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They’ll keep this BS going as long as possible

EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
So over half a million people dead in a year from a global pandemic = bullshit + propaganda ? 🤔
@EuphoricTurtle To reiterate, you can’t execute a proper sentence. Simple enough for you now? Feel free to keep replying so I can keep pointing out how your statement made ZERO SENSE and was COMPLETELY INACCURATE. 😂
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@stratosranger ohhh "reiterate"...someone is trying to look clever.😉
So, go on. Please shine your light of wisdom upon me and explain what doesn't make sense about this;

So over half a million people dead in a year from a global pandemic = bullshit + propaganda ?
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Please tell us how the election was stolen as well and that masks cover people's faces from where they were eating babies.

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Paranoia, irritability and conspiracy thinking is part of several mental disorders.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
A worldwide conspiracy with the entire world’s medical establishment in cahoots 🙄 - with every country sacrificing their economies to make you wear a paper mask.
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Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I hope they don’t wear masks or get the vaccine. Let Darwinism run rampant.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@Zaphod42 I'd prefer it if they were serious about their misplaced beliefs and get a bracelet that would let medics and hospitals know. That way they can kick them out the door when they become sick with something they could have been protected against.
Northwest · M
I hope they don’t wear masks or get the vaccine. Let Darwinism run rampant.

I wish it were that simple. Viruses mutate. At this point and thanks to the new technologies used to develop the vaccines, vaccinated people are protected against the strains.

The longer this thing is allowed to circulate, the more variants we will have, and at some point, the vaccines will stop working against the newer variants.

That will happen if the non-believers get sick. It does not matter if they are asymptomatic, or if they don't get severely ill. Sadly, the imbeciles will get their way: make everyone, including themselves deathly ill.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
@Northwest Good points there.
Magenta · F
Exactly. It's so obvious!
Every other day it's a new crisis or.......
@Magenta Never let a crisis go to waste...
Vegasfor30 · 61-69, M
The Democrats are so evil and corrupt
All the little sheep just follow
Graylight · 51-55, F
And every single time one of them gets sick, it's "this ain't no joke, guys."

Enjoy finding imaginary treatment to fight your imaginary virus.
Magenta · F
@Graylight I know several people who had it and never took any drugs or had "treatment". They stayed home, took care of themselves and got over it.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Magenta And for most people, that'll be it. Great for them. Not the case for 3 million people. Not the case for many, many, many more who have what's now being called "long Covid." 1 in 3-5 sufferers experience this, complete with neurological difficulties. Then there's the cardiovascular interference, so Covid may not kill you this year but it'll steal the last 7 of your life. And it's certainly not the case for people being infected and spreading newer, more infectious, more dangerous strains. This biggest growing demographic right is youth...you know, the population that couldn't get sick.

So if the people you know who've had Covid are relatively untouched by it, that's a blessing. Why not give everyone that opportunity to thrive?
Since when is protecting lives bullshit?
Majorsite · 61-69, M
@NerdyPotato Right, 9 percent of the two trillion dollar porkulus bill went for Covid, The rest will be to finance corrupt liberal garbage !
Vegasfor30 · 61-69, M
OggggO · 36-40, M
Bit aren’t the vaccines supposed to lessen the effects of Covid so you don’t end up being hospitalized? Or are they looking for an opportunity to gouge the public with another “stimulus” to further pad liberal pork projects? It’s looking like the latter of the two. 🙄
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Anthony Faucci, Not a real doctor, But He plays one on TV !
@Majorsite I bet he has more medical degrees than you do.
Maybe his name should be Dr. Falsie
1.) Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what he said publicly.
In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States “did not have to worry” about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”
2.) Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic — then just weeks later he compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.
3.) Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on the garbage IHME models that were OFF BY MILLIONS and then later told reporters, “You can’t really rely on models.”
4.) On March 20th Dr. Fauci jumped in and “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”
Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine was deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.
5.) Dr. Fauci pushed these garbage models every step of the way.
A month ago Dr. Fauci claimed 1 million to 2 million Americans would die from coronavirus. Then he said 100,000 to 200,000 Americans will die from the virus. Three weeks ago he agreed 81,766 Americans would die from the coronavirus. Then by that Wednesday the experts cut the number of deaths to 60,415 projected deaths.
6.) On Easter Dr. Fauci suggested President Trump should have shut down the economy in February… When the number of known cases in the US was around 100. Fauci later walked back his attacks.
7.) Dr. Fauci said cruises were OK on March 9th. That was a huge error.
8.) Dr. Fauci said malls, movies and gyms were OK on February 29th. That was another huge mistake.
9.) Dr. Fauci was wrong about the first coronavirus deaths in the country. Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and the CDC were off by nearly a month. California officials revealed Tuesday that a patient in Santa Clara died from coronavirus on February 6th not February 29th.
10.) Dr. Fauci and the CDC missed the millions and millions of US citizens who had already contracted the coronavirus before the draconian lockdowns took place. Knowing this could have prevented the economic calamity.
11.) On April 15, 2020, Fauci endorses Tinder hookups, unbelievably.
12.) And in his worst mistake Dr. Fauci relied on corrupt W.H.O rules to lock down the United States and destroy the US economy. Meanwhile, this delays the herd immunity that is needed to prevent a future outbreak of this deadly virus.

Only in government can someone with this record still keep a job.
@Majorsite @NerdyPotato
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Of course, Never waste a good disaster, If it will further a kook liberal policy !
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Now that the sheeple have succumbed to the idea of wearing masks indefinitely, What will be the next freedom They go after .
Majorsite · 61-69, M
And after You get vaccinated, We're supposed to keep wearing them !
@Majorsite except the CDC says it does protect you. Not entirely, but it reduces the risk significantly.
@Vegasfor30 nobody is stopping you from entering a store. You just have to wear a mask to do so. How is that why different from requiring you to wear pants?

@Majorsite only until the rest of the population is vaccinated too, because the vaccine doesn't stop you from infecting them. It is all quite logical with basic scientific knowledge and a bit if rational thinking instead of reacting out of fear like you do.
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Conservative Fan Fiction, really touched this womans heart and turned of her mind. 🤦‍♂️
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Like she's totally right
AmericanBroad · 31-35, FVIP
Exactly lol

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