Lostpoet · M
Democrats only worry about their access to drugs and the right to sleep with whatever they want and Republicans only want to go to war and have meaningless jobs.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
To the person that down voted me this was obviously a joke.
I'm sorry, that was me. I downvoted before I was done reading. It's gone now.
Northwest · M
How does this preclude a political affiliation?
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Northwest I don't think it precludes a political affiliation; just being in ideological lock-step to what the party says on every given issue. There is room for disagreement and differences even within a political party.
Northwest · M
It doesn't bother me when a person reads a lot of books, but has a favorite book. It does, however, if a person only has one book, and they use it to the exclusion of all other books.
I don't think it precludes a political affiliation; just being in ideological lock-step to what the party says on every given issue. There is room for disagreement and differences even within a political party.
It doesn't bother me when a person reads a lot of books, but has a favorite book. It does, however, if a person only has one book, and they use it to the exclusion of all other books.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Northwest Exactly.
Graylight · 51-55, F
We should have a Best Post of the Day feature. This would be it.
NoGamesTolerated · F
That’s a tall challenge for the Dems in US government… cause they are missing the mark.
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NoGamesTolerated · F
@LordShadowfire You will go now cause I’ll to see to that. Adios ..
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@NoGamesTolerated Then you concede that he was right, and you are incapable of being impartial.
This should also be applied to religion as well.
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Great idea 💡

This country is teeming over with creeps nothing is going to stop them. Hate wins. Look what we've done to this planet. Hate has won. Nothing will stop us. Collectively we are all creeps, if the wild animals could talk they would tell us. So many want to speak for the magic wizard in the sky well I will speak for all the other life on this planet. FUCK US!!!