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Is All This CoronaVirus Panic Even Warranted?

Not invalidating anyone else’s fears or feelings but I can’t find myself to be afraid. I honestly don’t feel to do so.

Regardless of what the media is saying. Regardless of how many people are acting a fool at airports, grocery stores and so on.

Something’s off.
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You don't have to be afraid of it, that won't help anyway. Just take it seriously and look after yourself and your loved ones.
Rokasu · 36-40, M
May not be something for you to fear, but it's something for every suppressed immune system individual to fear. Especially given the rate of its expansion and how little medical facilities are prepared for it.
purplepen · 51-55, F
@Rokasu Yes.
Fear and cautious are two different things. I'm not afraid for myself, but I'm following all the protocols because I do not want to be the reason for spreading this to someone else.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Depends who you are. I'm not too worried as a 27 year old who doesn't smoke, but my grandmother who's 70+ with lung issues is a different story. Its more about the volume of cases in relation to available beds and equipment that makes it so worrisome.
Success · 26-30, F
I have high confidence it will be contained. People are overreacting.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@SW-User I hope it’ll All be gone soon.
@SimplyTracie Yeah me too! At least on here i can do this 🤗.. without having to implement the social distance or get tested 🤭
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@SW-User 🤗
Panic no. Being careful and prepared yes. School closures, working from home, etc is good. Hoarding is bad and selfish. Stopping the virus is impossible, slowing it is possible and will benefit care for people who need it.
It can be mild, which was my case, or deadly, which has killed many people in my state. I'm one of the lucky ones.🌹
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User God bless you and keep you. I didn't know you had been so ill.🤗💛
It didnt prevent me from being on here. lol You can still do stuff if its mild. My appetite didn't change but my taste buds were way off. You just feel really weird and sickly knowing it was the virus. I was worried it was going to get worse. I'm grateful that it didnt.@4meAndyou
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Me, too. 💛
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Yes, it’s absolutely warranted. This is the biggest health crisis you have lived through - and likely the biggest your parents have lived through.

Panic is never helpful, but this is a huge deal.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
You don’t gotta be afraid of the COVID19 contagion but I hope you’re at least concerned.

Stories coming out of Italy is kinda scary.
Mrowe718 · 41-45, F
@SimplyTracie im concerned , hence the post.

Still don’t understand the panic, the fighting at stores, etc
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Mrowe718 Can you give me an example of the panic you’ve witnessed?
The best thing people can do is not to panic, although panic can sometimes be more contagious than a virus.
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Mrowe718 · 41-45, F

Reading and context clues. Please? Did I say I wasn’t concerned? Did I say anything insensitive? Please don’t be stupid.

Panic ? Useless as fuck. Only creates more fear, and has people fighting over fucking supplies in stores.

Be real.
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Concern and caution are warranted, not panic.
Graylight · 51-55, F
It's not the media, it's not the panicked citizens you need to listen to. It's the medical experts, the epidemiologists, the doctors.

The plague killed a third of the world. No doubt a lot of them didn't believe in the germ they couldn't see. The Spanish flu killed nearly 50 million people, I'm sure after the debate about whether it was a big deal raged on. This pandemic is killing people, too. There is no containment, there is no vaccine, there is no cure. You don't have to panic, but it'd be highly ironic if your last words were along the line of "this is all nonsense."
Tres13 · 51-55, M
its like watching a Hollywood movie
Ian123 · 61-69, M
People are over reacting, it’s because it’s something we’ve never experienced before and don’t know how to handle. It’ll get better we just have to hang in there and wait 😀
Reverend · M
@Ian123 weve experienced worse and was handled much better. Media has and is driving this ordeal.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
@Reverend I agree, the media are frightening people. Something needs to be done about it
Reverend · M
@Ian123 Nothing will happen until they realize the people in the majority has caught on. Then it will disappear overnight
Zonuss · 46-50, M
It's killing people per capita 10 times faster than the flu. Yes. 🙂
@purplepen yup. Going to put it on eBay and see how much it'll sell for
Mrowe718 · 41-45, F
@Zonuss I know the logistics, but what does PANIC solve? That’s the question.
@Mrowe718 it helps me offset my 401k losses by selling toilet paper on eBay for massively inflated proces
Northerner · 70-79, M
I agree. If there was no media 80% of the worlds problems would disappear.
Panic isn't useful but people also need to know this is no joke. Some are saying the mortality rate is 2% or as high as 3 to 6%. Sounds like small fry. But people suck at conceptualizing numbers. In the US alone on the low end that is just shy of 2 million potential deaths. Then there is the secondary health risks associated with secondary diseases resulting from a system that might not be prepared to deal with that many dead bodies at once. Just think about how badly things get gross from NYC sanitation going on strike for a week. Plus you have the side effects of an economic crash. This could be a really really rough year.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I love it. It shows me how hopeless they are
Northwest · M
There's nothing "off" here, and the concerns are very real.

