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Do you believe Putin is a dictator?

Let me clarify my question...I will just give one example. When he invaded Ukraine and annexed eastern part of that country, US imposed sanctions on russians. Their economy crumbled. But Putin is not suffering it's the ordinary people that do. How can he gamble with people's lives like this...
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Interesting sideline to the story of the invasion of Ukraine. My family always invites a stranger to our holiday feasts and the year Russia invaded Ukraine we had a couple of young women from eastern Ukraine as guests. Of course we asked about the crisis and both of them said that they welcomed the Russians because the Ukrainian government was utterly corrupt. I was a bit surprised given the MSM spreading the news that the poor lady president was in jail etc etc etc.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@wisepearls: Some people but not the majority.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@wisepearls: I think the important thing to remember is the media is a part of the power structure and is in charge of forming the 'right opinion' on international affairs. I remember meeting a man who escaped Iraq during the Iran/Iraq war. Of course our media was making Sadam out to be a saint that walked on water. My new friend set the record straight as the media pointed out during Desert Storm. Its one of the reasons I don't trust the information about Putin or Hillary or Trump. The media is not our friend.
wisepearls · 51-55, F
@hippyjoe1955: I also learned not to trust the media. I do my research, talk to the local people both sides, study the history, and then I build my opinion.
paresseux · 26-30, M
Part of it is the socioeconomics of Russia. Russian people care more about being perceived as strong than they do about their economy. The exchange rate for the Ruble is horrible, their economy is doing poorly, yet he still has pretty high approval ratings (if you believe them). What he has given Russia is the appearance of strength in their actions in Syria and their stance on US intervention, which to them matters significantly. Russia wants to be respected and feared more than anything else. That said- he is definitely a dictator. He is notorious for silencing his political rivals, and he isn't exactly a human rights champion. Many people who do oppose him or have suffered under his rule go largely unheard.
walabby · 61-69, M
.... and all of his rivals have a habit of turning up dead..
paresseux · 26-30, M
He has no respect for the democratic process or his opponent's opinions
Pfuzylogic · M
He orders assassinations of anyone that opposes his control.
Pfuzylogic · M
@poeticjustice: That is the horrifying one I first thought of but I understand there are many more.
poeticjustice · 100+, F
Sure there are, and what bothers me most is Trump stated before he loves putin, so if u love putin u want to be a puppet for him
Pfuzylogic · M
@poeticjustice: Yes Trump is disturbing in his simple attitudes towards Putin. Trump imagines himself equals to Putin. He is sadly less in mental capability. I think many will appreciate OBama much more once he leaves.
Cierzo · M
It does not matter. Russian people have elected him and want him in power.
If the reason to call him a dictator is that there is no free press, them seeing how western press is informing about American elections, or how the US have put pressure on Ecuador to cut internet for Julian Assange, these countries are not less dictatorial than Russia is. But at least Russia is not hypocrite, talking all the time about 'democracy'
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Cierzo · M
@Svarog: I really hope you are not American to say that
wisepearls · 51-55, F
I admit that I didn't do my homework researching this issue. I don't trust the media though. I feel many people in US still fighting the Soviet Union and totally forgot it is Russia now and it is not a communist nation anymore. I used to think that civilized nations can find peace and common ground in now times sadly not anymore. Moreover, I don't trust the Nato's view because look what happened to the Middle East and their view about Jihad and the democracy of numbers.
You can't treat all countries the same ignoring their dynamics, experience, and history. One rule doesn't fit all.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Well he's circumvented the laws in Russia to stay in power. so in effect he is a dictator since he's been able to operate like one.
I thought trump was the wanna be dictator.. Sigh
walabby · 61-69, M
Trump is kinda scary.. If there is a significant terror incident in the week before the election, Trump will probably win.. :(
If Trump wins he will follow in his footsteps
Pfuzylogic · M
@Chernobylplayground I agree that it will be a very dangerous relationship.
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poeticjustice · 100+, F
But do you not belive that Nato is really under the hands of us, so if us didn't bother stopping putin then us is at fault too
Jinkywill · 61-69, M
What an idiotic statement to make! Putin is like Stalin and Hitler. A mass murderer who will take us into a Third World War to satisfy his bloodlust!!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
We do know that Hillary will be a dictator if elected. Look at her track record.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Do a little research dimwit. She insisted on the Libya invasion and look what it got us.
China also occupying south china sea which is international water affecting trade route. UN attempts proven futile till now.
Marc64 · 56-60
Putin is a dictator and is a danger to world peace. The west has shown weakness and like Hitler who did not experience and negative consequences when he took annexed territory before Sept 1 only Imbodened but the inaction of the West . All of the western nations share in that blame
...not just the USA . we should at very least be able to arm those nations on the front line of Putin''s expansionist ideas and actions
76starships · 46-50, M
That's the problem with sanctions. The most visible effects are on the common people, who have little say on what their government does. If they have effects on the leadership, it's hard to see.

But sanctions, whatever their actual effects, are a way for Western countries to say they "did something" in a crisis.
Khenpal1 · M
countries like Russia or China can only be runned by dictators, other form for governance do not work for them.
I say he
is a quasi dictator. I'd like to heat some Russians viewpoint
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he doesn't care and he was turning back aid to his countries not long ago
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
Never meet the guy nor have i ever talked to the guy so I wouldn't know.
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
Yes I believe Putin a dictator
WoodyAq · M
He's a dictator. ..
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Xuan12 · 31-35, M

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