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Who are the "real" Americans?

Got an interesting reply to a point I made in another thread.
I thank that SW member for bringing up the point.
I am paraphrasing but he doesn't want to get rid of the electoral college and go for a straight popular vote, as he feels candidates would concentrate on large metropolitan areas. As opposed to small metropolitan areas (LOL). The reasons he gives is that people in these areas have forgotten the frontier spirit that perhaps he feels made America great. I'm pretty sure that somebody working in Wall Street (NY) or in Hollywood (CA) would take issue with that. They could say, if they were successful of course, that they were bringing in the $$$$$ that make America great. Do they really need to be removing timber and boulders to be a "real" American?
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badminton · 61-69, MVIP
One person-one vote. That is democracy.

Also, Americans move freely between the states and cities. As citizens we don't "belong" to any one state or region. I have lived in three states myself. The electoral college is an anachronism that should be sent to the waste bin of history.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@Slade I believe democracy means the citizens vote for their representatives in fair and free elections.
Slade · 56-60, M
@badminton And when sensible legislatures replace them, they will be eliminated.

The Court will wipe out many of them too.

I hope it stays when the Republican crushes it in 2024. It will be a complete schadenfreude overload when those woke joke states are forced to have their electors vote for the real American. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Slade · 56-60, M
@badminton voting for representatives make it a republic.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
The real Americans are ALL Americans of every color and hue, every religion or no religion, educated and uneducated, professionals and tradesmen and tradeswomen, all political parties as well as the apolitical, living in all areas of the nation. All contribute to the nation we have today, and all deserve to be able to vote and have a say in our future.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Darksideinthenight2 That's why we need to abolish the Electoral College. Then your vote counts just as much as a vote in North Carolina, Arizona, or any other state.
Northwest · M
I find the "who are the real Americans" to be a transparent attempt to disenfranchise a large part of the American population, and is is disingenuous for starters.

The frontier spirit make America great? Perhaps, and in that case, then the credit goes to Jedediah Smith, who discovered the South Pass (, which opened up the West to exploration and the incorporation of the West or the Continental Divide, is what truly made America the world's most powerful nation.

So, in the 19th century, this is what the frontier spirit was about. That, along with killing the indigenous people, and raping the land.

In the second part of the 20th century, and the first part of the 21st century, there is no frontier spirit. Even if you live in Alaska, you can hop on a sea plane, and get your supplies.

So, before you shit on California, consider that the "pioneer" spirit is called the Silicon Valley, and what it symbolizes, and that's what's keeping America great.

The electoral college is a relic of the past, and does not represent the reality of the 21st century.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@Northwest I agree with you. I thought he was talking nonsense but felt that it needed to get debated.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
First, America isnt a Democracy. It says so on the wrapper.. Its a Republic. In this case it happens to be a broadly democratic Republic, but it doesnt take much to change that as recent events show. The fact is that there is little to prevent the top down removal of unwanted votes to get the result you want. And that could still happen next time out. So there is that.
But a nation isnt just its people. It is the wealth, the industry and the commerce. So you can have your one person , one vote. Or you can have your electoral colleges, based or a rural bias. Or you can update and and reweigh the Electoral college system. based on the proportion of the national economic output a particular state produces, which could be updated every 4 years, ahead of the election.😷
The idea that a certain group (in the case of the US, usually white, straight, Christians who live in rural areas) embodies the true essence or “volkheit” of a country is a tenet of fascism. Your friends’ evoking the “frontier spirit” or desirability of a past Golden Age is another tenet.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
The electoral college is far from perfect, yet it serves as a check on the emotions of the masses. Like anything though, it can be abused in actual use. I'm not convinced it should be dismantled as the emotions of the masses still needs to be checked. It is not clear what alternate solution would necessarily be more productive and safer from abuse.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@MarkPaul How about the person that gets the most votes wins? Or is that too controversial?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Wol62 Too naive. It doesn't solve the problem of the distrust the founders rightfully had of unchecked power of the masses.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
he doesn't want to get rid of the electoral college and go for a straight popular vote, as he feels candidates would concentrate on large metropolitan areas
Actually, the electoral college DOES what he fears. It becomes a game of mapping out which states get you to the magic number of electoral votes -- and it is the most populous states that give you the most electoral votes. Furthermore, in most states it is still winner takes ALL the electoral votes for the state so a slim majority of the popular vote gets magnified several fold.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
What's great about this is not the content of this post but that somebody made a a good argument and you listened to that argument and instead of instantly decrying it you thought about it enough to raise a second argument. 3 things I really like there.
Democracy is one person one vote. There are ways to deal with "tyranny of the masses" but the electoral college is not it. The electoral college is there in case the prols vote wrong.

And I am sorry but unless you live in rural Alaska or Montana the "frontier" spirit is about as authentic as an Outback steak house or a dude ranch. It is all nonsense. Nobody lives that way anymore and haven't for generations.
romper69 · 51-55, M
The ones on "resevations"
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
MethDozer · M
Eh, to be honest I dont have that big of a problem with Electorl College and think it does actually serve a purpose. Maybe not as well as could but still. I take much bigger issue with the early voting states veing allowed on an unwarranted monopoly of power when it comes to the primaries.

As to what makes a real and fake American? Anyone's guess or whim on that. Personally I'd say if your a corporate businessman who sends jobs and investment outside the US you're not a true American.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I take much bigger issue with the early voting states veing allowed on an unwarranted monopoly of power when it comes to the primaries.
Interestingly enough, traditionally this has been deliberately the role for small, less populated states -- New Hampshire, Iowa -- in order to force the candidates to "go retail" directly to small population groups rather than being able to "buy wholesale" with big media purchases. A noble sentiment but it also has skewered the early primaries away from the issues facing urban America to small town and rural issues, making it difficult for some politicians to gain the traction needed to even qualify for the debates or get the funding to continue on to the bigger states.
MethDozer · M
@dancingtongue I call BS on that. That's the role of the Electoral college and the system as is means I have a razor thin chance if ever getting to voice my primary pick. Along with millions of others. The last two election cycles where just a slap in the face how fucked and gamed it is.
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