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Presidential Immunity

He wanted to change the term limits - most likely he will win - he will change the 22nd amendment and Congress will back him up. Is this Country is headed for dictatorship??
because throwing all your political opponents in jail isnt a dictatorship?

you TDS ppl are too insufferable..
SDavis · 56-60, F

It was New York's intention to prosecute Trump even when he was president - long before Biden was elected.

The people you listed as well as many others go to the White House and keep President Biden up on issues ....

They don't need Biden's okay to prosecute.

Garland is the attorney general of the United States

Jack Smith, special counsel - Trump incited an insurrection.... That is treasonous against the democracy of this country. Trump breaks laws........ If Obama had done it you would be calling for him to be buried under the White House...... Trump lied about having illegal documents and tried to conceal them.

People you named _ they are under Biden _ they report to Biden _ they inform Biden_ THAT STILL DOES NOT MEAN PRESIDENT BIDEN INITIATED ANY PROSECUTION DONE TOWARDS TRUMP.

A honest adult or even a child would know the difference. Then say I'm trying to avoid answering the question - I'm pointing out who is prosecuting him.

Quite frankly Americans and the majority of the world all knew a US president is immune to prosecution - that information was completely released in 2020 and it would come to naught.

Think what you want - no skin off of me.
Anything the people I gave all the people that prosecuted Trump. And it was New York's intention to do it even when he was president - long before Biden was elected.

And it was New York's intention to do it even before Trump was charged with anything...there, fixed it for you.

They don't need Biden's okay to prosecute.
Would they if Biden said "don't do it"? No...they wouldn't, would they? Hmmm 🤔

Garland is the attorney general of the United States finally got one right. Lemme toss you a fish 🐟

Jack Smith, special counsel - Trump incited an insurrection....
Jack Smith was illegally appointed by Garland, and it's so weird that liberals say "insurrection" millions of times a day, and yet, not one individual has been charged with insurrection. Can you explain that?

And guess what else...SCOTUS ruled that the J6 protestors were charged with felonies under a statute that doesn't apply to them.. Now hundreds of J6 convictions are going to be overturned. Idiots like you have been cheering on these convictions and are too blind to see the injustice. You should be sorry and asking for forgiveness.

If Obama had done it you would be calling for him to be buried under the White House.
No...burying Ibama under the WH would be too good for him...burial sea, aka, flushing down the toilet like a dead goldfish is more than enough. The real insurrection happened in Nov. Of 2020 when the election was stolen. Don't think that Obama isn't complicit and off the hook...there is no statute of limitations on treason.

Trump lied about having illegal documents and tried to conceal them.
No he didn't. He worked with the FBI to secure the docs. They knew exactly what he had, and was entitled to take them as he declassified everything under the presidential records act. Biden, on the other hand, took documents as a Senator, and again as VP. Clearly illegal, but Hur said he was incompetent to stand trial.

People you named _ they are under Biden _ they report to Biden _ they inform Biden_ THAT STILL DOES NOT MEAN PRESIDENT BIDEN INITIATED ANY PROSECUTION DONE TOWARDS TRUMP.
Maybe you don't understand how life actually works. If your subordinate does something wrong, you are still held to account for their actions. Biden knew what they were using lawfare to go after Trump...he approved it and is as guilty as they are.

A honest adult or even a child would know the difference
You don't know the difference, so what does that say about you?

Quite frankly Americans and the majority of the world all knew a US president is immune to prosecution
And yet when it went to the SCOTUS, Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson...all your commie brethren on the court, voted in the minority.

You've got Long TDS.

So, what are you going to do when the 34 felonies are all reversed on appeal, Trump gets re-elected, and the leftist ilk pack up, leave the country and go into hiding? Are you going to cry and say you're heading off to Canada, but never leave?
SDavis · 56-60, F

Frankly I couldn't care less I'm not the one sending Trump money, he's been campaigning for 4 years and people has been continually sending him money.

I'm not the one facing charges, and I never expected for him to get convicted on anything not even the Stormy Daniels case. I've always said he gets away with anything he does, considering he had over 3,000 lawsuits against him before he even ran for president in 2016.

And I expect for him to get reelected.

Cry run to Canada, you surely don't know me .... I don't give a rats behind about whether he wins - I don't support him never have and never will. At my age you're the ones that will have to live with the consequences if he has his way.

Reminds me too much of the Antichrist.

You didn't fix the thing for me - just trying to be sarcastic you are..... One thing I have a tendency to do is depend on voice typing. I fix my own written errors and try to use that statement if you choose.

