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Decades-Old San Francisco McDonald’s Has To Shut Down After New Minimum Wage Law Goes Into Effect

In yet another example of business-ignorant government officials destroying the economies over which they have an obscene amount of power by pursuing obviously horrible policies based on their ignorant expectations of business rather than the reality of running a successful business, a McDonald’s location that was open for decades in San Francisco had to shut down because of the state’s new minimum wage law.

In a letter posted at the entrance to the closed store, the owner wrote, “It has been a pleasure for my entire team and I to serve the 19th Avenue and Ingleside neighborhoods for more than 30 years.” He continued, “We are thankful to have been a part of your daily meal routine, either for an Egg McMuffin in the morning or a Happy Meal with the kids after an afternoon of shopping at Stonestown.”

At the time the disastrously bad bill was signed, California Assemblymember Holden said, “Today, we witnessed the signing of one of the most impactful fast food wage laws that this country has ever seen. We did not just raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour for fast food workers. We helped a father or mother feed their children, we helped a student put gas in their car, and helped a grandparent get their grandchild a birthday gift.”

Assemblymember Holden added, “Last month, when we were knee deep in negotiations, hundreds of workers slept in their cars and missed pay days to come give their testimony in committee and defend their livelihood. Sacrifice, dedication, and the power of a government who serves its people is what got us to this moment. My goal for AB 1228 was to bring relief and solutions where they were needed and together with my colleagues and Governor Newsom, that is what we have done. Thank you to the SEIU and all who supported this important effort. We, as a state, should be proud.”

Similarly, David Huerta, President of SEIU California and SEIU USWW, said, “After ten years of vibrant and courageous activism, which included raising the minimum wage for all workers in the state and bringing billions of dollars into working families’ pockets, fast food workers have now achieved something historic. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Governor for his leadership in fighting poverty, empowering workers, and moving us toward a more just and equitable society.”
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
That's not the whole story, the landlord refused to negotiate a long-term and "sensible" rent agreement for the location.

Here's a nice comment from a redditor about franchise businesses who expanded despite minimum wage raises.


Right wing doom and gloomers have been claiming a loss of 10,000 jobs since the minimum wage increase kicked in. Just the opposite happened, jobs have been increasing.

Places like In-n-Out were already. paying $23-25/hr to start as a cashier.

Right-wingers also like to mention places are closing their dining rooms and going for drive-thru only. This is true, but not because of a minimum wage increase. Fast food locations can't attract enough people to staff dining rooms. Or there were problems with disorderly patrons and they closed to eliminate the hassle.

In fact, several chains are expanding their presence in California. Bojangles is opening 30 new restaurants starting in LA County. They were previously East Coast and South, but opening in California. Jack-in-the-Box is adding 123 new locations nationwide. Jollibee plans on opening 500 restaurants across North America, including California. Raising Cane's is continuing to expand in California. There's even more locations opening for Shake Shack.

It's not all perfect in the fast food world in California, but the minimum wage increase has been completely overblown.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@NativePortlander1970 It's not MSN, that's the New York Post. And again the original article came from LATimes:


Here’s something you might want to know about this claim. It’s baloney, sliced thick. In fact, from September through January, the period covered by the ad, fast-food employment in California has gone up, as tracked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Federal Reserve. The claim that it has fallen represents a flagrant misrepresentation of government employment figures.

Something else the ad doesn’t tell you is that after January, fast-food employment continued to rise. As of April, employment in the limited-service restaurant sector that includes fast-food establishments was higher by nearly 7,000 jobs than it was in April 2023, months before Newsom signed the minimum wage bill.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Yoooo did you really just block me when you told me you're such an authority on such matters and I asked for you to counter the article's claims.

HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. wowwwww that's hilarious. I guess you're not such an expert after all.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
That's funny lols. Crazy.
That was the Democrat's plan from the beginning. Under the guise of being "for the people", they skyrocket the minimum wage while knowing all along it would shut down businesses and jobs so more will go on welfare and be dependent on the gub'ment. Like a shiny new fishing lure with 2 razor sharp barbed treble hooks.

