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Here Is A Picture Of The Leader Of The Free World From January 20th, 2017, Until January 20th, 2021, And Donald Trump

jehova31-35, M
@Vin53 so funny and fitting
Disgustedman61-69, M
Yet the left is continue to scream about him and then they call us insane for recalling Donald Trump and you guys are doing it. Your TDs is showing boy is it showing.
Disgustedman61-69, M
@Graylight thank you that's a keeper for either side or anyone... I do appreciate it. 馃榿
SevIsPamprinYouAlways56-60, F
SevIsPamprinYouAlways56-60, F
DDaverde56-60, M
He鈥檚 the right man for the presidency!!
SevIsPamprinYouAlways56-60, F
ron12241-45, M
Dude why are you posing as a woman? Are you that embarrassed about your TDS?
Captainjackass31-35, M
Oh his cultists are gonna have a fit at something like this.
At the time, I was saying Merkel really did become the leader of the free world. The EU had much more respect than America when Trump was president.
robertsnj56-60, M
Merkel did a lot of good things Lot of respect for her, her accomplishments and her crazy high level of education
Gorps51-55, M
'The free world' is just people worldwide exercising freedom as best they can. So-called leaders are a massive impediment.
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