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sassyleah25 · 26-30, F
Supreme Court just denied this case with a simple one word ruling. Let it go already!
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@Peapod I’m very pleased to hear this news, thank you.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@Archtiger You are quite welcome. Pa. is the state Trump is really after.

Glad to know there is still some common sense left.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@Peapod This win indicates there are more of us than there are them. That’s a huge defeat and gives me hope for 2021.

Adrift · 61-69, F Best Comment
Dont you have a hobby?
Adrift · 61-69, F
@MsAnnThropy We were referring to "single parenting", keep up.
No, I have yet to have met a man who has ever been pregnant.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@Adrift You’re wasting both Ann and my time. You contributed nothing to begin, only to proceed to get defensive due to my simple non-offensive response, and finally throw a fit when I called you on it. It’s right there in plain sight for the general public to see for reference. You can now have the final word, as I know how important it is to you, and I won’t even respond to it, as a favor. Similarly to Sunsporter, I will not block you, but I will no longer engage or even read your childish comments. As I would do to a child throwing a temper tandrum, I’ll let you wear yourself out. On that note, the floor is now yours.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@Adrift Loser.
I thought it was quickly rejected...

The US supreme court on Tuesday turned away a long-shot bid by Republicans to overturn the election results in Pennsylvania, where Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in the 2020 race.

The suit, filed on behalf of Mike Kelly, a Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, took issue with a 2019 state law that adopted no-excuse absentee voting, and argued that the expansion of mail-in voting was illegal.

Several courts, including the Pennsylvania supreme court, had already denied the request, noting that Kelly waited until after the 2020 election to file his suit when the law was in place well before the election.

The case is the first piece of 2020 election litigation to reach the US supreme court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority including three Trump appointees. But the decision is not a surprise. As is customary with emergency requests, the supreme court did not offer an explanation for its decision. There were no noted dissents.

UK Guardian report
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@SW-User This question was asked nineteen hours ago. At the time, it looked as if it would be heard.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@SW-User That is a different suit. Like most other dismissed election suits, it was filed by a third party. Although the Court did not give a reason for rejecting the case, they likely found that the plaintiff lacked standing.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
There is one problem with's a little something called evidence, and it's something that Trump does not have.
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
Still will not accept the ruling if it goes against them, Supreme Court does NOT even have to take the case up.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Archtiger he needs a time out!
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@samueltyler2 Exactly. So ignore him.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
Texas is suing the swing states that confirmed Biden ! 🙄

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The state of Texas, aiming to help President Donald Trump upend the results of the U.S. election, said on Tuesday it has sued Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at the Supreme Court, calling changes those states made to election procedures amid the coronavirus pandemic unlawful.
The long-shot lawsuit, announced by the Republican attorney general of Texas Ken Paxton, was being filed directly with the Supreme Court rather than with a lower court, as is permitted for certain litigation between states. The Supreme Court has a 6-3 conservative majority including three justices appointed by Trump.
The lawsuit represents the latest legal effort intended to reverse the Republican president’s loss to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden in the Nov. 3 election. Those efforts have so far failed and legal experts said the Texas suit also is unlikely to succeed.
Democrats and other critics have accused Trump of aiming to reduce public confidence in the integrity of U.S. elections and undermine American democracy by trying to subvert the will of the voters.
Texas accused election officials in the four states of failing to protect mail-in voting from fraud, thus diminishing “the weight of votes cast in states that lawfully abide by the election structure set forth in the Constitution.”
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard Ah, misspelled word. I see now. You are correct, my mistake.
MissTaken · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard I bow to your better knowledge of US history 🙂
@bijouxbroussard Its still paranoia...See, the thing about paranoia is it never ever recognizes a mega-concept.

So the more it gets challenged the more examples of itself it throws up...thus agreeing it REALLY IS PARANOIA

And article 25 would still hold sway if that madman still thinks he is in power..even 4 a few more weeks

Also most people secretly wanna know...Is madness catching???

Well in this case....all bets are off but mine is still in...that this time it won't go on tooooooo much longer.

i believe in PEOPLE and that includes anyone on the SC who knows what a bitch it is to be a good human being...and this time it will include a majority.

