Randi1125 Very true. And just this morning? Idaho's new termination limit for abortions will be 6 weeks, which every woman knows is essentially banning abortion. Except they didn't, and why not? A provision holds that males in a woman's life who chooses abortion may sue abortion providers.
The Idaho bill, similarly titled a “heartbeat bill,” allows family members of what the legislation calls “a preborn child” to sue the abortion provider, and establishes a reward of at least $20,000, plus legal fees. It allows lawsuits against providers for up to four years after an abortion.
The Texas law, considered the strictest in the nation, allows no exceptions for women who are victims of rape or incest. The Idaho bill provides an exception but requires women to file a police report and show it to the provider before they can get an abortion. Neither state would prosecute women who have an abortion. NYT
Why write the law this way instead of simply banning abortion? Two reasons, I believe. 1) Punitive malice toward anyone who doesn't support their position and acts as such and 2) the option for financial gain to men in a situation that has nothing to do with them.
In 2014,
468 restrictions intended to limit, control or otherwise regulate women's reproductive rights. How many legislating men's bodies in that same time?
The part of small government is restricting and legislating on everything from education to TV to health to voting. That's not a government for and by the people. That's a government that uses its own citizens as food.