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Do you think a lot of people who identify as Liberals fit this description?

revenant · F
Liberals do not exist anymore. They are marxist/leninists3
revenant · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife Proud communists they are now
revenant · F
@Elessar yeah you are a confused one too
Elessar · 26-30, M
@revenant Yeah sure, said the one who's convinced the centre right is marxist 🤣

Adstar · 56-60, M

A big part of that definition is that liberals are supposed to respect individual rights.. But modern liberals don't respect the rights of Conservatives to hold their personal views.. They do not respect the rights of Christians to hold their views.. They in fact don't respect the rights of anyone who does not adopt extreme leftist woke SJW views and seek to destroy them financially by getting the sacked from their places of employment and even attacking them physically for their religous beliefs ..

Most people who identify as liberals these days are in fact more in alignment with fascists of Nazi Germany.. The Nazi's of Germany had their ""crystal nights"" when they when out to smash and burn Jewish businesses to destroy them because of their religion and ethnic identity..The German Nazi's where indoctrinated into believing that they where oppressed by a world wide racist Jewish conspiracy,, Modern liberal BLM activists do the same thing today,, they have their ""crystal nights"" running around smashing businesses windows and burning the same businesses.. Why? because they have been indoctrinated into believing that they are an oppressed people, by a world wide white racist conspiracy..

Modern liberals are not liberal. They have the same spirit as the jackboot fascist of 1930's Germany..
But modern liberals don't respect the rights of Conservatives to hold their personal views

"Personal views" are fine with me. But if you start spreading dangerously false medical info, that's not a "personal view" and I'm gonna disagree. I knew a guy claiming certain marijuana oils would cure cancer. I had to disagree. I knew a woman with a mild cancer who went to Mexico to do "spiritual healing" and some time later died of a now inoperable cancer, "Personal views" isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Alex Jones has discovered the hard way that repeatedly calling the Sandy Hook killings a hoax isn't just "personal views." The Pillow Guy may well discover that repeatedly asserting a ballot counting machine company cheats isn't just "personal views."
@ElwoodBlues Thank goodness for a common sense understanding of the importance of the difference between facts and opinions.
What a breath of fresh air on this site! :)
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Liberals were against individuals rights with vaccines
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@MrBrownstone They only like individual rights if it fits the mainstream narrative. I am liberal but there are no representatives that actually meet this description.
JimBeam · M

Son, you sound more like a libertarian. Worlds of difference between the two animals.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@MrBrownstone I noticed that too. I would have figured liberals would be pro-choice about it while conservatives would have wanted it mandated. Our own state governor who is republican was even against mask mandates.

Not like anything in politics makes a lick of sense anyways
Heartlander · 80-89, M

Liberals believe it is their right to take away the rights of those who disagree with them.
@marke I wasn't in the USA, so don't know exactly what happened in which states. I received only scanty news on the major statistics. But I understood it was Trump and the Republicans who were at the helm when Covid broke loose, and for the duration of the time until shortly after the vaccines were produced.
I don't know where you source your news but the science showed that around the world only one in 60,000 had a negative or deadly reaction to any of the vaccines. The average death toll for those who caught covid was 1 in 100, and up to 6 in a hundred in some countries.
In essence it was and still is a bit like choosing gambling or insurance. The statistics work on a grand scale, and governments are responsible for trying to save the largest number of people they can. But individual's immune systems vary enormously and we have, as yet, no way to genetically or chemically test who will respond in what way.
I agree that on one level the right to choose is important - and some would rather die for that right if their choice turns out to be not right for their own body.
But on a government scale, trying to save the largest number possible is the only ethical choice, especially when it comes to doctors, paramedics and anyone working at close quarters with those who are highly vulnerable.
I also understand that most Americans were appalled by the "Fascist" emergency rules imposed in Australia - but over 90% of Australians were overwhelmingly grateful for it.
What this means is that how we respond to such situations is often determined by our cultural bias and programming - and actually has very little to so with our individual beliefs. We imagine we think for ourselves, but we are all imprinted from birth and throughout childhood. Very few of us completely revise or change the programming of our youth.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Heartlander That would make them Nazi Socialists, for sure.
marke · 70-79, M
@hartfire The early covid mitigation measures were largely ineffective and the risky deadly side effects of the covid vaccine are becoming more apparent as time goes on.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It's the problem with using labels for people. People who claim to be pro-choice but will have no problem killing doctors who perform abortions. People who claim to be environmentalists while slashing tires on SUV's causing polluting road crew trucks to be dispatched to fix the tires. People who call themselves conservatives, but support government involvement with telling women what to do with their bodies. People who claim to believe in free speech, but want to ban or burn books or cancel speakers who say things they don't like. And, so on.

It's why I am STARTING to understand the divine guidance is not to get mixed up with politics. I'm not quite there yet, but getting there.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@MarkPaul People are hypocrites for sure.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@MarkPaul Maybe there is hope for you yet!
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@fanuc2013 My suspicion is you don't understand my response. I'm convinced there is no hope for you. I am certain you shut off your mind a long time ago.
meJess · F
Liberal means the opposite of being open minded politically.
revenant · F
@meJess totally ! liberalism is now marxism
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Actually, that described liberalism perfectly before the Port Huron statement turned them completely opposite.
Now they are more like this character.

