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Gov. Newsom Attempts To Blame “Conservatives And Delusional California Bashers” For State’s Obvious Decline

California, once known as the Golden State and the beacon for talented people who wanted to live the American dream, is now known mainly as the high-tax, crime-ridden hellhole from which those who have the resources or opportunity to flee do so frequently. California Governor Gavin Newsom, speaking about his state in a recent speech, blamed not his policies and the far left’s refusal to tackle crime, but rather “conservatives and delusional California bashers” for the decline.

Particularly, Governor Newsom claimed, during the nearly 30-minute “State of the State” speech, that it is forces on the far-right who are “threatening the very foundation of California’s success.” Continuing, he added that the culture in California is “the antidote to the poisonous populism of the Right, and to the fear and anxiety that so many people are feeling today.”

Claiming that California is under attack from the right, not its own policies, Gov. Newsom said, “The California way of life we recognize is under attack.” He added, “For conservatives and delusional California bashers, their success depends on our failure. They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful, as a tactic to turn America toward a darker future.”

Continuing, he claimed that those destroying California are doing so in the false name of “liberty,” saying, “They do so in the name of ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom.’ They want to roll back social progress, social justice, racial justice, economic justice, clean air, clean water, and basic fundamental fairness. They would cleave America from the principles of freedom and the rule of law. And in the process, throw our economy and, in many respects, society as we’ve known it, into chaos.”

Governor Newsom also, during the speech, wildly claimed that the GOP desire for the government to at least attempt to deport illegal immigrants is reminiscent of Hitler, saying, “When they speak of immigrants poisoning American blood, and of mass deportations and detention camps, this is the language of destruction — of 1939.”

He also bizarrely claimed that California is one of the toughest crime states in the union, saying, “This is because, in California, we take public safety seriously. We take it as a problem to solve, not just to flog on cable news. While it’s true that California has among the toughest felony theft thresholds in the nation, we will do more to go after professional theft rings more forcefully.”

Obviously smokin too much of that stuff he legalized
graphite · 61-69, M
No way Newsom will take personal responsibility for the mess the state is in. California Democrats blame Republicans - who hold no public offices and have no power - for the mess.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Another clueless Biden/Harris/Pelosi clone. Those three, along with Newsom, are kings and queens of the US political fertilizer industry.
He s the chief executive of his state. Such as the purpose of a ship’s Captain, you need to know the hazards of your journey, lest you sink.
You as a governor are ultimately responsible for the well being of your state and its citizens.
Typical leftist projection. It obviously works on their drones who parrot the narrative.
AbbeyRhode · F
He shovels it almost as well as his idol, Traitor Joe. 🐂💩
PatKirby · M

He obviously learned from the best. Now if Newscum can pull a Biden by acting incompetent he's home free and skate on any responsibility.
If it’s not Russians or trump.. the 3rd door can only be conservatives
carpediem · 61-69, M
Also….he has no dick. So there’s that.
redredred · M
California is what they mean when they talk about unintended consequences. Oddly I’m not sure all this destruction is unintended.
@redredred It's all planned, they're courting unrest so that a civil war does start, they're most likely assuming they'll win by the films they put out, Civil War by Studio A24 being the latest. In reality they won't last one month, most are too scared of weapons, and second, they won't have the military or law enforcement on their side.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I do wonder how he would deal w states rights as president , especially if that state was Florida or Texas. After all , he DID set the precedent.
True. But Gavin is pretty conservative too, so he's also to blame.
Musicman · 61-69, M
He is so dillusional that this actually made me laugh. 😂😂😂
When I was in Redding, NorCal for four months in 2013, there was an active and popular petition drive for the counties north and east of Sacramento to join the counties of Oregon south of Eugene to form the State of Jefferson.
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