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Why are liberals so angry all the time?

If you try to have a discussion about anything they don’t agree with, the first response is always anger. Followed by insults and name calling. Just asking.
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I don't know...if anything, conservatives seem to throw a hissy fit whenever someone makes a simple criticism about their god Donald Trump, who they feel can do no wrong.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard Just to be clear the old hippie was not a snipe. That is the way you describe yourself in your profile. It says something about your beliefs and your view on life? Not a snipe.
@Patriot2020 It does, which is why I clarified those beliefs. I also stated that I don’t hate anyone. There was no need to revisit this. I understood the reference.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
daisymay · 51-55, T
Yep, just look at all those level-headed and civil conservatives never coming out swinging in their first responses with personal attacks.

Oh, wait, there aren't any of those.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I guess for the same reason conservatives come up with names like "libtards."
curiosi · 61-69, F
When you don't work for what you have and things are handed to you it lowers your self esteem. Spoiled children are NOT happy children.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@curiosi’s very liberating to be able to earn things rather than be dependent on others
especially with three slave jobs and no free time to enjoy all those earnings and a shitty three room dump that costs almost your entire paycheck if you're lucky.

That's freedom. Barbara Ehrenright knows. And so do I.

But SWeeps don't.

I wonder why?

JeanAnna · F
@curiosi that's exactly what has happened to Trump. He was handed millions of dollars by his Dad, never had to work for a dime in his life. And he suffers from low self esteem, that's why he throws tantrums when people don't agree with him.
Because we have a conservative president, when Obama was president it was conservatives who were angry all the time.
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@PainfulTruth I realize that. That was my point. It explains the madness.
@PainfulTruth Naw... they are not... he is... and there is a time table for everything... even that one world order (globalism) which the Antichrist shall head and comes from nothing but evil...He uses whom he will to serve his purpose... What is written shall come to pass.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I've experienced the opposite. Conservatives are usually the angry ones.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
@Patriot2020 probably. They refuse to bake cakes for gay couples and they like to throw insults at people in front of women's health clinics. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@DearAmbellina2113 And one shot and killed 22 people he presumed were immigrants that his president doesn’t want in this country. If anyone has died for wearing a “MAGA” hat, I don’t think it’s been reported.
yogibooboo · M
@DearAmbellina2113 Usually? Don't you mean always?
Who's the snowflake now?

And I am not upset by the generalization that all liberals are libtards, snowflakes and need a safe place. I do find it amusing that BOTH sides cannot see the absurdity in identity politics. It's assinine.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
I wish we could come together and realize this is a great nation. Despite what the world says.Everyone still wants to come here. @whippersnapper
@Patriot2020 Me too. I love the people in this country and I will never allow anyone to put hatred into my heart.
Because the vast majority of people who call themselves "liberals" these days are not liberals at all. They are actually fascists. Stopping traffic, committing arson and vandalism. Spitting on old people or beating them. They are vile, and their utopia would be hell on earth.
@puck61 Daniel and John the revelator tell us much about the coming Great Trubilation and Mark of the beast... as well as the Antichrist...
@SW-User Sometimes I feel like the United States is mystery Babylon. The statue of Liberty and the fact that New York is the great city that trades with all the kings of the earth. The Statue of Liberty is an exact replica of Ishtar.
@puck61 Many People in the Church world do, but I don’t believe we are. However the great tribulation, mark of the beast and Antichrist will be worldwide! One world order with one world religion... if we believe the Bible, and I do...
4meAndyou · F
I am not sure. And I am not certain that they are angry ALL the time. But I have been falsely accused, insulted, had obscene language used toward me...and I used to be a Democrat. I've been called an old fashioned liberal. But I am actually an Independent voter.

I think that this is what they call the cancel culture in action. The very young people, college student age +/- 10 years are terrified of having original thoughts, because they have grown up in an atmosphere of horrible bullying.

It is these bullies...Bernie Bros and Anti-Fa who accidentally revealed their true agenda a couple of days ago.

Because older people will actually stand up and fight for what they believe, the cancel culture feel they must beat us down. We are supposed to be afraid of them, and we are not. It must drive them nuts. They are used to cowed, obedient, well-softened up victims who would not dare stand up to their vitriol.

But I would still not be crazy enough to put a Trump bumper sticker on my car, or wear a MAGA hat. Some of these people are genuinely nuts...but we didn't cause it.
4meAndyou · F
@peskyone You don't have the full range of our history behind you if you believe so. Liberals used to care about VERY different things, but the people who have taken over the Democrat party don't understand the history...and they don't understand that what they have BECOME is the thing we have feared all our lives...our children turned into Marxists and we never even knew it was happening.