The gub'ment giveth so the gub'ment can taketh away.
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M

So, NO response then 🤔 i wonder why 😎😎😎

@Vin53 "... out to get me..."


🤔 ... at what point have i identified that anyone is out to 'get me' ... as for the 'paranoia'

🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ ... why exactly, is identifying that one person, is using 2 different accounts, seen by you as you're out to 'get me' ... 😎😎😎

...why exactly would i need to be 'paranoid' ... 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BigGuy2 Having seen what you identify as "Brilliant" I rest my case. This is the internet. go play in the shallow end. I have seen enough of you to know you hve nothing to add.😷
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M

🤔 ... oh right, says the gimp who provides a laughing emoji to almost all comments, Jung will have a field day with you ... 😎😎😎

... stick with those laughing emoji's, there's a good boy

🤔 ... and YOU HAVE 🙄🙄🙄

🤔 ... so WHY have rested your case because i said "Brilliant"

One McDonalds closes; meanwhile Bojangles is opening 30 new restaurants in California.

If, as you assume, this is all cause and effect, then the increase in minimum wage has been a tremendous boon to the CA fast food industry - one place closes while 30 open!!

Go ahead, prove me wrong!!!
Vin53 · M
Not to mention the store doesn't have a drive-thru. The only surprise is that it survived this long in CA.
Vin53 · M
@whowasthatmaskedman I hope she keeps him on a runner.
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I think Biden only raised minimum wage in fast food restaurants to buy votes.
@Spoiledbrat That's politics. Politicians do good things and we reward them by voting for them. That's how we force them to serve us. Biden was a great president, so we should vote for him.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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carpediem · 61-69, M
What did they think would happen?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
You make it sound like a junk food restaurant closing is a bad thing...😷
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sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Wow, didn't know you supported belgian style gubberment business destruction.

failed, champion of gubberment control
@sunsporter1649 Hey, they've got awesome beer in their pubs 🤭
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Macca's is in Australia at least the number 1 at wage exploitation of young people. They don't consider you to be an adult until age 21 even though legally a person is an adult at age 18.
DavidT8899 · 22-25, M
The only problem is that what they are doing is hurting the very people that they are claiming to help.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
At least it wasn’t your favorite one in FL 😳
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
More is coming
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
I believe it's an even simpler reason, nothing to do with economics, it's 2 fold:

Destroy Society:
...so everybody's reliant on Gov. for handouts

Controlling Society:
...that's why the Globalists hate the West and want to destroy it, as they can't control us

Also, WHY are these WOKE Companies STILL guaranteeing their Companies will go to the wall by embracing WOKENESS, because 'someone' is saying to them:

"Go WOKE, if you Go BROKE ... 'WE' will make up the shortfall"

... how are they able to finance this, well how many $ BILLIONS are being sent to the most corrupt Nation on the planet...Ukraine


... Pfizer made $41 BILLION from the VACCINE ...

... that's how 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BigGuy2 Challenge Accepted:😷

"who's 'crying for help' AND who's 'frustrated' certainly not me, on BOTH accounts ... shall i bother to ask you why exactly you said both of those, as on the whole you NEVER respond to my queries do you ... 😎😎😎

🤔 ... here, let me help you, just cut and paste below, why you think there's a 'cry for help' on my part:

While I am not a psychologist or a psychiatric specialist and therefore cannot speak you your personal mental state, I have seen this behaviour all to often. Your cry for help starts with a deep seated disatisfaction with the way the world has treated you, resulting in what in a child would be seen as a tantrum. Vocalising, acting out and attention seeking, rather than working to deal with your own issues..

🤔 ... and for the 'frustration' part, just cut and paste below, why you think there's a 'frustration' on my part:

As an extension of the previous question, you are feeling that you were "entitled" to more than you get. Again I dont know how you arrived at this conclusion. But some feel it simply because they are American. And I will give you the benefit of the doubt there of not being a paid shill from elsewhere.. "You're Welcome"..Maybe I can supply an anthem to help you with that..

If you don't, it's safe to say you're BULLSHITTING are'nt you ...
* If I were acting as you suggest, I probably would have quit by now. But frankly you are too juicier target, believing that you can steamroller me with the sheer number of your words, rather than them actually making sense.


