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Please watch this video. It’s produced by a former high school history teacher.

It’s going to make you uncomfortable. It might make you mad. It might make you sad. But if you’re white and you choose not to watch this, I want you to really look deep inside and ask yourself why would you not want to be introduced to the part of American history you don’t learn about in school.

I was unaware of 90% of what is introduced in this video. I’ll give you a hint, you’re never going to use the phrase grandfathered in or grandfather clause again.

If you’re like me and you’ve been trying to wrap your brain around the racial tensions in the US, especially recently, you’ll want to watch this. If you’re concerned about your children learning critical race theory in school, you’ll want to watch this. If you think slavery ended after Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, you’ll want to watch this.

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firefall · 61-69, M
Good luck. Most white americans go a long way out of their way to avoid learning about the disgusting history, how else can they keep telling themselves that the USA is exceptional
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@firefall You’re so right. The truth is too painful for so many, they’ll reject it or rationalize it out of preservation.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Randi1125 I refuse to do either. I want this video to be mandatory for high school graduation.
I was stunned to learn all this. and only recently. I am Ashamed that I was so ill informed

i recommend this you tube poster to EVERYONE. a calm demeanor, fully informed and still open minded, his takes on a WORLD of ideas, Is professional, personable and awesome
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@SatyrService I was not ready for this video. It was rough. I didn’t have a clue and I’ve been researching history since I was 12.
Yes, this YouTuber is amazing
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Randi1125 I'm actually kind of proud of myself. Very little of this video surprised me, even though I was indoctrinated with the whitewashed official version when I was a kid.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Sadly, this is all true, not "CRT indoctrination." I've read historians who called the Reconstruction as violent and racist a time and the years of open slavery.

Unfortunately (and with apologies to BohemianBoo, who's dead wrong on this), there's no agenda on anyone's part because, put simply, this applies to too many peoples and too many collective records to count. Human slavery, while race or class is often used as sorting factors, isn't loyal to any one brand. Feudal lords, military regimes, wealthy land-owners, influential politicians...they all elevate their own status by placing more space between them and the lower levels. Whites and blacks. whites and white, blacks and Latinos, Asians, adults and children, men and women, humans and the rest of the animal world.

But the information contained here is accurate and lends depth to the simple binary "there's no racism anymore 'cuz there are no slaves" argument. We're a nation that was barely inhabited when several countries made a land grab in the name of better futures. We've always been a giant dog-pile of peoples trying to find space in a big world. I just don't know why we have to keep fighting for the same rights in the same spaces at the same time. It's a big, big place.
I’ll watch this later, but if this topic interests you, I’d recommend Douglas Blackmon’s book Slavery by Another Name. He explains how de facto slavery in the form of convict leasing persisted until 1941.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@LeopoldBloom Funny you mention that...
redredred · M
@Kwek00 I never said the US was first, that was the kingdom of Hungary in 900 AD. Yes the British abolished slavery within Britain in 1833 but carried on a lively slave trade for decades afterwards.

Every Jim Crow law proposed, debated, voted on, enacted and enforced was done do by democrats and falls into the category of the political plaything I mentioned. To whit,

[image/video deleted]
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@redredred The current democratic party is blameless. What you are doing is transfering the sin of the fathers to the son. You can't blame a generation for something that happened a generation ago. But for some strange reason... that, well, is very clear to me, republicans love to use these facts in todays context without understanding the evolutions in the electorate and the stances of their own party. I do blame the fact that the republicans absorbed, integrated and pampers to the biasses that still excist and didn't go away by legeslation that the democratic coalition in 1968 signed. Mainly because that coalition had a Northern part. The Southern part cut themselves off and eventually disolved into what the Republican party is today.

I listed up where you are wrong. If this is too dificult for you then I totally understand. But I can't make it any easier.
redredred · M
@Kwek00 “ You can't blame a generation for something that happened a generation ago.”
So, by your logic, today’s white people bear no responsibility for slavery
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@redredred No, why would they?
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
That guy makes some good in depth videos
Randi1125 · 31-35, F
@deadgerbil He really does.
redredred · M
Fine but a couple of things to keep in mind. The US didn’t invent slavery but was one of the early-adopters in the world to end it within our borders. A half-million mostly white people died in the Civil War that ended it.

