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It amuses me when i hear people defend social inequality

As "economics " and "human nature ". Its almost that these people think economy and human nature are static
Or the absurdity of using a naturalist argument to justify an artificial construct like the economy.
I did because that is the typical response of Ancap types.
Wrong. You did it because you could not answer my question.
And then you doubled down that claiming being anti capitalist means wanting to do away with economics entirely.
Point to where I said that. I never did, outside of your fevered imagination. You stated that it was ridiculous to use a naturalist argument to justify the existence of an economy at all. I have proven that with screenshots. You have proven nothing, except that you are capable of lying.
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Entwistle · 56-60, M
Society should just produce goods and services then distribute them,let people go collect what they need.
Money is a form of control.
redredred · M
@Guitarman123 I’m fully capable, I’ve out thought you. You think companies are owned by some Scrooge McDuck character when in reality most every large company is owned by common, ordinary stockholders.
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redredred · M
The Soviet Union pretty much proved human nature doesn’t change. The spent seventy years and forty million murders trying to change human nature and failed.
redredred · M
@Guitarman123 I’m sorry, no sale. King Lear speaks to me about pride, parental love, sibling rivalry, dementia, regret, and the ravages of age. Twain tells me about human vanity, the inherent humor of ignorance and human reaction to a wide open wilderness.

Human nature is unchanged in any important respect since the days of cave paintings. I do understand that one of the main (illusory) braces of Marxism is the supposed infinite mutability of the human being but every such experiment has failed. We are what we are and to try to prove otherwise leads to the gulags.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@redredred monarchy is an absolute load of silly nonsense. Charles darwin even said that humans are social creatures who thrive of interaction with our fellow man. Hierarchy is just a socal construct in order to keep people under control. Unfortunately people like you fall for it because they've convinced you that "human nature " is all about Hierarchy, selfishness and greed.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@redredred humanity of the caveman days is nothing like now. To think it is is to have a severe basic education on how the world and culture works
Without Communism you have to let people fester. The opposing force to this capitalism was communism. Americans killed it.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
It's a flawed ideology.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@Zonuss All ideologies are flawed.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@Entwistle Flawed yes. But that doesn't mean we should be treated unequally.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@Zonuss Agreed.
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Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Reason10 no one economist thinks the same. We are all as good and as bad as each other. Some just have certain strengths in some fields more than other's
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Guitarman123 I never said hard work equal success. (Try to pay attention in class, son. No wonder you're flunking all your grades.)
You can work 15 hours a day in the hot sun making mud pies. And your long hard work would be totally worthless.

Most self made billionaires (like Trump and Musk) ARE smarter than you and me. (Most downs syndrome kids are smarter than you.)

The silver spoon in the mouth model is OBAMA, a Muslim who had a rich father. And his skin color got him elected to public office he was IN NO WAY qualified for. I'm not saying there is ZERO silver spooning. Obama is proof of that.

If you ENVY the rich, your life sucks. PERIOD. You're a loser.
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