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What would the US be like today if it had lost the Revolutionary War to the British ?

Elessar26-30, M
@Elessar 馃槃
TheRascallyOne31-35, M
I'm from Texas we will fight to the last man standing
akindheart61-69, F
@TheRascallyOne i love Texas. itwould be my third choice of state to live in.
@TheRascallyOne a Texan ? 馃憤馃徎
@jackjjackson oh we had some once. A dang hurricane ate it !
a bunch of tea sippers
@TexChik Is that a good thing? :)
@Nimbus nope. 馃槈
jackjjackson61-69, M
Bourbon sipping of course 馃 馃 @TexChik
There's a strong chance that no equivalent of the Louisiana Purchase would've happened and western portion of the Mississippi drainage basin would've been controlled by either a French ex-colony, some kind of ethnically Spanish government (due to war/immigration from Mexico), or indigenous tribes.
Harmonium192351-55, M
@Harmonium1923 Possibly.
We would be like Australia without the scarlet letter!
MrAboo36-40, M
@Nimbus by Nathaniel Hawthorne
@Nimbus It has become a euphemism for stigma or reputation. The Puritans used to make adulteresses wear a big red A on their blouses.
@puck61 I never knew that.
The Brits have had everything else taken from them, we probably would have been conquered by some other country. 馃槣
@AbbeyRhode That's interesting.
Which country? :)
OzDiver61-69, M
@Nimbus Luxembourg? 馃馃槒
@Nimbus Good question. Mexico or Canada are obvious, or maybe Spain. They funded Columbus's original trip. Could have been any country, really.
MissTaken36-40, F
Well they would have had to give back the Airfields that Trumpy claimed the Americans captured in the war 馃檪
MissTaken36-40, F
@Nimbus Yes he really did say the revolutionary army captured airfields from the British - which is pretty clever as the aeroplane hadn鈥檛 been invented at the time 馃槀馃槀
@MissTaken Oh yea, I remember now :)
@MissTaken 馃き
cherokeepatti61-69, F
the postage stamps would feature a portrait of the queen and we鈥檇 be celebrating her birthday.
@cherokeepatti Would that be a good or bad thing?
cherokeepatti61-69, F
@Nimbus not good if we didn鈥檛 support the royal family. And I don鈥檛
@cherokeepatti You're not alone in that respect.
SmellyBot61-69, M
Dentists would probably go bankrupt because Brits enjoy having rotten teeth 馃槀
@SmellyBot lol,
We鈥檇 have lost any subsequent wars and God only knows what that would have meant.
jackjjackson61-69, M
More tea drinking and bad teeth
@jackjjackson do not forget the stiff upper lip too 馃槅
jackjjackson61-69, M
About the only thing stiff about those inbreds. @smiler2012
Brianthesnail56-60, M
Driving on the left

Not so tolerant of immigration, maybe
@Brianthesnail Yes,that just might cause problems :)
eating too damned many pasties
@tindrummer 馃槢
QuixoticSoul41-45, M
Much the same, just a bit less kooky.
@QuixoticSoul 馃槢
jackjjackson61-69, M
We鈥檇 be like Canada only better?
My guess is Canada would just be alot bigger.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Did they fight wars ? to keep their independence ?
@MarmeeMarch Eventually yes. But if the 13 colonies lost there is no reason why the name of the territory would have changed at the time.
Proper spelling? 馃槄
@chrisCA lol, good one.
Nyloncapes61-69, M
Classier, less obesity , proper food, a good proper breakfast and roasts. Education and not thinking McDonald is a 3 star restaurant, the list is endless lol,
@Nyloncapes They're missing so much, lol.
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FreestyleArt31-35, M
It would be a dark powerful force than the EU and the Globalist elites. heck they don't even need them. The world would be fucked anyways
@FreestyleArt Down with the EU! :)
Really80-89, M
At least on the N. American continent I'd know how many CCs I could expect from a gallon - or a 26-oz bottle :).
@Really lol,
Thodsis51-55, M
Much the same. But with fewer cosmetic surgeons and nutcase preachers.
@Thodsis 馃槃
{@nimbus ] drinking tea and playing cricket nimby 馃槅
@smiler2012 Maybe proper football too ;)
@Nimbus had it been invented then nimby i wonder 馃か
OzDiver61-69, M
Starbucks would only sell tea
@OzDiver Well that's gotta be a good thing surely?
OzDiver61-69, M
@Nimbus Yep 馃憤
JoyfulSilence46-50, M
Southern Canada?
@JoyfulSilence Possibly :)
JoyfulSilence46-50, M
That would also mean the current southwest US would have likely remained part of Mexico. Heck, the Great Plains might still be part of France. And Alaska would be Russian.

There would have been gradual abolition of slavery, perhaps, and no Civil War. And maybe the two world wars would never have happened due to the might of the Commonwealth, with all those American resources and industries. Britain had to wait a few years to tap into it, in the real world.
Tres1351-55, M
America would be full of Poms
Dolimyte41-45, M
@Dolimyte 馃槸
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QuixoticSoul41-45, M
exactly my point if there wasnt an American then those wars still would had happened
How was that exactly your point when you were wondering "if ww1 and ww2 would had happen still"?

the out come would had been very different
Probably not, tbh
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@MarmeeMarch 馃嵒
@MarmeeMarch That would be terrible!
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@swirlie Good point.

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