You may not die from it, and unless you live on a one-woman island, you could become a carrier, who will infect vulnerable people, and kill them. In addition, seeing how infectious it is, its effect on the healthcare system, can be devastating. Do a little reading, for a better understanding of the situation in Italy, where doctors are having to choose who lives, and who dies, based on availability of medical equipment.
Not if you have common sense
Reverend · M
Its a test to see how people will react to a pandemic, and to get money rolling in the economy.
Something is very ‘off’...
OwnerOfMany · 90-99, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout But they said they were serious last time...yea, I know, but they REALLY are serious this time... and on...and on...
@OwnerOfMany it don’t matter now. The panic and fear have set in..
just needed a spark to the fire.. curfews and home detention.. we are dumb..
OwnerOfMany · 90-99, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout They should have hammered down on this shit long ago. This "self quarantining" shit doesn't work without an ankle bracelet and threat of prosecution. PC culture, greed, and fear of pissing someone off, is going to kill a lot of people...actually, it already has.
purplepen · 51-55, F
I'm thinking of it as a very severe type of flu.
4meAndyou · F
@purplepen It can have NO symptoms, at all, and you can still be a carrier. Tom Hanks wife had it in Australia, with NO cough at all...just body aches, a headache, and chills.

I heard that same story from a healthy young woman who self quarantined, and tested, after having mild cold symptoms. She attended a party with one person who had an active case. She found out, two days before her self quarantine was done, that she was positive for covid19.

And there is an elderly man at the ebola quarantine facility in Nebraska who has had it FOR 30 DAYS!!!! They keep testing him, and he keeps coming back positive.

ALL body fluids, excretions, and secretions carry the virus, according to one Doctor from the CDC. Pregnant women are at risk of getting the virus, and their babies can be born with the virus.
purplepen · 51-55, F
Mrowe718 · 41-45, F
Panic solves absolutely nothing.

That’s what my question asked. Is panic warranted?

People fighting over toilet paper in grocery stores, that’s warranted huh?

Spare me the stupidity.

Don’t be so crass to think this doesn’t affect me. It does. My place of work, neighborhood shops, gyms, restaurants and more shutting down. Yes, the worry and concern is there but I will NOT panic.

Groupthink has people mentally sick.
Mrowe718 · 41-45, F
@Reverend bingo
Reverend · M
@Mrowe718 thats the entire point. They need to see how far down the rope they are. From what ive seen, they may be satisfied with the results. Very sad.
Magenta · F
@Mrowe718 Agreed. Seems many missed the meaning of your question completely.
Magenta · F
Panic? No, it's ridiculous.
OwnerOfMany · 90-99, M
@Magenta No offense intended but that attitude is exactly why this bug is spreading like the clap at spring break in Fort Lauderdale.
Mrowe718 · 41-45, F
@OwnerOfMany you’re ridiculous. Goodbye lol panicking solves absolutely nothing.

Go take your mad ass somewhere else 😂
OwnerOfMany · 90-99, M
@Mrowe718 To go screaming for the hills IS absurd, but I would rather see that than morons treating this like it is no more than a common cold.
I’m with you.People think I’m an idiot.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Please get back to us when you end up wiping your butt with newspaper.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
The fact that the only thing people are doing during this pandemic is buying up toilet pape...

They are also burying loved ones, wondering when they will be told they can go back to work and collect a paycheck, wondering when their kids can go back to school, wondering when they can travel again, wondering when they can use public transit again, how they will pay their rent for their small business, wondering how they will make up the funds lost in their retirement pensions...
Mrowe718 · 41-45, F
@beckyromero I know all of this, and you’re bringing up things I am far from insensitive to, this isn’t what I’m speaking of.

stampedes, grocery store fights, panic thats causing people to literally lose their minds and become recluse, is what I’m speaking of.

Sorry but living in complete fear is the devils work.

I refuse.

There’s nothing that my fear or my panic will solve.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Who says they are living in fear? They are concerned that when they have the time to go shopping they won't find what they need.

It's not like they're going to not use the stuff.

A family can easily go through a several bottles of hands wipes in a week.

You wipe your door knobs, car door handles, the grocery cart, etc.

stampedes, grocery store fights

There are 320 million people in the country. There is bound to be a few hot heads and the news media is sure going to cover that instead of vast majority of people going about their daily business in a concerned but orderly fashion.
BobbieT · M
I’m not afraid, people are overreacting because the media is scaring the crap out of some,

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