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Conservatives automatically assume

If Black people riot, it’s “BLM”
If white people riot, it’s “antifa”

The goal is to demean these groups via guilt by association. It doesn’t matter if the “rioters” are in fact local gangs having no connection to BLM or white gangs like the Proud Boys not connected to antifa, and in some places, even fighting with antifa.
I think there are dickheads at both ranges of the spectrum, but the there’s only one group that brought a country struggling with a pandemic to a halt by burning people’s property.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SatanBurger This isn't about protestors' points, or violence. It's about the outrageously monstrous hyperbole involved in characterizing the country as having ground to a halt because some twiggy anarchists burned a single-digit number of structures over the course of three months.

For fuck's sake folks, have a sense of proportion. This is localized small-time shit.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@QuixoticSoul I have a bridge I want to sell you
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@QuixoticSoul At a time when there's a pandemic and economies are already fragile, the damage matters. And in local people's eyes hit by the rioters, they ask themselves, what did they do to deserve that?

I'm not even going to get into the irony of ruining local economy while corporations who have billions get to recover but local businesses probably not.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Well and there's a few more things buried in there:

- That riots have no justification, cause, or meaning.

- That riots somehow 'ruin' political causes despite history demonstrating the exact opposite.

- That riots are a form of violence. Property damage and looting aren't violence.

- That riots are a GREATER form of violence than say, shooting someone seven times in the back.

There's a basic belief here that the property of white people has greater value than the personhood of black people.
Budwick · 70-79, M
A violent crime is -by legal definition- one which does harm upon a victim.

You burn my business down - I become a victim.

It's not rocket science counselor.

don't trot out the handful of black-owned businesses harmed in the first few days of the protests

Why? Doesn't fit your narrative?
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Budwick And of course we see antifa and the democrap party jumping in and helping those innocent victims who have lost their life's work
Budwick · 70-79, M
of course we see antifa and the democrap party jumping in and helping those innocent victims who have lost their life's work

Yeah, I must have missed that episode.
Demeaning the opposition is a central Trumpist tenet, as is ignoring facts that don't fit the narrative.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee Good job ignoring what's right in front of your face every day. The central tenant of TDS.
@eli1601 You're still doing it.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@MistyCee and always will
Although I agree there's certainly a contingent of people who're purposefully using these protests as a shroud for blatant criminal behaviour, I also believe that these groups (i.e. BLM) are comprised of a significant number of individuals who see violence as a vehicle for change, and often as late the line between criminal and protestor is blurred.

Let's not pretend, for instance, that almost every single protest in Portland recently hasn't reliably deteriorated into utter violence and chaos - that simply wouldn't happen if the majority of participants were dead set on a peaceful protest.

In short, I don't believe we're talking a small minority of rabble-rousers here, I think we're talking about a movement who seems to believe that to enact change, there has to be violence. Unfortunately, that violence is severely undermining their goals and I don’t think they have the foresight to see how.

Happy to be challenged on these thoughts, but this is the way I’m currently seeing events, having started out by siding with such movements. I wouldn’t identify as a conservative either; I think Trump is an egotistical narcissist unfit for the position he holds.
@LeopoldBloom I think you're struggling here. I started this conversation by acknowledging that yes, there are some right-wing activists responsible for some of the riots we’re seeing.

But you are literally ignoring a very large contingent of BLM activists that are causing way more unrest right now, and you're doing so because it doesn't fit your narrative.

Let me put it into perspective for you - the George Floyd protests resulted in over $500 million dollars of damages. This isn't a small number of rioters we're talking about, or a right-wing conspiracy - this is unabated violence being perpetrated by those aligned with BLM who clearly believe violence and unrest is a vehicle for change.
deifying the cops when they shoot a Black person

I'll defend cops who take the necessary actions to stop a suspect who poses a deadly threat to them or the public.

That's not deifying, that's simply acknowledging basic use of force procedures. Show me a cop who used deadly force where it wasn't necessary and I'll call them a bad cop (i.e. Derek Chauvin) - but this has become something much uglier; we're maligning cops who have done nothing wrong. I'll defend those cops all day.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Interesting when right wing gangs turned up in London the next week no police were injured at all and like the week before when it was just BLM supporters and about 30 police were injured. Your problem is these people like you want to just blame it all on some vague right wing and ignore the real issues. You’ve got your head in the clouds@LeopoldBloom
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Hm, and from your end:

"Antifa? Who? They don't exist, I have no idea what those young men are doing in their black garb and molotov cocktails."

White person murdered by a black person: Who cares
Black person murdered by another black person: Who cares

Black person killed reacting violently to a routine traffic stop??? OH MY GAWD, LET'S BURN THIS SHIT DOWN!!!... and get free stuff to boot... they got insurance.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
You're being obtuse if you don't think crack addiction primarily affected Black people, and opioid addiction primarily affects white people

Ok, point taken. However, both are substance abuse issues and we both know that if a national effort was made to combat such issues, both types of addictions would be eligible for aid. I made several recommendations of issues that I thought warranted more important consideration, not just this one. I also mentioned homeless people and people without health care.

Sentencing for equal amounts of crack was notably harsher than for cocaine (which was another drug whose users tended to be white). I'm sure you can come up with "logical" reasons for this disparity having nothing to do with the perpetrators' skin color.

