NOT hearsay in Orangeman and only his minions and Jim jones type followers love him but please explain?

Orangeman is a proven cheat…sex offender…unfaithful husband…and a 34 count convicted felon…if ANY other person was like this would you still think they are so innocent?
gol979 · 41-45, M
What is he going to do? Lock her up? Release the epstein files? Drain the swamp (he has a peter thiel puppet as vp this time round)?

Or maybe he will lock you all down, print trillions of inflation creating "money", forced operation warp speed covid injections, illegal war. He is the same as the blue team.

Seems like the red team are going to fall for it again
Carla · 61-69, F
Cool. Tell us all how.
Vengabus · 36-40
If it was going to happen he would have managed it last time AND won the election. But he didn't, did he.
Vengabus · 36-40
@RepublicanDad I don‘t hate trump, I don’t like him but I’d never waste as much energy on him as to hate him
Vengabus · 36-40
@AmericanAvenger booooooo
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Dave1955 · 61-69, M
AmericanAvenger · 56-60, M
@Dave1955 Russia waited until Trump was gone to attack Ukraine; Putin got richer through oil when Biden killed US energy independence that Trump created. With more money, Putin was in a better position to attack.
Name one thing that Trump did that benefited Russia during his 4 years as POTUS
Sevendays · M changed the all caps.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
@JamesBugman President Donald Trump campaigned as a billionaire businessman and champion of the working class with the economic prowess and deal-cutting skills that politicians in Washington, D.C., lacked. He gave us jobs back and given the horrible mess he inherited from the Democratic party, he pulled us through to new heights. I guess you would rather have Biden who allowed all the fugitives, prisoners, and rapists into our borders that destroyed our country. Anybody who would re-elect somebody like that or even support the Democratic party, has to be pure blind and out of their mind if they think Biden or Obama brought us prosperity.

On the campaign trail, Trump was laser-focused on bringing back manufacturing and mining jobs, renegotiating trade deals. The Biden administration has been nothing but an embarrassment to Americans. No world leader takes him seriously and has laughed at us.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@LadyGrace The mining you are referring to was in National Parks. Manufacturing was a dream, when he shut down the China connection companies were forced to do things themselves. Now that is not bad on one level, however it may be the #1 cause of WW3 which is almost upon us. Trump is the devil for America, and will (likely has already) destroy it. He certainly will do his best with a second term. You call him a businessman.. I call him a scam artist. He cannot be trusted to do anything fair or justified. He is a loose cannon of the worst kind because he has money and lots and lots of blind followers.
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