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UK rescission

So here we go after 13 years and counting of Tory Governments , of failed polices, the big elephant in the room Brexit they can't even mention we have inflation now the highest in the G7, food inflation even higher taxes being raised more and more with it expected to be raised even more from today.

The Chancellor said a few weeks ago he'd rather the UK went into rescission to sort out inflation, well now because of thier mismanagement of the country, being too busy fighting amongst themselves , busy protecting Boris, defending all of their failed policies and defending Boris and Truss Honours lists to the House of Lords

With RIshi who was only elected by the Conservative MPs and not even by the party members ( and remember he lost to Truss and the Lettuce) who said he'd get inflation down, build the economy blah, blah; blah, blah

now the choice is either leave inflation as it is or cause a UK rescission as a lot of the inflation now is being caused by UK polices

We still have the same problems as we did decades ago if not worse now of which many caused by Conservative Governments

Before you moan yes some problems are from Labour Government were only in Government for 13 of the last 44 years
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Richard65 · M
England is predominantly a small "c" conservative, right-leaning nation (the NHS being the only socialist exception to the rule). Most Tories are actually furious with Johnson that, after gaining a record-breaking majority in 2019, including vast swathes of the Red Wall, his inherent faults have utterly destroyed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the Conservative Party to completely dominate the political landscape for the foreseeable future. Instead, Johnson has wrought devastation that could take a generation to recover from. I don't wholly blame the Tories, they are creatures of habit simply acting true to their selfish nature. I blame the electorate who handed them the power they subsequently abused.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@PSuss1 yes i remember it well, we will have the same deal if we leave, the same access, etc, etc

The problem wasnt just Boris it was the whole party they couldnt decide what was the best way and they decided to get rid of May to force Boris on us

The deal May had was better than what was agreed under Boris and Rushi so the tories can fully own the last 13 uears and counting
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@Richard65 no disagreement here, quite the opposite in fact, Johnson is a narcissistic clown with absolutely zero interest in bettering the lives of others, only in lining his own pockets. He has no real belief in Brexit, other than as a means to an end (i.e. him being PM)
Richard65 · M
@PSuss1 famously, he wrote two speeches regarding Brexit, one to say what a success it would be and another stating how disastrous it would prove. He wrote them in preparation for the referendum result. David Cameron spoke of how he challenged Johnson on his Leave stance, stating that Johnson had never expressed an anti-EU sentiment, and Johnson replied, "the UK would never be dumb enough to actually leave the EU, but the campaign will raise my profile significantly."
Beth35 · 36-40, F
Wasn't it a bit dumb to leave EU?
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@Beth35 Yes and now everyone wants to rejoin obviously 😒 idiots
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
@Ryannnnnn And won’t be accepted back
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@Strictmichael75 probably would but at a large diplomatic disadvantage.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
How are the countries in the EU doing, ie, Germany ?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@PSuss1 Well put, we were always going to suffer with no free trade deal and until that is sorted good will always be higher and so will inflation
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@ididntknow becuase of the amount we import and export, we have no free trade deal now so goods will always be expensive which makes inflation higher
gol979 · 41-45, M
@milkymum1 so its not "democratic" and the people dont even get the illusion of a say in how the overlords try and rule their lives. Again, any devolution of power should be welcomed by the majority
But how long will it take for the British Public to wake up to the fact that Brexit was one BIG mistake,
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User many do know but the tories and labour to a certain extent want to bury it, forget about it, deny it

The only parties acknowledging it and saying to rejoin is the Lib Dems and SNP

The government should be made to release all the reprts on the referendum
We don’t have a Tory government, it’s a WEF government now.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User Give it a rest stop blaming anyone or anything else for the fuck up this country has made by people who've voted for them

I’m stating a fact! 🤷🏼‍♀️
Philth · 46-50, M
Before anyone starts with "Ohh, but Labour...."
The 2008 recession was a *global economic turndown* and not something which happened only in the UK, not something which can be attributed to Labour.
Philth · 46-50, M
@SW-User agree entirely. Sadly there's still some people who are STILL blaming our woes on a Government which left over 13 years ago. The Tories are running out of time, and their end can't come soon enough.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Philth I get so fed up hearing the Tories moan on and on how its someone else's or something else's fault , you know even before any of them will say anything its a blame game and that's all they're doing

its time we had a fixed term Parliament, PR an elected HoL basically a complete overhaul of democracy here

The Tories have failed on most of their policies and have only made the country worse off unless your them or the higher end
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@SW-User why would it be a painful coalition it can't be any worse than the last few Tory governments
Beth35 · 36-40, F
You were all free you wasn't in schengen nor you had the euro
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Beth35 yes and had a veto but that didn't matter to the wealthy they didn't want to pay taxes so made sure we left
gol979 · 41-45, M
I see no mention of the inflation inducing £500 billion printed during "covid" and devaluing the £. I see no mention of the economic devastation of the covid restrictions. I see no mention of the billions still being spent on insane war. I see no mention of the scam of fiat currency.

Im presuming this is because all the political parasites support these policies and hence there cannot be a red/blue binary side to choose?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@gol979 No because I forgot about those then also tax avioders , nom doms, MPs claiming second houses expenses free bars and free restaurants in Parliament, that the tories still get Russian doners money, that they put a Russian in the Ho L
Beth35 · 36-40, F
I think Putin manipulated it or maybe Trump lol
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Beth35 the Uk government did an investigation into the EU referendum and it was found that Russia did interfier in it but it hasn't been fully released because it all heads back to the Conservatives as the party still takes Russian donations, still does business with Russia ( the company the PM wife is linked to) and they also put a Russian into the House of Lords
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
milkymum1 :
You are really up on your government. I enjoy your comments
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Canicu69 ty x
dale74 · M
Your inflation may be high but in us common thing like eggs gas bread milk have doubled in the last two years
dale74 · M
@milkymum1 our food inflation for food has been around 25-200 % over two years.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@dale74 general food is now 19% but things like eggs sugar flour now 50%
dale74 · M
@milkymum1 back in 2020 eggs were 99c a dozen now 2.99 gas was 1.89 now 3.39 milk was 2.99 now 3.89 sack of flour. 89 now 2.29 these prices were the standard prices for about 10 years or longer.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
Do you actually know what you are talking about ?
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 Maybe, as an intelligent man, he'll deign to enlighten me with his superior wisdom? 🤷‍♂️
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@PSuss1 sorry I wasn't expecting you to use the word "intelligent" to mean you now I know your being funny as you haven't shown any yet, if anything you've shown everyone on here that your just a sad old loney man who's a bigot
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@milkymum1 Read the thread, I was supporting you ...I think you're talking to ididntknow? ❤️
Correct- Keynes was right!
Beth35 · 36-40, F
Wasn't Boris Johnson Trump's lapdog?
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Beth35 puppet
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
Ye baffles me that some still try support these idiots
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@milkymum1 especially when their mess is so blatant
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Guitarman123 yes and some how they try and blame Labour or the EU or Ukraine or now the BoE its everyone else's fault than theirs !!!!!
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@milkymum1 ye can't blame Johnson as he's spoosedly a likeable buffoon
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PSuss1 · 56-60, M
@Unholymanswers inflation's a global problem's made significantly worse in the UK by the results of Brexit
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
A real shitty situation

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