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Should Kamala Harris become POTUS,

Are you ready for the new woke liberal America?
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout you do realize that every single attempt by the MAGAs to show illegal voter activity in the 2020 election failed, except in the few occasions in which pro-Trump actions were actually discovered.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout That ballot isn't marked correctly so it wouldn't count.
Just a change of jockeys on the same horse.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Nothing would change. Biden really isn’t running the country. Harris wouldn’t either.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@carpediem who do you think is? Certainly not the huge corporations that provide the revenue stran to MAGA and benefitted most from the tax decrease in 2017.
carpediem · 61-69, M


I benefitted from Trump's tax breaks. I'm not a huge corporation. Get a life pal. Surely Biden isn't making the decisions. Even the most left of the wacko lefties are finally acknowledging he's unfortunately mentally compromised. It happens to some people. You tell me who's holding the strings on this puppet. I'd like to know. But of course you don't know either. You'll just spout off on some nutty leftist talking point.
Onasander · 41-45, M
I doubt much would change.

Some elections the person you want in wins, and in other elections they lose. I think Joe Biden is so out of it Kamala and Joe's cabinet has mlre than usual say. I just don't know exactly how much say she has over policy and the other cabinet members won't automatically be booted out day one.... at least not most of them, so it would be a lengthy transition period with the same people from Biden making the decisions as jnder Kamala.

I suspect she is a bit more of a war hawk and conservative and cares even less about human rights than Joe so we might get more wars, but she is also a career lawyer so I'd expect the Department of State to be causing most of these oversea wars in hair splitting legal issues rather than Joe just bumbling into another war and not knowing what is going on.

Like, War won't break out between the US and China under Biden. I follow alot of Chinese and maritime news. It's not happening, Joe doesn't pay enough attention to asia and especially not Taiwan, and Joe is corrupt enough to be bought off by the CCP. Kamala might actually read the fine legal print of the US Filipino Defense Treaty and actually enforce it when they ask us to. She might actually back Taiwan if she buys into the TSMC arguments we need to defend Taiwan at all costs or destroy TSMC if China successfully invades Taiwan. But a lawyer is no military strategists so I don't expect her to see farther than the initial evaluation of the bottom line of what benifits America and Kamala in the next election. She doesn't appear to be able to think that many steps ahead so as to create a coherent statecraft that fulfills our treaty obligations will preventing major wars from erupting. She's the woman who enslaved minority prisoners keeping them in jail past their sentence time to work in penal fire departments. That's how I expect her bottom line calculations to pan out. Just disasterous consequences after the initial reasoning has passed.

But I don't know how much she will be like Secretary of State Hillary after being screamed at for years not to do stuff, she would do stuff and then say years later apologetically they had no idea that it would happen. Kamala did say one of her backfires was a courageous decision but I don't knkw how much of that was pushed on her by Biden's team.

Alot of unknowns. Just doesn't look good.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Onasander why do you suggest that POTUS is going to be bought off by CCP? What evidence is there? As to military strategy, we are now in an era on which many of not most, politicians have had no military experience. We have to hope that whoever is president surrounds themselves with good people. If you look at the history of the last 50 years, one administration stands out above all for most indicted, convicted, pleaded guilty or resigned in disgrace.
Onasander · 41-45, M
@samueltyler2 Yeah, and those convictions were purely politically motivated. It's why the Democrats are doing so badly right now, because everyone in the republic saw what was happening, knew it was banana republic stunts performed by the democrats, and now a hardcore democratic loyalist has no choice but to either stand by those lies and support Joe Biden, or abandon Joe Biden hoping a new Democratic candidate can be elected and wash their hands of the kangaroo court trials the democrats have been persuing the last few years.

