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Democrats Have Gone Full Soviet

Comrade just had a bad night. Comrade had a slight cold. Comrade had a touch of jet lag. Comrade needs a bit more sleep.

Mark June 27th as the date on which the Union of Soviet Socialist Reprobates (USSR) officially became the second major political party in America.

Comrade Biden had a cold on that debate stage that night in the same way Comrade Brezhnev had a cold in 1982.

Comrade Biden had a bad night in the same way that Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton did in the summer of 1972 as George McGovern’s Vice-Presidential running mate when it was reported he had bouts with depression and had been treated with electroshock therapy. Concerned that a recurrence could jeopardize national security in the event Eagleton had to step in as POTUS, McGovern replaced him. That was back when Democrats placed importance on such concerns about the country.

None of these instances were bad nights nor were they cases of the sniffles. They were instead, as was Biden’s, an indication that the prospect of having a “good night” was behind them.

Now that the echo chamber has eroded, the suspension of disbelief needs a new toehold.

So comes the compliant DC press corps full of faux skeptics and replacement theorists buying time for the party’s General Secretary to regain his footing with a series of wholly unpersuasive public acts dutifully interpreted through his chief misinformation officers.

A little less foreign travel. A little bit more sleep. A few more vitamins. And Bidenmania is ready to run wild on you, MAGAworld.
Very well stated!

Denial is a river running through DNC headquarters. Democrats have been lying to the public about Biden's cognitive decline since it became apparent during his 2020 campaign. All the king's horses and all the king's men can't put Joepedo's brain back together again.
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Wol62 · 51-55, M
@soar2newhighs But you made the claim. Did you just make it up?
@BohemianBabe What do you think? I made it up or it’s true.
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Wol62 · 51-55, M
@HoraceGreenley Adjusted for inflation, federal spending per person has grown from $4,333 in 1965 to $19,594 in 2023. Additional Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, St. Louis Federal Reserve.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@HoraceGreenley % of GDP that is government spending in the US - 37%
...and in China it's 34%.
That's a little strange...
PatKirby · M
Perhaps all is not lost as many abandoned all hope in the Mumbler in Chief and are coming to their senses. 😆

AbbySvenz · F
At least credit the guy you stole the screed from: https://amgreatness.com/2024/07/06/democrats-have-gone-full-soviet/
trollslayer · 46-50, M

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