Cost of living Crisis
With everything going up in the UK the government is giving the poorer people cash handouts. We are on benefits so we are entitled to these. However these payments are about £350-£360 we had one in the spring and now another is due. Then there's a payment of around £60 for electric which is monthly for the next six months. I'm grateful for these but gas and electric are not the only things going up. It's also water rates and food and some people are really struggling. It's not just the poor but also the working class who are struggling. Some are running out of food, gas and electric. At the moment we are managing but it's getting colder now. I'm sat here with a two cardigans on one of which is really thick. A scarf and a skirt over a pair of leggings. Ive got two pairs of socks on, some slipper socks and my slippers on. Also I'm under a blanket trying to keep warm. We are only having the heating on once or twice a week for an hour to shower or dry clothes. There rest of the time it's just a case of strip washes and brace yourself for the cold. I try to get dressed as I'm washing to avoid getting cold for too long. When is the government going to fix this mess?! It hasn't been this bad since the electric rationing in the 70's when I was a little girl.
51-55, F