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Sierra25 · 61-69, M
Portland well on the way to becoming a "dead city"...Guess there wont be much to protest when all the money leaves....
@Sierra25 What the fuck are you talking about? I moved out of Portland 12 years ago, and couldn't afford to move back now. It used to be the last affordable big city on the West Coast, but not anymore.
Sierra25 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom Clearly you are a well organized idiot!
@Sierra25 Clearly, you're full of shit.

Please cite a reputable source supporting your claim that "money is leaving" Portland in significant numbers since the George Floyd protests started three months ago. When someone says something that contradicts my own observations, a citation would be helpful if you don't want me to think your just pulling shit out of your ass.

The victim was a member of Patriot Prayer, a right wing gang. He was seen spraying mace at protesters before he was shot. It’s possible he was killed by another person in his own group and not by any of the left wing protesters he was attacking.
@Johnson212 Assaulting other people is not "protesting."
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson So according to you, spraying people with mace because you disagree with them is acceptable as long as the person doing the spraying is a Trump fluffer.

Violence from left wing: always wrong
Violence from right wing: acceptable or even praiseworthy
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The 'Conservative protesters' are actually two far-right groups called Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Both are extremely violent white nationalists.

The person shot belonged to the former group, not that that condones his killing.

Please get your facts right, unless you are happy to conflate Conservatism with Fascism, which maybe you are.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom "It's not like nothing happened here. When Rittenhouse fired his first shot, he was in no danger"

How do you know that ? I have not seen that fact in evidence. What do you base it on ?

Kyle's story is that he proceeded towards the mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker.

Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground. One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots.

Kyle got up and continued down the street in the direction of police with his hands in the air. He attempted to contact multiple police officers, but they were more concerned with the wounded attackers. The police did not take Kyle into custody at that time, but instead they indicated he should keep moving. He fully cooperated, both then and later that night when he turned himself in to the police in his hometown, Antioch, Illinois.

Kyle did nothing wrong. He exercised his God-given, Constitutional, common law and statutory law right to self-defense.

You say different, how do you know that he had no defense for his first shot ?

As for getting off like OJ, OJ played the race card and got off that is not an option for Kyle.
@Johnson212 Rittenhouse's first shot hit the victim in the back. So it's not likely that he was under any direct threat, at least not from that person. If he panicked and shot someone else by mistake, there are consequences for that. You can't just shoot indiscriminately into a crowd because you feel threatened.

There is no "God-given" right to self-defense. The Second Amendment doesn't mention self-defense either. There is a legal right to self-defense under certain conditions depending on state law. A bank robber can't claim self-defense if he kills a bank customer who tries to stop him. The skateboard guy was attempting to neutralize what he perceived as a threat to everyone there. Rittenhouse shooting him was cold-blooded murder.

You also have a misunderstanding of Castle Doctrine. It doesn't apply if you're in the street and can't get to the business you want to protect. Also, it has to be a business you have a connection to, like an owner or an employee.

Anyway, we'll see how this goes in court. Not that you give a fuck. Rittenhouse could be found guilty, and you'll blame it on "liberals." He's a minor, and a white kid, so it's more likely he'll plead down to manslaughter and serve a few years. It's not like he went there with the intention of murdering anyone.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom Balony, I have read the complaint, Rosenbaum was after Rittenhouse, he went into the car lot after him, threw something at him, continued to approach him, nobody saw what he was doing but Rittenhouse said he tried to take his gun and then he fired 4 times. You don't know what happened because nobody saw what Rosenbaum was doing at the time of the shooting but Rittenhouse. You stupid enough to go after a man armed with a gun and get shot well that is on you for being so stupid. We have seen time after time protesters drag people from cars and beat them just for being on the other side. Rittenhouse has reason to fear the mob.

I never said anything about the Castle Doctrine applying here, all I mentioned is that there is no specific stand your gound law in Wisconsin but that they have written into their legislation that you are not required to retreat before using deadly force, you still have to use justification but you dont' have to retreat. Some states require you to retreat if you can regardless of justification.

The good people of Wisconsin who are sick of their stuff being burned or destroyed by a bunch of antifa blm thugs will judge this then Rittenhouse will be set free.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
“Peaceful” protesters don’t murder people....even if most were protesting peacefully, the murderer was not peaceful.
@DragonFruit THIS. It's become a pc term that's a contradiction in itself
morrgin · F
people are moving out of the city
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
Don't worry Trump will be in Kenosha today while Biden hides in his basement.
@Johnson212 That doesn't warrant an attempted murder. If the cops failed to neutralize him when he was in the street, they had no cause to shoot him.

Blake's family didn't want to meet with Twitler, either, so Twitler made up a story about meeting with some mysterious "pastor" whose identity is unknown. The family doesn't even have a pastor. Oh, no, they don't attend church, I guess they all deserve death.
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom There is no attempted murder, you can't let him go back to the car where the children were and get a gun. They were protecting themselves and others from a violent person.
@Johnson212 If 7 cops can't take down one person without having to shoot them, they shouldn't be cops and should, like you, just stay home cowering in the basement.
Carver · 31-35, F
I hope not. What happened was a tragedy and an outrage, but seeking retaliation makes them no better than the protesters.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
There is so much wrong and inaccurate about that load of nonsense you spouted it merits no response from reasonable people.

right wing nut job from out of town dead, no crime here, move on.
[image deleted]
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Chalk it up as a suicide
Remember the Hatfields and the McCoy's?
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M

I'm shocked one of these fellows got shot. Shocked.
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@Johnson212 Those should be handled by the police, not vigilantes. Keep this shit up and you'll see some real violence. A lot of liberals own guns, too.
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Elessar · 26-30, M
@Johnson212 Agreed, but then you arrest those (with evidence they were causing damage, not random people pooled randomly from the crowd), with the use of identifiable agents, and not by allowing (fanatic) citizens of the opposite political faction to converge to the place. Otherwise yes, it's called "forcible suppression of the opposition".
candycane · 31-35, F
Isnt there always revenge in this hateful world
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@candycane It's the charles bronson way candycane 👫

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