There are currently more black slaves in Africa than the total who were ever kept in bondage in the US.

Racial tensions have been a political plaything for a long time in this country. Both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of fomenting these tensions. Most people, on an interpersonal level don’t feel these prejudices.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Britain slavery abolished: 1833
USA slavery abolished: 1865

From those half milion mostly white people that died in the civil war that ended it, roughtly 260.000 died to maintain slavery. But it's nice that everyone was fighting and dieing for the same thing in your narrative. Makes it sound kinda cute.

Yes, other people did bad things too. That doesn't make the US history any diffrent.

Considering the reality of the Jim Crow laws, the frustrations in the south that play up till this day, and that there are sill people like you that spread the idea that all those death people were fighting for the same thing (not to mention all the "what aboutisms" that spontanously pop up when this toppics come to the surface), make me think that a lot of people still have a really tough time to confront their pass. Even though they never had anything to do with that pass, but for some reason they need it to feel good about themselves.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Ever heard of Pittsburg Landing? Malvern Hill? Spotsylvania Courthouse?
@sunsporter1649 Oh fuck, please don't try to help me.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I'm definitely going to have to give this a watch. I do know that slavery is still happening today in our nation's prisons. That's the last place where it's legally allowed to go on.
@LeopoldBloom I've already acknowledged that slavery in America was racist in nature. Only black people could become slaves. My only issue is that it's taught in a way that leaves out certain things, specifically to make people think that slavery was only done by white people.
@BohemianBabe But if it was legislated by whites in the U.S. and the majority of slaveowners and slavecatchers in this country were white, how can those truths be anti-white ? Nobody with any intelligence is maintaining that whites today are responsible for slavery, although today’s GOP has been trying to work its way back to some Jim Crow legislation.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@BohemianBabe Just. Watch. The. Video.
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
Very good. The prison system continues that slavery.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I should thank you for this link.
I watched it in entirety after work.
I learned things I never knew.

I saw he did a video on the Armenian Genocide. It's a topic that's very important to me. I'm going to be watching that before bed.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@SatyrService I've subscribed to the channel. Once I've watched the video I'll let you know. So far with the Armenian Genocide, most of it I do know. To be fair I've been studying the Genocide since about 2008.
@basilfawlty89 it has been on my radar for decades.
I look forward to your imprssion, and would welcome. a one on one.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@SatyrService I do hope he goes more into the history of the Armenians, the arrival of the Turks from Central Asia who essentially forced the native population into assimilating as Turks culturally and Pan-Turkism.

The last one is the primary reason for the Armenian Genocide and the reason behind the Armenian-Azerbaijani war over Artsakh) Nagorno-Karabakh.
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@bijouxbroussard No, I'm fine with teaching that. I think that by deliberately leaving out the fact that non-white people also owned slaves, as well as the fact that slavery was very unpopular among most white people, the implication is that slavery is a white thing. You might be educated enough to know that all races owned slaves, and that slavery was done all around the world, but most Americans don't. Most Americans think every slave-owner or oppressor was white, while every slave or oppressed person was non-white, and atrocities just didn't happen in non-white countries, unless white people showed up.

But as far as acknowledging that the government in America, which allowed this system, was run by white men, that in itself isn't anti-white.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@BohemianBabe It becomes painfully obvious to me as I read your ridiculous comments that you did not watch the video at all.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@BohemianBabe you might actually want to watch the video, it talks about things like debt peonage, that I wasn't even aware of. It also talks about where the perception comes from that African Americans are "culturally violent".
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
He’s hot
Amylynne · 26-30, F
i am HUGE Fan of Knowing Better.

watch everything he produces,, you will... Know Better!
this was posted on this site recently to a shit storm

I aint reading no CRT.

but not about that at all.

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