National Socialism, anyone?
@Reason10 Hitler never was a "Socialist" of any sort.
Fascism is dictatorship by one megalomaniac, and not too different to oligarchy, plutocracy or military junta - all of which remove the rights of citizens and are on the far right. Have a look at how the Burmese junta controls it people and practices racial purging of all minorities. Look at Pol Pot, Mugabe, Tito and all the other dictators of history.

(Leftism is about the community pulling together so that those who have advantage freely help those who are disadvantaged to enable them to become independent and able to contribute to the whole. Or for those who can't, like the extremely disabled or the very aged, to provide them with the best care possible.
Conservatives believe this is the role of family or charity - but many people have no family and charities insufficient and keep people dependent.
Democratic socialism is closer to the middle of the political spectrum. It has no interest in usurping or undermining democratic rights.)
Vin53 · M
Reason10 · 61-69, M
It's called NATIONAL SOCIALISM. (Socialism means government control of the means of production. Find someone with an education to explain that to you. Frankly, I don't have the time.)
Hitler was far left, same as Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Obama and Biden.
All goose steppers, all extremists, all the WORST of humanity.
PatKirby · M
As I understand it, "Liberalism" is a catchall phrase that means a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise. This philosophy is prevalent in the West as opposed to other political philosophies that exist around the world today. Not to be confused with the liberal and conservative parties that represent the general political spectrum within that scope.
TheArbitrator · 36-40, M
@PatKirby What are civil liberties? Would the right to bare arms be a civil liberty? The US has a lot of regulations and laws, and the government is involved in just about everything.
JimBeam · M

That was his definition.
Vin53 · M
3 things you can be certain you know of

1) conservatives do not want progress in our country because if it was good enough for their great great greatparents its better not to delve forward.
marke · 70-79, M
1) conservatives do not want progress in our country because if it was good enough for their great great greatparents its better not to delve forward.

Leftists want to return to the pollution-free days of the mythological caveman. I hardly call that progress.

@marke Gosh, if somebody drew a cartoon about it, it MUST be true, LOL!!!

Meanwhile, in the real America, renewable sources of power continue to grow exponentially.

Meanwhile, our per capita carbon footprint continues to drop.

marke · 70-79, M

As the need for more electricity grows here in America, we are finding out that coal plants are needed more than ever.

Rising electricity demand is keeping coal alive
/ Renewables aren’t growing fast enough
By JUSTINE CALMA / @justcalma

Aug 25, 2021, 1:00 PM EDT|0 Comments

How China Took an Oil Town and Turned It Into a Green Energy Hub
Wind turbines in front of a coal-fired power plant on the outskirts of the new city area of Yumen, Gansu province, China, on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Wind turbines in front of a coal-fired power plant on the outskirts of the new city area of Yumen, Gansu province, China, on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

As people ventured out from their pandemic cocoons this year, they gobbled up more electricity than they did before COVID-19 shut the world down. But there still isn’t enough clean energy to meet rising demand, so coal is making a comeback. Global electricity demand climbed 5 percent above pre-pandemic levels in the first six months of 2021, according to an analysis published today by London think tank Ember. Electricity grids turned to more coal to meet that demand, and power sector carbon pollution rose 5 percent compared to the first half of 2019.

“We are building back badly”

“Catapulting emissions in 2021 should send alarm bells across the world. We are not building back better, we are building back badly,” Dave Jones, global program lead at Ember, said in a statement today. “The electricity transition is happening but with little urgency: emissions are going in the wrong direction."
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
No, same can be said of conservatives tho
JimBeam · M
Your typing fingers must be exhausted from typing out your lengthy nonexistent point.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@JimBeam its 2.5 lines of text, old man. You make no sense...
JimBeam · M

Very impressive.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Yes, though obviously there are several different definitions of liberalism.

In America, it means 'mainstream left'.
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Entwistle · 56-60, M
What's wrong with being liberal minded?
JimBeam · M

I believe the asker is asking what the difference is between "classic" liberals, and the freak show we have today.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Hahaha I f*cking knew it you were that kind of troll
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everyone's radicals nowdays
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Seems to be a baited question.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Pretty much, at least ideally.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Yeah I've never understood it, why are they called liberals if most people dislike them and liberalism is such a good idea? Does this mean that the ones that dislike them hates liberalism or that the liberals don't know what liberalism is?
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@MartinTheFirst I think a lot of people who call themselves liberals are actually fascists to be honest, if they were more aligned with what they are supposed to stand for it wouldn't be such a problem.
TheArbitrator · 36-40, M
Not in Murika.
strongbow · 46-50, M
'Fuckin idiots' would be a quicker more accurate description
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@strongbow Well, I was trying to be nice.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring There is that matter of TREASON. Also extortion.
Don't worry. The Kevin McCarthy House will impeach that criminal and get him out of our lives.
strongbow · 46-50, M
Well, I was trying to be nice

So was i....🤷‍♂️

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