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There are loads of conspiracy theories going around.

About the riots in America. Ive heard that its been created by Russian bots, white supremecists agent provocateurs, 'Antifa' etc.

Noboby really knows wtf is going on and every media source is pushing an agenda.

The intersting question is why is this thing hapoening?

What caused the circumstances that led to this man's death and why did it cause riots throughout America.
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Northwest · M
The root cause, is similar to that of the UK, where on a per capita basis, a black person, is 4X as likely, to experience violence at the hands of law enforcement, but far higher, due to our history of slavery, followed by Jim Crow laws (not so subtle segregation/discrimination laws, in the South, following the civil war).

On average, a police officer, in the USA, is likely to think of a black person, during an encounter, as an immediate threat. That officer may not be inherently racist, but the reaction is racist regardless, and can turn any encounter between police and blacks, into a deadly one.

In addition, there's a general attitude, that an officer's life is significant, while a suspect's life is insignificant. A priori beliefs set the stage for disaster, every single day, in any US city, under the most routine of situations.

In addition, a percentage of the US population, always sides with the police, something that's allowed corrupt cops to literally get away with murder.

A couple of days ago, a star Seattle High School basketball player, who now plays for Washington State U., published the details of his encounter with the police last year. He was picking up his sister from an event, and was with another high school basketball star (#4 sought after player in the nation). He parked outside the house. Next thing he knows, he's got a cop cocking his pistol, and sticking it in his face. He raised his arms, and made sure he was screaming that he's holding a phone.

Turns out a car similar to the one they were driving, was reported stolen, and upon seeing two kids in a car, parked, the officer instantly switched into "they're guilty", instead of checking the license plate, which was different from the car reported stolen (it had actually been moved, and someone thought it was stolen). No drugs were involved, and the kids had clean records. This is also Seattle, the only major US city, with a Socialist, Lesbian Mayor (the police department reports to the Mayor), and where cops undergo intense racial awareness training.

Let's be clear about what's going on in the US. There are protests, and there's criminal activity, in the form of looting, property damage and assault. In my lily white suburb (well, mixed with upper crust Asians and Indians in the tech industry), the high end mall was broken into, as a sideline to a legitimate protest. This is the first time something like this ever happens in Bellevue, Washington.

The President, and the right wing, is accusing the radical left AntiFa, but no one can identify this AntiFa. Just for kicks, I started a thread here, a couple of days ago, with a challenge, to see if anyone can point me in the direction of AntiFa. My point was that there is no such thing as an organized AntiFa, and it's neither right wing. nor left wing.

The videos and images from Seattle, show that the white women, were doing all the car burning, calmly and deliberately. Mayor Durkin referred to them as entitled white kids. These are obviously not people who were "protesting".

In several cities, problems were averted, when cops participated in the protests. Wherever riots occurred, it was generally where cops decided not to show weakness, by going on a full display of force, and creating a physical and psychological barrier, between themselves and the would be rioters.

Trump is proposing a war against the public. There's no other way of describing it. Act tough, and do not show weakness. A throwback to the failed way we dealt with the Vietnam war protests, and the same tactics used by China and Iran to suppress protest. it does not work. Another proposal on how to deal with the situation, was presented by President Obama today, but he's not the current occupant of the White House. In the meanwhile, I expect a night of unrest, because this is what Trump wants, so he can use his power. He's already parading National Guard trucks in front of the White House, banana republic style.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Northwest Its a really good post. The slight issue i have is that Antifa is organised, albeit nebulously. You or I could literally form a group and call ourselves Antifa. Obviously their existence in most media are in wingnut conspiracies..
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Northwest Yes, this happened here too. The police killed a young black man in London and the shit hit the fan.

About five or six years ago I think.
Northwest · M
Antifa is organised, albeit nebulously.

My point is that it's too nebulous to be called out by the President of the USA as the source cause.

You or I could literally form a group and call ourselves Antifa. Obviously their existence in most media are in wingnut conspiracies..

Exactly, so can one even say it's right wing or left wing? Or that they sabotaged the Seattle to Portland fast rail (per Istillmissep), that was an accident, BTW, an operator error.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 did the “shit hit the fan” when a black man beheaded a “British Subject in the streets of London—- i believe I remember the location correctly ?
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@GERRI Yes and yes.
GERRI · 51-55, F
@Burnley123 Really? I don’t recall the soccer hooligans in Glasgow burning an looting entire city blocks —- but then again, I mind my own business and pay little attention to nations I haven’t a vote in.