And Biden certainly has been bought off by the CCP. Instead of asking for a endless list of specifics, where you would just dodge or try hopelessly to refute, I recommend you just follow a few free to access news channels. Best is China In Focus via NTD News (New Tang Dynasty News). They are part of the White House Press Core, have a actual television channel and associate with the Newspaper Epoch Times which has been around for decades:

The other is China Uncensored and also their longer podcast China Unscripted:

They are based out of New York, and both have ties to Fulan Gong, started by refugees and survivors of the Chinese Genocide. China Uncensored did a fantastic job covering Super Tuesday's elections staying the most unbiased and neutral of any news agency I watched, but their reporting over Biden's corruption in regards to china and also hunter biden has been a fixation, as well as Biden in regards to Taiwan, the Phillipines, India and alot of other issues. They do note when Biden clamps down on China but it is usually superficial and he caves in massively in other areas. Basically Joe sucks with China. The cases are too numerous to recount, if you are interested just start watching now.

Other fun channels like ADVChina exist, they are less news Channels in terms of policy but exposing China, but they get ticked kff by leftist arguments supporting China (left supports China more than the right currently, that could change in the future). CCP heavily models it's foriegn policy off Leftist arguments. If the left attacks the government on something, China does so too and twists it when reporting it to their own people (China owns most all media in China). They do it a bit with the right but not so much, as they have less material to use and the right is more patriotic. But it's channels like that you'll see crazy stuff like news stories on a guy dressed up like The Monkey King (a famous fictional chinese literary character) being forcefed thousands of food items each day. This pis is from that story, I share it alot, cracks me up.

You also have a number of chinese oriented news channels discussing chinese foreign trade, and they have increasingly been critical of Biden vs Trump, but they try hard to come off as unbiased because they cater to a business crowd.

Human Rights channels absolutely detest Biden. Freedom of religion. Anything to do with Taiwan or South Korea or Japan or India/Quad relations. Alot of coverage of buden family corruption in relation to China.

You literally gotta live in a very small, ignorant liberal bubble to miss on this topic. I get it if you know nothing on China at all, but if you think Biden is doing well on China and consider yourself well informed, you are in a minority. Most are revolted by China. Unless you are a CCP Stooge, in which case you support Biden. China supports Biden too, but it appears they are resigned to seeing Trump back in office. Xi Jingping collapsed the economy during the extended covid lockdowns and faces further Trump tariffs once Trump gets back in, but they saw the writing was on the wall months ago.

So I recommend you study up. No time like the present. Great links above.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Onasander wow, you are of the belief that if you write a lot, you will seem smart and argue a point well. That isn't the case, it needs st shows how off the wall you really are.

You really agree with the conspiracy theory people and see the prosecutions as political. Well, good for you. But, 2 grand juries felt thereb as sufficient evidence to try and potential ally convict. One set of charges was tried before a jury of peers who voted unanimously to convict.

Do you really not believe that he has committed numerous crimes? How do you defend the actual actions, without saying the charges are all political?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
I would give ANYTHING if that Nazi Democrat party would just 25th Amendment UNELECTED JOE and put Kamala The Ugandan Giant up against Trump.
That would be an even BIGGER landslide for LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP.
Northwest · M
I would give ANYTHING if that Nazi Democrat party would just 25th Amendment UNELECTED JOE and put Kamala The Ugandan Giant up against Trump.
That would be an even BIGGER landslide for LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP.

MAGA. Disillusion. Another reminder that using all caps doesn't mean you're saying is factual.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Please explain to me what you believe "Woke" is, and how it violates anyone's Constitution Rights, or violates the Constitution outright in it's ideas and expectations.
RipCord · 61-69, M
I think the whole woke thing goes way beyond liberalism.

It's more in line with Obama's "fundamental transformation of the United States of America" plan which seems to have become a Progressive Marxism-happy, hellbent quest to remake the nation from the ground up from every angle.

I don't think it will ever succeed for the sake of respecting the American citizenry, but I do believe it may succeed for the destruction of it as Americans have recognized it.

The "woke" part of the population of the USA obviously despises the mere essence of even the thought of a Constitutional representative republic existing anywhere on the globe. Sad to witness such anti-USA aggression within the homeland....At least Obama is loving every minute of it.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@RipCord you are, but you do display a certain amount of being a bigot. How do you blame woke fir breakdown of family, whatever that even is. You generalize from faulty impression.
RipCord · 61-69, M
@samueltyler2 If you don't know by mere observation of what and who is behind "woke" mindsets for fundamentally flipping common sense on its head, then that is your problem, sir.

