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There are loads of conspiracy theories going around.

About the riots in America. Ive heard that its been created by Russian bots, white supremecists agent provocateurs, 'Antifa' etc.

Noboby really knows wtf is going on and every media source is pushing an agenda.

The intersting question is why is this thing hapoening?

What caused the circumstances that led to this man's death and why did it cause riots throughout America.
kinkysweetie · 26-30, F
What led to this mans death? Racism, obviously. Black people are fed up with being treated this way. Use some common sense.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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kinkysweetie · 26-30, F
@SevIsPamprinYouAlways apparently this is all just a big meme to you, nice!
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Why it's happening? Because otherwise you either have to blame the leadership and the retarded system burgers set up for themselves, or black people (with a fresh and very legitimate grievance). Neither is all that palatable right now.

So it's anyone else - Russians and white supremacists for the dems, Anarchists and Commies for the gop. Gotta have a scapegoat.

Reality, nobody could create decades worth of anger and alienation in minority and poorer people except for the Amerifats themselves - it starts at the top, and goes back four hundred years.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@GERRI Because they were absolute assholes and nobody wanted them around, mostly.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@QuixoticSoul Well, that's obviously a bigoted descriptive opinion you have of them but mostly true. But nonetheless, the fact is,, they left...
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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Northwest · M
The root cause, is similar to that of the UK, where on a per capita basis, a black person, is 4X as likely, to experience violence at the hands of law enforcement, but far higher, due to our history of slavery, followed by Jim Crow laws (not so subtle segregation/discrimination laws, in the South, following the civil war).

On average, a police officer, in the USA, is likely to think of a black person, during an encounter, as an immediate threat. That officer may not be inherently racist, but the reaction is racist regardless, and can turn any encounter between police and blacks, into a deadly one.

In addition, there's a general attitude, that an officer's life is significant, while a suspect's life is insignificant. A priori beliefs set the stage for disaster, every single day, in any US city, under the most routine of situations.

In addition, a percentage of the US population, always sides with the police, something that's allowed corrupt cops to literally get away with murder.

A couple of days ago, a star Seattle High School basketball player, who now plays for Washington State U., published the details of his encounter with the police last year. He was picking up his sister from an event, and was with another high school basketball star (#4 sought after player in the nation). He parked outside the house. Next thing he knows, he's got a cop cocking his pistol, and sticking it in his face. He raised his arms, and made sure he was screaming that he's holding a phone.

Turns out a car similar to the one they were driving, was reported stolen, and upon seeing two kids in a car, parked, the officer instantly switched into "they're guilty", instead of checking the license plate, which was different from the car reported stolen (it had actually been moved, and someone thought it was stolen). No drugs were involved, and the kids had clean records. This is also Seattle, the only major US city, with a Socialist, Lesbian Mayor (the police department reports to the Mayor), and where cops undergo intense racial awareness training.

Let's be clear about what's going on in the US. There are protests, and there's criminal activity, in the form of looting, property damage and assault. In my lily white suburb (well, mixed with upper crust Asians and Indians in the tech industry), the high end mall was broken into, as a sideline to a legitimate protest. This is the first time something like this ever happens in Bellevue, Washington.

The President, and the right wing, is accusing the radical left AntiFa, but no one can identify this AntiFa. Just for kicks, I started a thread here, a couple of days ago, with a challenge, to see if anyone can point me in the direction of AntiFa. My point was that there is no such thing as an organized AntiFa, and it's neither right wing. nor left wing.

The videos and images from Seattle, show that the white women, were doing all the car burning, calmly and deliberately. Mayor Durkin referred to them as entitled white kids. These are obviously not people who were "protesting".

In several cities, problems were averted, when cops participated in the protests. Wherever riots occurred, it was generally where cops decided not to show weakness, by going on a full display of force, and creating a physical and psychological barrier, between themselves and the would be rioters.

Trump is proposing a war against the public. There's no other way of describing it. Act tough, and do not show weakness. A throwback to the failed way we dealt with the Vietnam war protests, and the same tactics used by China and Iran to suppress protest. it does not work. Another proposal on how to deal with the situation, was presented by President Obama today, but he's not the current occupant of the White House. In the meanwhile, I expect a night of unrest, because this is what Trump wants, so he can use his power. He's already parading National Guard trucks in front of the White House, banana republic style.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 did the “shit hit the fan” when a black man beheaded a “British Subject in the streets of London—- i believe I remember the location correctly ?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@GERRI Yes and yes.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 Really? I don’t recall the soccer hooligans in Glasgow burning an looting entire city blocks —- but then again, I mind my own business and pay little attention to nations I haven’t a vote in.
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
I’ve heard every excuse except for the one that says people are sick of being treated like dog shit and lied to by a racist system that keeps railroading their progress..
windinhishair · 61-69, M
people are sick of being treated like dog shit and lied to by a racist system that keeps railroading their progress..

