A question for Americans. Which of these two tax plans sounds better to you?
President Biden wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest 0.01%. That would bring in nearly a trillion dollars into the federal government to pay for vital programs.
Would you rather go with the GOP plan as authored by Senator Rick Scott? He wants to reduce taxes on the rich and raise taxes by $4500.00 for those families making $50k.
Not being abysmally stupid, the first one makes a bit more sense to me. But those in lower tax brackets who are still voting Republican are clearly not that bright to begin with. Voting rich while living poor.
I agree. Unfortunately, it will most likely play out like this- The GOP will win. The taxes will go up. Biden will be blamed, even though it wasn’t his idea.
The NFIP covers $250,000 for residential properties and $100,000 for contents, purchased separately and with separate deductibles.
And there's a lot not covered, such as damage by land movement - even if the flood caused the land movement. Temporary living expenses aren't covered, either.
We definitely need some sort of national disaster insurance program.
There are too many patchwork programs that are inadequate for low and middle income families.
There really is no GOP plan. This is the Rick Scott, plan. Here's what Mitch McConnell said about it:
“Let me tell you what would not be a part of our agenda,” Mr. McConnell told reporters in early March. “We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people, and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years.”
Rick Scott is trying to pin the criticism on the "militant left", but when did Mitch McConnell, and all the other GOP'ers who criticized his plan, are militant leftists.
Scott want to ensure that ALL households pay at least $100 in income taxes. This would leave families making about $54,000 or less with more than 80 percent of the tax increase. The democrats are using this heavily in advertising, but Scott is sticking with his strategy: blame the militant left for the criticism.
You think it'd be an easy answer, but get ready to hear things like "bootstrap" and "No one helped me" and "I work for what they take from me with my full permission and thanks." Well, that how I hear the last.
I understand why bad guys keep hitting up the same fools; it's a business model. What I've never been able to comprehend or have explained to me in a way that makes sense it why the very people being most fleeced, most taken advantage of, most trod over, are the very same people to sing the praises of the soulless people doing the damage. Is it the attention they crave? Is it feeling like they're part of something, even if it's grease for the cogs? I honestly don't know.
The richest entities on earth are the same entities that stay so by taking even more from us. When you have a heavy pack, you let the biggest, strongest shoulder more duty - it help ensures you all get to your destination. When you have corporations who can shoulder so much more societal upkeep through an excess of finances, you utilize it. Particularly when people are dying of need every single day in the shadow of this great flag. So yeah, I choose option 1.
Interesting minute or two. [media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICN4IdpFupA]
@Randi1125 Scott is a Jim Crow baby and he hates the idea that Black people benefit from Social Security and Medicare. Therefore, he is willing to end the programs for everyone rather than allow Black people to participate in them. Don't be surprised if other Jim Crow Congress Critters start repeating Scott's plan.