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What does the "purple" states represents?

Watching CNN and the political analysts made reference to NC as a purple state 🤔

I'm such an idiot to be asking this question I know. Please don't embarrass me 😓
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F Best Comment
The democratic party is represented by the color blue and the republican party is represented by the color red. States that aren't strongly biased toward either party are referred to as "purple" because blue and red mixed together makes purple.
@BlueMetalChick Oh I thought it was just that state's favorite color.
Outlaw18 · 22-25, F
@BlueMetalChick wow you're soooooo BRILLIANT!! thank you ma'am..this REALLY helped

windinhishair · 61-69, M
Purple states are those that have roughly equal numbers of Republican and Democratic voters, so they can vote red (Republican) in one election and blue (Democratic) in another.
States whose electoral votes are up for grabs; they can go either for the Republicans or the Democrats because the vote is so close. The purple states are the states that decide the election.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Effectively, it’s a state that isn’t consistently Democrat or Republican. So, it could be either blue or red: hence purple.
Graylight · 51-55, F
You've already gotten the answer here, and don't sweat it. We went from 50 states to red and blue states. Then we introduced purple, pink, light blue and yellow. It's all just the downtime work of media graphic artists. 15 years ago there was no such thing as a wave or red and blue on an election map.
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
Northwest · M
<<< biting lips hard >>>
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Purple states are swing states. They don't have strong bias to either Dems or Reps

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