I think you hit the nail on the head. And people are already upset about being locked down under covid. The George Floyd killing is just the straw that broke the camel's back. And Trump's ineptitude in understanding the issue and doing anything about it is just exacerbating the whole situation.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
Platinum · M
Lots of white people get murdered by the police and we don't have riots....
Platinum · M
@GERRI he can't answer a straight foreward question....
@GERRI Nope. Right wing anti intellectualism is responsible for myopic thinking not education. Nice cliche though.

And the constant whataboutisms are absolutely about a victim complex.
@GERRI You also seem to be oblivious to the fact that sociology is by definition the opposite of linear thinking.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
It's been created by the ones who is scared losing against Trump. They will go on in big hights trying to remove Trump.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@FreestyleArt I really doubt that.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
It wasn't the media, it was the MN authorities that said that because there was a large amount of vehicles with no license plates and social media posts of groups trying to lure people to certain places to specifically target them. Police intercepted these posts.

At any rate, I actually want to believe they are extremists starting the rioting or otherwise I'll have a severe distrust again and I don't want that.

I HAVE to, do you understand?

Let's review the actions that the peaceful religion of rioting have done so far:

-There was a guy with a machete defending a business who got beat to the ground. Now, I actually don't blame people because the guy had a machete and shouldn't have been there. However, his actions were well intentioned, people don't want their homes destroyed. When people feel threatened like the guy with the machete, they probably feel like protecting themselves with machetes which is, I dare say, understandable.

However, unprovoked actions include:

-Rioters beat a man to the ground severely for just getting out his phone. People say he was about to call police but who really knows. That does not warrant them beating him to critical injury in the street.

-It's unclear what happened but in a video, a couple was seen getting attacked. Towards the end of the video the guy screams "Leave my wife alone," as 8 rioters surrounded them and beat them with boards. One rioter punched the person in the face (assuming the wife) while they were already on the ground and continued to do so.

-An entire town had long lines to a gun shop because they were having their homes burglarized. A man said that he had a daughter to watch over.

-A man was standing with the American flag, it's unclear of what was said but regardless, doesn't matter. He was ONLY standing there and they dragged him in the street. He actually refused to let go of the flag and to this day did not give up the fight as they surrounded and beat him.

-Numerous rioters are trying to drag people from their cars who are not even part of the protest. They are stuck in traffic and people want to surround them and beat them. They were seen getting on top of cars to damage them.

-A security guard wrestled a stolen rifle off of a rioter who was trying to purposely shoot at cars with people in them.

-Firefighters are being kept from their jobs, they are being blocked from putting out fires. Rioters are beating them, rioters attempted to throw rocks at firefighters trying to rescue a PROTESTER stuck in a grate.

Etc. etc. etc.

I couldn't imagine that it's mainly protesters doing this.
BlueVeins · 22-25
I'll post about it tomorrow. I'd do it tonight, but I don't have access to a legit keyboard. Very good question, extremely interesting and varied answers.
NenaRussa · 22-25, F
Meanwhile the looters and rioters are getting off without a scratch, while peaceful protesters, reporters, and people in their homes are getting pepper sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and beat.
I saw one old white man get pushed over by a white police officer then picked up by a white male civilian. @NenaRussa
He was old couldn’t walk. 😳🥺 😆 @NenaRussa
Bagalamaga · 56-60, M
Fumes were already present. This poor fella dying was the spark. Of course it’s convenient for the opposition right before the elections but it’s not what you suspect,it’s what you can prove that counts. Which is nothing
This is also coming off the back of a lot of pent up tension over self isolations with Covid, so people were already a bit stir crazy to begin with imo..
I’ve been thinking about this a whole lot. Black people are over represented in violent crime statistics in the states. Also tend to get longer sentences and harsher treatment by the police due to this fact. According to what I’ve read anyway.
Shouldn’t one be looking at the root cause of these problems? And seriously look at your police force and how they have their biases ingrained? And perhaps train them to recognise those biases.