Oh and I just read the top and skip to the bottom paragraphs I didn't read anything else you said not interested - goodbye.
calicuz · 56-60, M
He can't just "change" any amendment. If the President and Congress agree to ratify the Constitution, the Supreme Court must rule on the Ratification. So it's not as though he can just "speak and make it so."
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Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@SumKindaMunster that’s interesting because I actually think you’re not hard core conservative either. Maybe just pretending to be as it suits you? But in reality I don’t know…just like you don’t know me!
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Handfull1 Well I have a weird pastiche of opinions all over the political belief spectrum. I wouldn't categorize myself as hard-core conservative, I tend to lean more libertarian.

I don't believe I've ever claimed I know you, rather, I'm taking exception to your statements that contradict other statements you've made.

I apologize for being sharp.
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
All the sane people finally woke up and now see it has always been the liberals who want all the control and power towards dictatorship, not the conservatives.
SDavis · 56-60, F
Economy was in excellent condition when Trump took hold and in shambles when he left.

Giving me a few pennies doesn't control me nor does it help me.

Big businesses regardless of who's in office still do as they please, the freedom to do so. Payout as little as possible to their workers and gain billions annually regardless of the industry. That is free market.

Trump did this

Since the English / British came to this land criminals have roamed free. One may speak of the illegal migrants who are coming here being criminals but this country is full of them from all ethnic groups. The system is flawed and has always been flawed.
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So, leaving our borders wide open to allow in enough illegals to create a permanent voting majority doesn't smack enough of a dictatorship for you?
SDavis · 56-60, F
Curious where have you been living.

I live in Houston the borders here has always been opened........ There has always been illegal immigration in Texas....... I remember when they used to come to jobs and haul them back to Mexico and they just crossed right back over. They got so tired of doing it they just quit for a few decades. Nothing was said until the 1990s when the illegals began to spread out in different countries taking the jobs from certain ethnic group of people, then it became an issue to other states......

Trump did close the border stop legal migrants and slow down the illegal migrants - it has never stopped and people will always find a way to enter into this country.

I think you know what dictatorship is but then Trump supporters support him, he supports dictators, what does that actually say - people who support him are fully aware of who he is.

And dictatorship _ did Trump not say to jail those that speak against him, he spoke of silencing the media that speaks against him, he defies the courts, he insights violence and riots - that is to act just like Putin, Kim jong-un, China's president and a few others.

@SDavis I've lived all over the US. BTW...those who gaslight, usually end up getting burned, toots.

Did you forget that Biden signed 296 executive orders on immigration...89 of which reversed Trump's policies making it easier for illegals to cross? Or, more didn't know.

Did you forget the Biden administration instructed ICE not to deport illegals? Or more didn't know.

Here's the memo in case you want to play the fake news card.

So quit pretending Biden's malicious border neglect was just business as usual.

But I will say your dictatorship projection quite humorous.
SDavis · 56-60, F

You don't understand what you read I said it's always been a problem here in Texas the border has always been open and Trump did close it.

I made no comment about who reopened it the world knows Biden reopened the border.

Nor I did I make a comment about my personal feelings about the border.
TexChik · F
Nope, but we are getting out of one and don't even know who the dictator is. Biden is not capable of running the country.
TexChik · F
@zonavar68 ..and you are a nasty name-calling because you have nothing lib.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
You have a terrible memory.
TexChik · F
@HoraceGreenley He’s been Bidenized !
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Wasn’t he already president ? Does that give you a clue how a second term would work .
Handfull1 · 61-69, F
@AthrillatheHunt that’s what they thought too. Either way, you didn’t answer the question. Don’t patronize me. It’s not flattering.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Handfull1 trust your gut. But buy tums, cuz you’re gunna give yourself an ulcer thinking this way .
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SDavis · 56-60, F

SDavis · 56-60, F

Not trying to convince you! 🙄 One accepts what they hear or they don't 🤣

He is not joking - and actually said 20 to 25 years in presidency
@SDavis No...I'm sure you're not trying to convince me by posting video footage of Trump gathered by the leftist Washington Compost. 🙄
SDavis · 56-60, F

Matters not who collected it - the facts are he said the words they are not taken out of context. But as long as you support Trump you have nothing to worry about. Only those who don't support him are the ones he will go after and he said that too.
If Trump wins Biden can incite his followers to a Jan 6th style insurrection:

"We can't let this old Malarky win. We're marching to the Capitol and I've got Tinkerbell dictating my every move from a cloud up there so we're gonna win this"

Jan six was legalized. Homelessness was criminalized. When do we confront fascism? Never. This flies. This is the greatest country being exactly as it wants. It's a cruel thing.
specman · 51-55, M
@Roundandroundwego feel free to leave anytime
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
He will just rinse and repeat from the time before and implement Project 2025 to turn the USA into North American Korea.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
How much crack do you smoke?
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@HoraceGreenley not as much as trump and Paula white are smoking
justanothername · 51-55, M
It’s starting to sound that way.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
In several respects it is because the Supreme Court will do anything in its power to allow Trump's criminality.

Now, it's up to Trump to use his power when elected.

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