Reply with whatever you wish, or do not reply again.

I will not return another reply.

Hope you Independence Day is a great one.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@RipCord you just re-enforced your buy in to debunked theories.

i fear this could be our last independence day!
If she becomes the POTUS, it would be wise to watch the Russians, Chinese, Iranians ( their proxies too) to see how her stepping into the Oval Office will IMO emboldens them.
@samueltyler2 Not necessarily. You may feel she has the capacity to be POTUS. I do not. We have seen her in the office of VP, but, “ any opponent” at least in her party, yet to be tested.,
It may well depend on the actions of the Biden camp. His staying or stepping down
Is clear as mud. We don’t know.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@soar2newhighs Either way, she is still one seat away from the presidency. The choice now we have for POTUS is terrible, a mad man verses an old man with some memory problems.
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Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
Yes, far more ready for that than an imperial presidency under the orange narcissist who finds laws and the Constitution inconvenient to his authoritarian preferences.
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Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
@Reason10 clearly 🙄 how else could i have a different opinion than you or your fellow MAGAites?
Madmonk · M
It’s not going to matter 🙄. They want their Great War and they will get it regardless. It’s silly to pretend they aren’t all in on it. Yes even Trump.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Madmonk who is the 'they?"
RedBaron · M
@Madmonk Who are “they?”
What's the difference? The 'new' woke America has been flourishing for 30 years. Kamala, Michelle, Newsome, or whichever figurehead appointed will be shoved into a big reclining chair, told to shut up, sign and say whatever those in charge tell her to sign and say.

"They're not coming after me, they're coming after YOU. I'm just in their way."
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@NoThanksLeon me and my ilk? you are involved in a cult, you better wake up to that, so maybe you can wake up before it is too late. Have you read anything about the 2025 plan?
@samueltyler2 Even with all of your accusations, labels, insult attempts, links, and other diversions, you still can't show me.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@NoThanksLeon enjoy your life.
I haven't been a fan of Harris, but at the moment, I think old Joe should step down, he just isn't capable any longer and let Kamala be President for the rest of his term.
At least that way, the country would have some idea what type of President she would be come November and the country votes.
Northwest · M
Gee and I thought you MAGAs are calling for state rights. So, as far as you're concerned, it's OK when it comes to abortion, gun, schools, etc. but not OK when it comes to what some states decide to do when it comes to make sure there is no discrimination?
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
No she is old wrinkle prune, just like the rest of the rest bought and paid for.

What USA needs is a young 30-45 year old independent with no party affiliation of any kind.

But that will never happen, because they will be killed, anyone that stands up against the established will be killed.

You take their money, do what they say and brainwash the public and you get to live.

Trump and Biden are both on the same side working for the same people. But people so brainwashed to even look into it.

They Have Agenda's You Wouldn't Want To Know Them. Because if you did, you would automatically denied it in disbelief.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
She would travel the world and gain her presidential knee pads to all the world leaders, except maybe the German chancellor or whatever she is called
Ynotisay · M
Well, she's not close to being a liberal but that aside.
Question MAGA. What the hell are you so afraid of?
Fear MUST be a huge part of your life. And given your age it's probably too late for you to man up and grow a pair so what is it dude? What is it that SCARES you so much.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Ynotisay my error, I thought you had.
Ynotisay · M
@samueltyler2 No sir. Wouldn't do that to you. And I appreciate you letting me know.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Ynotisay I am a reasonable person, i consider myself socially more liberal, but decidedly conservative fiscally, and environmentally.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
What happens when you rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic?
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
"Congrats Kamala! What's your focus for the U.S.?

Harris:" "
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Make that dangerous dog prez. The one that bit everyone.
@Spoiledbrat Same. Vote for her anyway to stop Project 2025.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Spoiledbrat hate is a very strong word, what has she done to you?
What does "woke" mean?
Corporalcolleague · 61-69, M
@BohemianBoo they don't know...just a word they can use with a sneer about anything that challenges their narrow minded world view

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