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Ten LIES pro-Palestinian JEW HATERS are spewing.

Time for the facts. And facts do not care about your feelings.
Lie #1: “Zionists are white supremacists.” A white supremacist believes that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society. The Jewish people originated as people of color in the Middle East.

Lie #2: “Jews go back home, Palestine is ours alone.” In other words, the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to the Palestinian Arabs even though they never owned any of it or ever had sovereignty or a state there. This denies the right of Jewish people to self-determination in a land they purchased, settled and defended against Arab invaders and the United Nations recognized as their country in 1948.

Lie #3: “Zionists are oppressors.” An oppressor is someone who maliciously exercises power to discriminate against specific groups. Israel completely exited Gaza in 2005. It has no power over the daily lives of Gazans. However, Hamas’s acts of terror—like killing Jews and attempting to destroy the Jewish state—caused Israel and Egypt to blockade Gaza

Lie #4: “Israel commits genocide.” Genocide is the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members. Israel does not nor has it ever targeted innocent Palestinian civilians for killing. All Palestinian civilian deaths have occurred as Israel fights terrorists hiding in residential and public areas. Tellingly, the Palestinian population in “Palestine” has mushroomed since 1948 from about 700,000 to seven million today. There is no genocide.

Lie #5: “Israel is an apartheid state.” Apartheid is a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Israel has no laws or policies separating or limiting the rights of any of its citizens, including its two million Israeli Arabs. The political and civil rights of all Palestinians outside Israel are controlled by two brutal dictatorships that allow their people virtually no rights or freedoms. There is no apartheid.

Lie #6: “Israel is a colonial settler state.” A colonizer is a foreign nation that conquers and exploits another nation. The Palestinians never controlled land in Palestine, nor were they ever a nation. However, Jews have for 3,000 years fought colonizers such as Romans, Muslims, Turks and the British. Jews are not foreigners, they are decolonizers.

Lie #7: “End Israel’s occupation, no peace on stolen land.” An occupation exists when one country illegally controls the territory of another country. Palestinians never owned or controlled any part of “Palestine,” nor was it ever a “country.” Israel has never stolen or occupied Palestinian land, but it made many offers of a Palestinian state, which the Palestinians always refused.

Lie #8: “Free, free Palestine.” Protestors imply that Israel keeps Palestinians in chains. On the contrary, it is the Palestinians’ own dictatorships that prevent their freedom. Palestinians are denied virtually all civil rights, such as speech and the press, women are treated as property and often beaten or killed, and LGBTQ+ people are frequently murdered. In fact, not a single Arab nation is free, while Israeli Arabs enjoy more freedom than Palestinians anywhere in the region.

Lie #9: “Right of return for refugees, by the millions we’ll return.” This slogan refers to millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees from Israel’s war against invading Arab armies in 1948. No refugees in world history have ever been granted a return to land that they and their brethren attacked, let alone such rights for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Of the original 700,000 refugees, only about 20,000 are still alive. There is no legal right of return.

Lie #10: Zionist settlers, leave us alone.” After Israel defeated Jordanian invaders in 1967, Israeli “settlers” began moving into relatively unpopulated parts of Judea and Samaria. Palestinians never owned this land. In the Oslo Accords, Israel and the Palestinians agreed to Palestinian autonomy in areas where 97% of the region’s Palestinians live. Israelis living in Judea and Samaria do so legally.
James25 · 61-69, M
Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and the United States is complicit
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Nothings organic, everyone knows it. Until they’re stopped, it never stops.

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Reason10 · 61-69, M
Those are the facts. And the people bashing Jews today only want ONE thing.
Jew haters have been united for awhile.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@YourMomsSecretCrush criticising the Israeli government isn't anymore Antisemitic than criticising Iran is Islamophobic.
If you feel so strongly about defending Israel, why aren't you over there fighting? You seem to be all mouth and no action.
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@Reason10 Do you really think your little nuggets of wisdom and knowledge will be taken seriously by a loser who taught typing?
You might as well off yourself, it's the only chance you have to ever do something positive in this world.
But do you condemn Hamas?!!
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Puppycat23 · F
Jews go back home, Palestine is ours alone.” In other words, the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to the Palestinian Arabs even though they never owned any of it or ever had sovereignty or a state there.

I don’t think they realize that they’re replacing a country they despise being an ethnostate with another ethnostate.
Northwest · M
You forgot “the land with no people, for people without a land”.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@basilfawlty89 Caps add integrity and gravitas. In no way do they ever make someone look like an angry and pompous blowhard! 😜
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