Thank you AF!!
Frank52 · 70-79, M
'Crushing loss' is how CNN has described the one sentence dismissal by the SC of the attempt to overturn the PA result. I know some people don't like CNN, so I am happy to quote them in this context. This perhaps is a signal that SCOTUS will not overturn a fair election result no matter who shouts unevidenced allegations around the world.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
[image deleted]
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@sunsporter1649 I’m tired of your non-sense. I tried to tolerate you and not to use my blocks but I’m afraid you’ll have to be the first. You contribute nothing and I don’t respect you at all. I’ll give you the last word though, I know how important it is to you, without even replying to it. Your closing statements? Get it all out if you’d like.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
If the election were fair there would be no lawsuits.

There would be lawsuits, of course, but they’d be successful or even able to be presented in some cases, as some were not able to be presented for their baseless claims, if there was fraud. The rest of your accusations are a waste of time.
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
The one thing trumpers have in common is arrogance
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@ilikeitlikethat23 No arrogance here, for
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
[image deleted]
beckyromero · 36-40, F
And the Pennsylvania case was dismissed faster than you can sing...

arthurca · M
@beckyromero This one says why more clearly
Is Sidney Powell finally going to release the kraken?
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@Northwest West Coast...of England. 😄
Northwest · M
@Frank52 Plymouth or the Colonies? :-)
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@Northwest To be pedantic, Plymouth, Devon is on the south coast of Old (as opposed to New) England. I'm further north near the Bristol Channel. Same Time Zone though. LOL.
I sense some sarcasm
Archtiger · 31-35, M
No sarcasm, I enjoy watching him lose.
@Archtiger okay
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StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@samueltyler2 How was it a fair election when the voting machines flipped votes for Trump and gave them to Biden? How was it fair when only Democrats were allowed to cure their ballots in the swing states, violating the Constitution's Equal Protection clause? How was it fair when Pennsylvania violated its own constitution and the U.S's by changing voting laws through the courts instead of through the legislature? How was it a fair election when Republican poll watchers were sent home while the vote counting continued, after which Biden miraculously overcame a giant vote deficit? I think the fairest outcome would be either for the SCOTUS to vacate the election results and send the election to the states or for the legislatures in the contested states to send their own slate of electors, For President Trump, to the Electoral College.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@StrictSouthernHOH How is it fair that you have no proof, as proven time and time again, down to the Supreme Court tossing TX lawsuit out, Yet you still throw out absurd unsubstantiated claims? How is it fair that you don’t listen to any media besides what you’d like to hear and discard the rest as fake? Let’s not play this game, you’ll surly lose. Good try, I give you that.
Last I checked they were at 1 for 39 and that was on a minor technicality about how far away observers should stand. Not exactly success.
StrictSouthernHOH · 46-50, M
@Archtiger Most of those losses were in suits filed by third parties who lacked standing. Regardless, losses in the lower courts have always been expected. The SCOTUS will rule on the case, but first it must get through the state and federal courts.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@StrictSouthernHOH Let’s be realistic, this whole display is “dead in the water.”
@Archtiger Please see the remark I just make about that...
Northwest · M
It's going to the Supreme Court? The Supreme Court has not confirmed that it will hear the case of Texas versus the 4 states that certified the Biden win.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Northwest if SCOTUS has a brain on it, it will refuse to hear the case, they can not "win" in this dispute, whatever their opinion will be attacked by one side or the other.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@Northwest It has not been accepted or denied by the SC at this point in time.
sassyleah25 · 26-30, F
Just turn on the news...they are
Discussing it now. I know....I know...fake news right?
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@sassyleah25 Fake news? I’m not that ignorant, it was a simple question. I’m not by my television currently as it is 2:20 pm on a Tuesday and I have a job to support my daughter.
Archtiger · 31-35, M
@sassyleah25 Loser.
sassyleah25 · 26-30, F
Sorry one sentence ruling that should be
smiler2012 · 56-60
@Archtiger will one hollow victory if trump does succeed and get one result overturned . i ask myself is this a waste of time why does trump just admit defeat instead of wasting time and money on making himself look a berk
None. Every time I have to it ruins me financially for the next 6 months.

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