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Will President Trump return for four more years?

TexChik · F
I dont know but I hope he does. After biden and the gang get through destroying out economy...its going to take a hard ass to fix it , again. I imagine if the house is still socialist controlled after the mid terms, he wont run. That circus needs to be fixed
@TexChik How do you define "socialism?" Anything to the left of Jefferson Davis?
TexChik · F
@LeopoldBloom Im not about to give a civics lesson to a political troll.
@TexChik That's because you know your definition is bullshit.

Socialism refers to government ownership of private industry. There isn't a single politician in the US who favors that. But you people use the word as an insult to mean "bad liberal." It's like when left wingers call people like you Nazis. I assume you don't want to send Jews to the gas chamber, so calling you a Nazi just means "bad conservative."

If Joe Biden is a socialist, Donald Trump is a Nazi.
Hopefully. Given that he's the immaculate incorruptible emanation of the Godhead... purveyor and dispensatory of all things good, nutritious, sustaining, healing... fountain of remarkable inner qualities of forbearance, ethics, concentration...

waits as somebody makes some comment about Biden

No. Not a fan either.
4 years in the local retirement home, maybe...
Oster1 · M
I’ve been reading this thread and will comment again.

Trump absolutely let us down in so many ways. It all was a reality show.

His number one fault was he was the worst judge of character in the History of the American Presidency. I could and may, write a book on this subject. I know many may be confused to read this. I really tried. I saw it years ago and my closest friends will vouch for me.

Trump was a tremendous failure but not in the way, the left may think.

He could not see that he was being back stabbed daily by EVERYONE and could not see it. They all played him like a fiddle. He only believed in the power of his persona and brand. He would never read or learn anything. In his mind, he knew it all! He watched Fox and Twitter. It’s so embarrassing to me. He just never had a real sense of what was going on. Everyone bent him over and raped him daily. I truly cannot believe how blind and weak he was. How could he put so much faith in his ignorant daughter and criminal son in law? It was disgusting to watch.

In time, I will write more.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Oster1 I have to give you credit for seeing Trump's failure as president. Though it was predictable and over four years late, you got there. Bravo.

Trump has never been for anyone but himself. His malignant narcissism is a fatal flaw and should have disqualified him from office. Even his blood relatives can't be certain he won't turn on them to save himself.
Oster1 · M
@windinhishair I see completely different reasons than the left and my expressed feelings on the matter will not be used as a vehicle of gaining political capital. In respect, I don’t need credit. I admire Trump for many things and accomplishments but I believe another fault was trying to work with everyone and needing to be liked by all. It was a huge mistake. He had all the support he needed in his base. He should have came to us, held fireside chats regularly, better use of the Whitehouse website, etc. Even at the end when he was cut off from media, he could have went on national Television, Radio, Internet, through The National Emegency System. He just didn’t want to. Ultimate power is never given. It has to be taken away!

Trump did not lose the election. He won by a landslide. No one has interest in Obiden. I truly believe this all, will come out. There is vast proof and too much corruption everywhere to set it through, for now.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Oster1 The election was won handily by Biden. Anyone can see that. The Trump Cult tried to win through over 60 lawsuits, none of which were successful, because there was no evidence that could hold up in court. Your "vast proof" is actually nothing but misinformed speculation and conspiracy theories.

Trump didn't try to be liked by all. From Day One of his massively failed presidency, he catered to his base and his base only. So he did exactly what you wished he had done, and he still failed spectacularly, because he was incapable of governing.
Trump will be in prison before the next election. He could still run for president since being a free man is not a requirement, but it's more likely that he will endorse someone like Josh Haw-Haw or one of his own kids instead of running himself.
TexChik · F
@LeopoldBloom as usual, PROOF of guilt is required for any charge to carry weight. Manipulated videos and unknown sources do not a conviction make. Libs are long on charges and short on fact. And no politician is going to set the precedent that a president can be charged personally after his term is up for alleged crimes that were alleged while in office. That just is not going to happen.
DCarey · 46-50, M
@LeopoldBloom Are you five years old? WAAAAAAHHH! I DON'T LIKE BAD ORANGE MAN SO PUT HIM IN JAIL!!!! That's not the way the world works, son. Grow the hell up.
Oster1 · M
@LeopoldBloom There is no election interference in Georgia. Actual emails prove that was a lie and being looked at for prosecution within the State
Oster1 · M
I would not vote for him. People overlook his biggest flaws. I like Trump and he did good things but he made major mistakes too numerous to list here. Without a doubt he was cheated out of an election. I’m sorry if people can’t see this. It’s very tragic. No, I will not vote for him again.