It’s a good question.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 sounds as if you are justifying police killing unarmed white men.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@GERRI No, it really doesn't.

The whataboutary argument here is your own.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 whataboutism? Accusing me of that in this instance is just pure nonsense. You seem triggered by the death of 9 unarmed black men at the hands of policeman but seem to shrug off the death of 19 unarmed white men. Does it not fit your political ambition? Does it not aid your wanting fail of America?
The white supremacist provocateur thing actually is pretty likely. For one about 50 years of US history shows in riots the vast majority of the time the worst has been provoked by undercovers or people paid by the local police. It was part of CoIntelPro and there have been cases of this as recently as 2014 as reported by The Guardian. Furthermore the FBI has been investigating multiple police departments for ties to far right white supremacist groups and the police there have also had a long history with the KKK.
@QuixoticSoul How can you not? The cops have been almost the entire leadership of the KKK since it's founding? Why is something that is a long standing tradition suddenly surprising?
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Cops being in the KKK is far different than the KKK running the police - and it’s 2020.

Provoking riots with undercover personnel is a tried and true tactic, used all over the world. You don’t need white supremacists to use it.

Clearly backfired though.
@QuixoticSoul That is a distinction without a difference. And so what? It is 2020 and literally nothing has changed as far as anyone can tell except now the cops carry military kit and weapons. The NWA was right in 89 and nothing has changed. And I think the FBI has better things to do then make shit up about police departments all across the country.

True but the white supremacist thing is very unique to certain countries with a racist history. Not surprisingly both the UK and Germany have similar problems (if on a smaller scale).

The US is somewhat unique in that many of the police departments started out as slave patrols. And this is the same nation that still obsesses about the civil war like it happened yesterday.
curiosi · 61-69, F
They are proving that we should never give up our guns! There are rumors that the protestors are planning on breaking into homes. The Sheriff of Polk County Florida said " I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.”
We have guns. 🤨 @curiosi
Why are white girls spraying BLM. On buildings in states they don’t live..

Race is just the excuse used for a little old fashion anarchy
@SW-User lolz 🤟😎
GERRI · 51-55, F
@SW-User 🙄
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
Here’s a cache of weapons seized from a white nationalist protesting in Denver. I’m sure he was Just “helping” the police.

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@SevIsPamprinYouAlways Given the history of policing in the US this feels like friendly fire.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@SevIsPamprinYouAlways Boogs 🙄

What a joke.

No matter how tacticool, a boog is still a boog - fucking worthless.
What caused the circumstances that led to this nmnan's death and why did it cause riots throughout America.

There's no conspiracy theory about it. It's because people have had enough of police brutality against black people. These protests aren't new and started after Trayvon Martin's murder. Sadly with any protest, riots happen since some people are not in a protest for good reasons.
They are always rioting about something. There’s always going to be something unfair. No one person is perfect. No country is perfect. The riots and the problems stemming from them is a problem rioters will face. We have to earn respect. It isn’t given freely. We all have choices and those choices yield circumstances period. @SW-User
@Spoiledbrat true, however rioters don't care about respect. They hide behind a protest to cause chaos, steal, kill and burn things to the ground which tunes out the protest.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
3 self proclaimed members of the far-right Boogaloo movement got arrested on domestic terrvrism charges for inciting riots:
Only person saying it’s russia is Susan ‘I email myself’ rice
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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Nika2002 · 22-25, F
Poor policing + poor reporting + racist blacks = bedlam.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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‘Why‘ might be the least mysterious thing about it. Blacks are more likely to be profiled in many states and cities; more likely to be dealt with harshly both in terms of charges and sentences. And because police often perceive blacks as “more violent” they tend to use deadly force often when they wouldn’t otherwise.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard For me, most of the debate on SW has missed the point. The why is the important thing.
Someone pride has been hurt because I don’t give a fuck if someone don’t like me.
SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F
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MOONAMONA86 · 36-40, F
Because they have nothing better to do with the spare time, especially when people have no jobs !!!
Allelse · 36-40, M
It's the lizard people!! They're behind it all, god dont you know anything!!!
Someone is hella jealous. 🙄
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Spoiledbrat Not exactly.
Then why they up in Santa Monica? @Burnley123
HannahSky · F
Slightly whitewashing with this post.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@HannahSky How so?
This message was deleted by its author.
StarLily · 51-55, F
@RadiantRuby I sense this too.

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