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Officials Across Europe Express Concerns Over Biden’s Deteriorating Cognitive Health

With President Joe Biden facing calls to step aside from fellow Democrats, European officials recently came out and indicated that they’ve noticed the president’s cognitive health declining since before Thursday’s debate against former President Donald Trump.

Multiple officials in countries like Poland, Germany and Slovenia have expressed concerns about the 81-year-old president’s age and his ability to serve another four years in the White House, per the Wall Street Journal.

Such concerns come after Biden performed poorly in the debate against his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

The president would oftentimes freeze while speaking and appear confused.

On X, European officials slammed Biden over his performance and urged the Democratic Party to replace the aging president.

A member of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, Norbert Rottgen, said, “This night will not be forgotten. The Democrats must now change course. And Germany must prepare itself as quickly as possible for a future that is uncertain in terms of security policy. If we do not take responsibility for Europe now, no one will.”

The Wall Street Journal indicated that former Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa had “bet months ago that Biden would no longer be on the ballot” by the time the presidential election took place in November.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk shared Jansa’s sentiment, saying he expected Biden to not have difficulty in direct confrontations, such as a debate.

“I was afraid of this,” the Polish prime minister said. “It was to be expected that in a direct confrontation, in a debate, it would not be easy for the president.”

The outlet pointed out that before the debate, which has led many prominent Democrats to call for Biden to be replaced, the president had shown signs of his cognitive health weakening.

“When Biden was in France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day in June, he stumbled. During a bilateral meeting in Paris with Zelensy, Biden spoke so softly that reporters brought in to document the meeting between the two men could not initially hear the American president. Zelensky, a non-native English speaker, could be heard clearly,” the outlet wrote.

European officials also pointed out that Biden had trouble while speaking at the European Union summit in 2022 and required assistance from Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“Officials said that Biden’s performance and focus can vary hugely between meetings and even within a meeting. Two senior European officials cited an EU-U.S. summit last October in Washington where Biden had struggled to follow the discussions. Both said that he stumbled over his talking points at several moments, requiring Secretary of State Antony Blinken to intervene and point out the lines he should use,” the Wall Street Journal said.
Oh yeah...they're worried because Trump is going to make them pay their fair share of the NATO bill, among other things.
@RockerDad no question that US tax payers are footing the bill for European security. The percentage of aid from the US to Ukraine dwarfs all of the other NATO nations combined. Yet their combine GDP is as much, if not more than that of the US. That is an example of Trump's issue with NATO.
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@BizSuitStacy Not to mention all of the NATO brass are Europeans that refuse US input when it comes to making hardline decisions.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Is anyone surprised?

They've been trying to cover this up for years.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

" The calculation has to be reworked from the age now, to 4 years after the election. and the odds go way up,"

I used odds of 100% that Biden would not finish a second term if elected, so his age now and then is of no consequence.

As for Trump, he will still be 78 in January of 2025, so the effect on his potential longevity would be negligible.

I put the odds on Trump finishing a 4-year term (if elected) at about 60%, without factoring in job stress, accident (e.g., plane crash), foul play, etc.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Thinkerbell Yes. But you will be using a whole of life calculation for life expectancy. . The odds of something dying differ when you add the age segment as a demographic.. (That is, the chance of someone dying betweem 5 and 50 is different to the odds of them dying between 40 and 70..) It skews the who thing future in my favour..😷
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

No, I used expectation of life, given that a certain age had been reached (in this case, 78). Look at the table I referenced above.
They waited too long to acknowledge that fact. This is the man they think is running things and making decisions potentially affecting their countries and the future of those countries. He’s a mere figurehead run by a cabal. They should have seen that and acted sooner when they had concerns. They’re not stupid. Why they believed in him needs to be addressed.
PatKirby · M

I noticed his cognitive decline at least 18-24 months ago. What I don't understand is why it took them this long to notice. And oh yeah it's late in the 4th quarter with 8 seconds left so let me guess, Hail Mary pass into the end zone?

Expect one seriously cheesy dog n' pony show coming soon to a lame stream media outlet near you. 😆

@PatKirby Zelensky must be very concerned.
@soar2newhighs yep...he won't be able to afford that 16th mansion.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Now tell us about the level of concern over Europe if Trump manages to get a foot inside the White house..😷
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@tindrummer The exact amount you have, nuttin
tindrummer · M
@sunsporter1649 Usual clever retort - guess you showed me 😅
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman It’s very simple, putin has a lot on trump, trump sais if I become president Russia can do what it wants, so invade other countries, also he won’t honor the US pledge to defend Taiwan, so China will begin invading too and other countries in the Pacific like the Philippines
So it’s back to 1938 and world war 2 eras again
So trump Making America Worse Again
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Butt, butt, we were told by wh officials he was focused
Them khunts know the jig is up..
no more money coming..
need a new and admin to squeeze
None are so blind as those who will not see.

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