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Why do Americans want another trump presidency he was voted out in 2020 so why do Americans want a convicted felon back

Docdon23 · M Best Comment
most Americans do not want trunp and never did--even when he was elected he got fewer votes

Richard65 · M
Because Trump voters, despite their claims of patriotism, wholly misunderstand what America is actually supposed to stand for. Through hatred, greed, bigotry and racism, they've twisted that original vision into a kind of diseased Manifest Destiny that's the black mirror version of what it was supposed to appear like. You might say most of American history has been a process of catastrophic failure to match that initial ideal. Perhaps it was impossible to begin with, taking into account the foibles of human nature. Trump is a caricature of all of that. It's like a horrible satire that was accidentally taken seriously and embraced by half the adult population, whilst the rest of the civilised world looks on, aghast.
Richard65 · M
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Richard65 I didn't realise predator was subversive until I was an adult.
Northwest · M
@Burnley123 Only movie featuring two future Governors.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
He has a base who will vote for him no matter what

I'm not American but I've read a lot of their comments

Also, a lot of swing voters are going for trump because:

1) Biden. It's hard to make the case that Trump is a uniquely terrible candidate when the Democrats President has such obvious major cognitive decline

2) The economy. Trump is seen as good on this. I don't agree and Trump was just lucky that the start of his Presidency coincided with a cyclical upturn. Nonetheless, trump is credited for this.

3) Trump's criminal convictions and charges are swen as partisan issues or as not important by most Americans

4) Most Americans underestimate Trump's potential threat to US democracy
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BLP11520 · 61-69, M
People don’t get it at all. Democrats want to keep power. They do not care about you a bit. Republicans are now for the working men and women.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@BLP11520 Yea, the working people.. mine the national parks, that creates jobs. More oil in the arctic, never mind about the eskimos that have lived there for centuries. As long as it creates jobs, then it's OK. The guy has no sense whatsoever, a planet destroyer.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@BLP11520 not women, just the white male unfortunately.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Its like the mad dog that gets kicked. People take pity on him, not thinking about the consequences when he turns and bites them. They think everything is a lie because that is what Trump tells them. They believe his lies as truth. It is a very strange time in American history, that so many can be brainwashed, and so quickly.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@JamesBugman It's because he gives them permission to hate, permission to oppress, permission to betray, and permission to either abandon or pervert every principle of decency.

and he does it with fear.

He avoids details because they lead to worry. With trump there are never any details. Unspecified threats make people anxious, and that is much more effective.

Once people are anxious, once he has created a feeling of unspecified impending doom, he tells them that he, and he alone, can make the fear go away.
He, and he alone, can take away the anxiety that he, and he alone, created.

All they need to offer is unquestioning obedience
JustDJ76 · 46-50, M
@JamesBugman I’ve never spoken to Trump so he hasn't told me anything. I have however had my eyes open for the past 4 years and I’ve seen all that has taken place under President Biden and that’s why I’m voting for Trump again. I voted for every other presidential candidate with a (R) beside their name too before him. As a matter of fact, I’ve always voted Republican since I’ve been able to vote. And do you want to know why? It’s my right as an American citizen.
Trump's base of lunatics are the only ones who want Donny John back, but that 30% may be enough to win, Biden doesn't seem to have much of a base at all, and people like me won't vote for either Trump or Biden, we just won't vote this time around.
@MaBalzEsHari I'm tired of having to vote between the one that is less evil, or not as bad, I have no use for the extremes from either party, and sadly, it's the extremes that seem to be in control.
I don't like the far left progressives just as I don't like the far right maga types. Both are extreme and I can't support either side.
@independentone Then whatever you get.......you deserve. Your complaints are a moot point. If you dreally don't see a difference between each side you just want to complain
@MaBalzEsHari 🤷‍♂️
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
Those of you that don't vote are letting democracy slide into the wrong hands

In a democratic country you quite often have to vote and support the lessor of the evils,

ID is necessary to ensure that actual citizens are voting instead if non citizens,

the vote itself should be secret, but who votes needs to be actual registered citizens.
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
He’s part of the old boys club. Older white men want to keep their dominance!
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@MaBalzEsHari I agree about most. I’m probably one of the few Boomers that realizes it’s not my world anymore. Time to pass the torch. It all sounds logical and I’m on your side. I am always cautious talking about Trump as he defies logic!
@Handfull1 He defies many things. Like how racists can a politican be before the people say OMG....ENOUGH! How immoral is too immoral? How corrupt is too corrupt? How vulgar and lying and low class is too much to swallow?

The problem is every envelope he presses is the wrong kind for a human being to be. His supporters revel in what he does and says.....which speaks to their own character......but they are not America. They are a cult.... .and cults are never mainstream majorities.
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HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Because they don't want Biden. Duh!

For me I don't vote, they ask for ID and its not a secret anymore
Polls show Americans don't want Trump again. The internet is privatized and billionaires own it.
Guardian · 56-60, M
The 64 Million Dollar Q!
Some don't question why the only platform a guy has is hate & fear.

If someone only is selling hate and fear--why is that guy/gal on the street buying it?
I guess being names as the Worst President in History of the United States once just wasn't enough fort the cult.
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@TheBannibalOne he failed at building the wall the first time!! And Mexico didn’t pay for it.

Next reason?
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Handfull1 Pfft, because people like you opposed it and said it was racist. Are you in favor of the massive amounts of illegals currently entering our country unchecked?
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@Patriot96 The only ones that dont belive the truth after 100 failed court challenges....and 4 years of evidence emerging of who the actual cheaters were.....trump and his crime ring...phony electors and more now up on RICO charges for federal election tampering....is you and your cult. But then.....you are in the cult. So its your job to be misinformed and happy about that.

Trump used sucker money to conduct 4 separate investigations into "cheating"and in all cases his own teams findings resulted in indictments of Republicans who his investigations pointed fingers at for cheating inadvertently. His own lawyer in Arizona.....and that led to the phony electors scheme in Arizona being uncovered. Then like dominoes in 4 other states. Trump not backing down on his own lie has hung a ton of Republicans who might never have been found out otherwise. When trump investigated.......Dems watched him in the scope of what you all wanted. . "transparency ".......and that is what got trumpers indicted. You can't even make this stuff up. FUNNY, huh?
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

Whi is “Pedo Pete”?

Only one candidate is on record as being s*xually attracted to his daughter:

We know that that individual for less than 81 million votes. The one who did cleared over 60 lawsuits trying to block his legitimate electoral victory because the federal judges hearing this cases (a number of whom were appointed by Trump) needed more concrete evidence than “Trust me, Bro!” to rule that any irregularity had occured.

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