🤔 ... you gimp
* The only "Gimp" experience I have is from watching The Bruce Willis part of Pulp Fiction.But far be it from me to critique your lifestyle choices. If you can enlighten me further, feel free..

🤔 ... 'Troll' - a term used by 'people' {because it's not just nutjobs like you that do it} who can't provide adequate comebacks in a discussion, so they try and embarrass people into shutting up by calling them a 'Troll' - that should be the text book definition of a 'Troll' don't you think ... 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
*The only Troll definition I recognise is the mythical creature that lived under bridges and died when exposed to sunlight. Maybe the being exposed to the light part was where the modern useage sprang from. Is that helpful??

🤔 ... by the way, you've FAILED
* I wasnt aware this was a win or lose contest. I was merely seeking to promote truth and provide supporting facts, with you resorting to the shallow ploys of attacking and discrediting the source, because I had no actually supporting facts. (Not even those "alternative" ones)
Since you seem to believe this is some sort of a mental pi##ing contest, then I submit that maybe instead of announcing yourself as the winner (how Trumpish of you) we leave it to the audience to decide, should you feel the need for some kind of recognition. Personally, I'm good. But maybe make a note or two for your next therapy session..
You have a nice day now.😷
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@sunsporter1649 brilliant
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M

While I am not a psychologist or a psychiatric specialist and therefore cannot speak you your personal mental state, I have seen this behaviour all to often. Your cry for help starts with a deep seated disatisfaction with the way the world has treated you, resulting in what in a child would be seen as a tantrum. Vocalising, acting out and attention seeking, rather than working to deal with your own issues..

🤔 ... so, how is responding to comments on an open forum chat room deemed by you as a 'cry for help' - another word salad

... i've had and are STILL having a good life, so the World is treated me well ... so that's another one of your 'FACTS' is it 🙄🙄🙄

🤔 ... attention seeking - taking the piss out of you's nutjobs is not 'attention seeking' is it, it's the new form of comedy - the 'Loony Left' have been called the Loony Left for DECADES

🤔 ... own issues - the only issue i have at the moment, is get'n better, after hurting myself whilst in the garden ...

Here's 3 more 😎😎😎

As an extension of the previous question, you are feeling that you were "entitled" to more than you get. Again I dont know how you arrived at this conclusion. But some feel it simply because they are American. And I will give you the benefit of the doubt there of not being a paid shill from elsewhere.. "You're Welcome"..Maybe I can supply an anthem to help you with that..

🤔 ... let's dismantle your word salad shall we, should be fun:

"...you are feeling..." - is that one of your 'FACTS' is it ... 😎😎😎

{my emphasis}

...worst word salad ever

*The only Troll definition I recognise is the mythical creature that lived under bridges and died when exposed to sunlight. Maybe the being exposed to the light part was where the modern useage sprang from. Is that helpful??

🤔 ...Trying to be a Smart Ass, you actually need to be smart:

... so, you take your initial comment about the 'Troll' and apply it to your definition of a 'Troll' - so how does that reconcile ... 😎😎😎

Stick with FACTS, not word salads, or psycho babble, because you haven't stuck with facts, YOU have made YOURSELF look a FOOL

I didn't even bother counting the 'maybe's' or similar in your diatribe ...

... your 'challenge' failed ... MISERABLY

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@BigGuy2 Again, I am content to leave it to the judgement of others as to which of us hs a point here. While I dont know the extent of your gardening injury, I do hope for your speedy recovery. If someone else caused it accidently, maybe wearing something Hi Viz, clearly identifying you as a non vegetable would help? Just sayin' 😷
BigGuy2 · 26-30, M
@whowasthatmaskedman ... is that another of of your 'FACTS' is it

🤔 ... oh right, 'non vegetable' and i've ran verbal rings round you, so what do that make YOU ...


🤔 ... let me guess, what next

{not this}

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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@MarmeeMarch No it isn't. Franchise owners go out of business all the time because franchise owners have almost complete control over their business, not McDonald's by itself.
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