I am going to support a ticket like De Santis/Gaetz instead. What we have now is truly, the embarrassment of the world. I will completely ignore them. In my mind, they do not exist.
Please hear me out. I’m making points tonight. I asked you to try to understand me. You know exactly where I’m coming from

I don't know where you're coming from or else I'd join you. We simply agree to disagree, it's not the end of the world for neither of us.....
@Oster1 Whoever you're talking to blocked me, but I get the idea. The problem is when people worship Trump as a religious figure. So criticizing him for anything is blasphemy to them. They view him as perfect and incapable of making a mistake, like God. So when you say he let the tech industry mute him, they think that was a smart move on his part because now he can establish his own private media empire. Or when he obviously screwed up, that was "four dimensional chess."
Oster1 · M
@LeopoldBloom The person I was talking too is incredibly intelligent and a very dear friend and I would hate to lose them. We just agreed to disagree. It bothered me that they were upset because I care about and value our friendship. I really like them and a fellow Patriot. They do not have to agree but my core values and respect for President Trump have not changed. I’m dissapointed in things and very fearful in what is taking place now but always knew what would happen, if he lost. Most of us did and hate to see what’s going on now. There is much voter remorse even in the legitimate votes that were cast.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 18-21, F
I hope so. People made a huge mistake on voting for Biden. Trust me we need Trump.
@LaylaTheTallGirl We need Trump in prison where he can't do any more damage.
LaylaTheTallGirl · 18-21, F
@LeopoldBloom goodness no! Look what Biden is doing!!! He’s making things worse. People that are Biden supporters need to WAKE UP!!!!
@LaylaTheTallGirl Biden is making huge improvements after Trump fucked everything up. You need to wake up - Trump wasn't the worst president but he was definitely the most corrupt and incompetent one of the past century. You'd have to go back to Andrew Johnson or Andrew Jackson for worse examples.
He will be awarded lifetime tenure to fix Nancy Antoinettes and schmucky schumers . Dementia driven nightmare
not as president, but I'm sure he's got a few more years of bullshit left in him.
TexChik · F
4meAndyou · F
He said that he would be back, "in some capacity". I think he is such a controversial figure that our lives would simply return to a state of constant horrific uproar...unless someone does us all a favor and sticks out their foot to trip Nancy Pelosi down the stairs.

I hope and pray that he is there counseling, and advising our next Republican president, because when he said, "I can FIX this", he wasn't kidding.
Oster1 · M
Not one word for the damn fools who believed in him to number in the million plus when some foolishly entered the Capitol false flag set up on the 6th of January!

Not one word as families stay in jail with no bond or civil rights protected. The FBI could find a gum wrapper that was at the Capital on the sixth but know nothing of the Boulder Shooter, even under watch!

Not one word from Trump. What a coward!

Can’t people of all sides , see this????
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@Oster1 as opposed to the left who uses every tragedy as an excuse to call everyone racists or infringe upon their rights?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Oster1 Trump is now and always been for Trump only. He will gladly throw anyone, even his Cult members, under the bus if is suits him personally. And then call them the fools that they are. He has no problem letting his Cult members go to prison for decades for trying to overthrow the government for them. All of this was predictable if they looked at his previous behavior and record.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I'm afraid that D.C. has become so twisted & corrupt these days, that the only way to truly "fix" it would be to flatten it and start over from scratch...🤔
Lukeman · M
I knew I could get you all fighting with a simple question. This is great.
I think he’ll back Ted cruz or De Santez
Oster1 · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Very likely. Gaetz and Flynn will be there too. Just get ready for more bogus charges and then It will be known, who the real threats are.

The VP’s have to be vetted by us too. No more turn coats!
Pence was a horrible never ending back stabber and enemy.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Only if he reports to Attica Prison.
i dont think he will be able to at that age, look at how bad joe biden is at his age almost being 80 and his mind is gone
TheSandman01 · 22-25, M
@TexChik Be careful what you wish for it could only get worse.
TexChik · F

If a prosperous economy , a strong military, and a don’t take shit attitude , and mental competency is worse … I’ll take it
@TheSandman01 The only way it could get worse is if Trump is reelected. I'm hoping whoever comes after Biden will be a real progressive and not a moderate like he is. AOC will be old enough to run for president in 2024, and if Biden decides not to seek a second term, hopefully she will.
DCarey · 46-50, M
We can only hope.
At 1 time I didn’t think so...I think it will depend on how the Republicans do in the 2022 House & Senate races. He can’t do any worse than the mess Joe has created. It may be too big a job to turn things around, though.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Oster1 · M
In my opinion, it’s looking every day, that he will not run again. Many agree with this assumption.
@Oster1 let's hope you're right. Otherwise let's hope he runs as an independent so the Republican votes get split into two minorities that neither stand a chance.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
He is a tele evangelist it’s a miracle you send money
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
better hope before then or there won't be a Country.
I really doubt he'll pull it off, but then again, I never thought he'd win a first 4 years.

I'll say this, though. He's still got his hold on Republicans and short of criminal convictions, I think he's in a really good position.
Rosiechick13 · 26-30, F
What I think is both people were a wash and we should get a redo. There is better somewhere. May I suggest a rock run ....
Carla · 61-69, F
Trump will be running for the next four years, at least.
I sense many continuances and postponements in his future.
jim44444 · 70-79, M
I do not believe his health will support another run for President.
TexChik · F
@jim44444 What's wrong with his health? I dont know why he would want to put up with the corruption in congress and their media lap dogs.
Maybe if he suddenly grows up, but I wouldn't count on it.
SirBenedictTheSecond · 22-25, M
Maybe. Get ready.
bobby1975 · F
He’s a pussy and he lost
No, I don't think so.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Which Trump?
BlueRain · F
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Hell yeah 🤓
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@spjennifer When he goes to prison and is unable to use his orange spray tan, he'll be the whitest white man on earth (with an orange jumpsuit, of course).
This message was deleted by its author.
4meAndyou · F
@MarmeeMarch We need someone who can kiss some political a$$es while taking Trump's advice and hiding that little fact.

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