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Democrats don’t seem to understand that the more “bad boy points” Trump accrues, the more support he gets from Republicans

Not that it matters. In an election of these two candidates, whoever wins Americans lose.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Now thats just not true. What is true is that his MAGA supporters get louder and form there wagons in a more protective circle around him. But that isnt enough to win him the coming election. He is losing the center of the voters and while very few of them will vote Biden, a good number will just stay home.. And thats going to hurt the congress and senate as well.😷
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@whowasthatmaskedman actually, the continued persecution of Trump is driving people towards him. People are sick and tired of the Democrats putting their Hatred on Donald J Trump ahead of the USA in everything.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@dakotaviper Yes. I suppose there is a history of this which people like Jesse James and Bonnie & Clyde..We all have our legends of that type. Of course, most ended with a violent death.. So maybe the story still has a chapter or two..That German guy with the moustache had fans as well..But that could never happen in America... Could it??😷
BigImo · 22-25, F
I thought Republicans cared about law and order? Or were they just pretending to cos they didn't like BLM?
TexChik · F
@BigImo Both of them are liberal democrats. Please prove they are not. The facts point to their guilt. No charges were manufactured, and no constitutional or civil rights were violated. But the 2 tier justice system that exists because of libs will not allow those two to answer for their crimes. Bill raped several women and paid one $850K in hush money. No 34-count felony indictment for him! No conviction that violates the Constitution will be allowed to stand. Sure, at the state level, NY seems to be winning. But in the coming months, things will change.
BigImo · 22-25, F
@TexChik I honestly couldn't care less about their party or political opinions. If they're criminals, they should be in prison. It's really that simple.
TexChik · F
People who like Trump more because he's a criminal are already part of the cult, they're going to vote for him regardless.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Yes we will lose.

Heck, we're already being seen as the biggest joke on the World Stage, so why not internally.

They can say and pretend all they want, but Democrats flushed the Double Jeopardy clause of our Judicial System down the toilet with their hatred of Trump.

Big Name Democrats that have been 'exonerated' from their crimes better hope to whatever being they worship, that Republicans don't take total control in November. Because I foresee a long prison term in Hunter Biden's future as well as one for Alec Baldwin and many other 'Untouchables'.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
I think we should try the next four year with no President, no Congress and disband the Supreme Court altogether.
The whole world will lose either way indeed, but I don't think all Republicans love crime and many independents certainly don't.
Vengabus · 36-40
Wow, imagine seeing Donald Trump as a “bad boy” 😳
Takes all kinds I suppose 🤢.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Seems like people will see this as a political prosecution rather than a criminal one, which brings two things up, one that people will be pissed at the idea and support him to send a message that it was not alright. Another is once you start something like this turning out of statute misdemeanors magically into felonies to influence an election it will beget more of the same down the road. Really bad idea.
dale74 · M
Well it definitely does point out the corruptness in our judicial system with das and judges. I thought it was Democrats that were always saying the court system isn't fair sending innocent people to prison I guess on that aspect they're right.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I don’t think Americans like the absurd attacks on the jury and the judicial system just because the Republican cult leader was found to have committed a crime.
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Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
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wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SW-User take your meds and go back to bed gramps...
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TexChik · F
@SW-User You forgot to take your meds again didn’t you?
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