😂 Really? You are attempting to mock me for using logic? Sorry hazzie, but that's just absurd. You're goddam right I will use logic, reason and data to refute your points. You believe otherwise? I'm gonna do the strawman thing here and say, so you believe every government policy decision should be based on your feelings??? 🤪

The rest of your comment was non-sequitor nonsense, and has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Yeah, that's right, the topic is still "systemic racism". I guess you moved off that point because I so effectively countered your anecdotal example of hiring decisions being inherently racist?
@SumKindaMunster You didn't counter anything. I gave examples of systemic racism. If the only definition you will accept is race-based slavery or Ku Klux Klansmen burning crosses on peoples' lawns, then I guess systemic racism is over with. But more subtle aspects of it still exist, and have an effect on peoples' lives.

I can't think of any reason for crack sentencing being harsher than powder cocaine sentencing, other than the racial makeup of the people who used those drugs. That doesn't mean judges and prosecutors are white-robed Klansmen, gleefully lynching Black people. It means that people have inherent biases that will affect their judgment if they refuse to acknowledge them.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom Ok whatever Hazzie. I effectively countered your point with evidence, logic and reason(which you mocked!) and your only response is snark and nonsense.

If the only definition you will accept is race-based slavery or Ku Klux Klansmen burning crosses on peoples' lawns, then I guess systemic racism is over with

Fuck you, that's not what I said or even remotely implied. You're just bitter because you lost that argument.

I can't think of any reason for crack sentencing being harsher than powder cocaine sentencing, other than the racial makeup of the people who used those drugs. That doesn't mean judges and prosecutors are white-robed Klansmen, gleefully lynching Black people. It means that people have inherent biases that will affect their judgment if they refuse to acknowledge them.

That's one theory. Another could be that the circumstances in which the offender was caught with an illegal substance might have something to do with it. If they just were in possession, or if they were looking to distribute it would have an impact on sentencing. If the person was arrested for another reason, say an outburst of violence when caught with the illegal substance could have something to do with the harshness of their sentence.

Point being, I believe its more about behavior and circumstance than vague notions of inherent biases.
It’s kind of amazing to me the extent to which people refuse to understand why riots occur. They do not occur in a vacuum. They are not caused solely by a single event. They are the result of built-up frustration, anger, and disillusionment with the system. Scapegoating it all onto agitator groups is a way of not having to deal with the underlying cause of unrest. Yes, of course there are opportunists and riot-for-the-sake-of-riot individuals out there, but they seize on any bit of unrest. Their presence does not mean the reasons people are in the streets is not worth understanding.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
It’s funny but liberals always take this view. When BLM protested here there was a huge amount of violence, criminal damage and policemen injured. They even attacked the war memorials which were a memorial to people fighting against fascism. They have been death threats to people who won’t cow-tow to them. And one of their leaders was on advocating all this on the media. Interesting I’m just reading that there are apparently nightly protests for what is called ‘social justice’ which involve mass lootings. People in New York tell of gang robberies at restaurants in broad daylight, of lootings, shootings and boarded-up shops. Funny that people who identify as liberals mysteriously stay away from the city of late.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom And of course those 2 "peaceful protesters" were singing songs and holding flowers, right?
Speedyman · 70-79, M
And you know nothing. You are just a brainwashed liberal. You know nothing about what’s going on over here and about the violence against our police . You just suck up all the nonsense. We also get reports from some of our correspondence over there and they all tell us what is happening so we’re not as idiotic as you to believe that BLM are sweetness and light. The problem is with you is that you lose an argument and then and then accuse others of being brainwashed when you are utterly brainwashed yourself into this absolute liberal nonsense. The trouble is it’s not liberal it’s Stalinist. You need to wake up and put your brain in gear if you’ve got one@LeopoldBloom
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@Speedyman Minds full of mush
No riots or civil unrest under Clinton, Bush, or Obama. Trump takes over as President, and the country has been in turmoil ever since. Time to replace Trump with Biden so the country can heal.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@independentone wrong check your facts besides with Facebook
Budwick · 70-79, M
Trump takes over as President, and the country has been in turmoil ever since.

The socialist left are VERY sore losers.
kodiac · 22-25, M
It really doesn't matter anymore who is to blame .Innocent bystanders are fighting back people can only take this shit for so long .
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SatanBurger Maybe they just didn't connect the dots for you - but think about it for a second. Dude was not the owner or an employee, and his body was found in a cosed-for-pandemic business that was looted and burned. Dude was there looting, his fellow looters accidentally did him in.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@QuixoticSoul Ah I looked up the name of the Pawn Shop in question, people had been looting it before the place was even on fire so if they hadn't been looting, nobody would have been dead. That explains it, it's still sad though. I'm glad that person who did that is rotting in prison right now.
Eternity · 26-30, M
Partisian people are not very smart people. Hence their reliance on organizations to think on their behalf.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I was surprised to see how many white people were in both groups.

They both suck. Neither has any interest in racial matters.
Read the BLM website - that's where they are defaming themselves.
Antifa has long been an outfit looking to disrupt law and order.
That tends to rub people the wrong way.

The ones that got pushed into oblivion are the ones that were protesting the wrongful death of George Floyd. I bet if you were to ask any of the knotheads still burning cities down who Floyd was, they would answer 'Dude, they were an awesome band! I still get stoned to 'Dark Side of the Moon!'
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom Where do you get this crap?
@sunsporter1649 From the media and from people I know who live there. I don’t have access to a computer right now but will post my sources later, not that it will matter as you’ve made up your min already.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@LeopoldBloom And I have a bridge I want to sell you, you are so gullible
MarineBob · 56-60, M
I just assume that the cops are on take for not enforcing the law
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Accusations are confessions.
Why is that assumption made ? Is / was there any truth to it at one time ???
@LeopoldBloom Happy reading - remember - don't throw stones
[image/video deleted]
@MarmeeMarch Picking your nose again? Pick a winner!
Speedyman · 70-79, M
We have had death threats over here to sportspeople who don’t ‘take the knee’ to this organisation.

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