But bust a gut laughing if you wish. You are the sort of cancel culture person we are discussing. I've never been to a Trump rally, and I'll bet you a nickel you haven't either. If you are typical of your species, you are probably parroting something that someone else told you.

Only someone who wilfully wishes to be blind would say that to view a video or to show it to others is automatically a conservative. You obviously don't know what a blue dog Democrat used to be...and you have to label me and mock me to pigeonhole me so that I can be lumped in with a bunch of other people. I am taking 30 minutes, and then I will block you, as I do all the mad ankle biters on this site.
@SW-User *Sighs heavily*......................
@puck61 😂😂😂😂
Docdon23 · M
look at your president...
yogibooboo · M
@bijouxbroussard I support your argument, but the unemployment rates are bullshit. They capture UNDER EMPLOYMENT, which means part time jobs and menial jobs taken by the over qualified. A good read about this is by Prof.David Blanchflower at Dartmouth, entitled " Not working, where have all the good jobs gone?" The real measure of success is not employment levels, where all the jobs are shit, but wage growth. I think you will find that this figure has barely moved for 4 to 5 decades for the middle class and working class. Inequality has never been so bad.
@yogibooboo Americans love Trump and they hate the left. If the left gets their foot in the door through some malfeasance, which is all they know, there will be blood shed. Patriots will not let leftists destroy this country.
Not without a fight.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
I did check and I stand corrected. Thank you.@bijouxbroussard
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Politics and religion seem to make people forget good manners.
We should be able to disagree without being disagreeable
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
That’s all I have been trying to say. Once you loose control of your emotions the substance of your view becomes lost.@GJOFJ3
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@Patriot2020 yup, and both sides of politics is guilty.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
They are emotional thinkers.
@cherokeepatti I would like to see a fancy seal, with the motto:
Affectus super Logicam
Lol at the irony considering there is literally a post above this one with the word “libtard” in it. Right. Conservatives never name-call or get angry or stifle debate.

It happens all. the. time.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
Nate just to be clear I’ve never called a liberal any name. My question was just asked because every question ir comment I made here was met with a palpable sense of anger. You sir were a gentleman and just asked a question back. Civil discourse. I applaud you.@SW-User
MissLlyn · 26-30, F
Why are conservatives so angry?

If you try to have a discussion about anything they don’t agree with, the first response is always anger. Followed by insults and name calling. Just asking.
yogibooboo · M
@MissLlyn 😀 right on!
cuppatea · 31-35, F
I find the opposite to be true. Sadly we are living in polarizing times - made worst by questions like this 🙄
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
@cuppatea si no liberal has ever become so enraged that they have become unhinged? Have you ever watched TheView?
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JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
That you’re following me?

Yes it is. @DukeOfEarle
Wordlover · F
@PainfulTruth 🤣 and yet ,smarter than you,although that would not be difficult!
I noticed in passing you wanted to see a man in a miniskirt. Prior to that you had a fascination with butt lube, So, the evidence is really piling up. I mean these are your words and where you choose to place your attention. I’m just pointing out the obvious. 😏 @JoeyFoxx
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
This isn't a problem unique to liberals.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
@CountScrofula Pkease my Canadian neighbor, don’t get involved in this discussion. It will never end in agreement. It will just go on and on. Talk about how beautiful your country is. I visited Montreal last year and had a great time. The people were kind and friendly. Let’s talk about the good things in life!
Frank52 · 70-79, M
Reading this site, sadly this reaction is not confined to any position on political or religious ideology.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@puck61 I have always said we would get along great face to face,
Frank52 · 70-79, M
@monte3 I'm sure that's true of most.
@monte3 long as we didn't discuss the president! I absolutely love the guy, and I get the feeling you don't .....🤣
monte3 · 70-79, M
Nonsense we are the best most successful people with the best sense of humor and good looking wives.
@monte3 Funny! I think you might be a real liberal, but you need a little reprogramming! 😉
monte3 · 70-79, M
My three favorite people, also the best, are my three daughters. And politically we have a liberal, a normal one like me, a conservative, but a compassionate one, and one we spare not sure what she is. Goodness truly spans the political spectrum.
@monte3 It should. Actually my very best friends offline are old school liberals. They work hard for what they believe in, and they are kind to everyone regardless of politics.
JeanAnna · F
You just described Trump and his supporters.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
@JeanAnna @JeanAnnawhy don’t we all just stop and work together instead of calling names and insulting wives. Both sides have to do it don’t you agree?
JeanAnna · F
@Patriot2020 sounds like a plan. Be sure and tell your friends this same thing, OK?
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
@JeanAnna sure you do the same!
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I hear much more of that from the “conservative” side—or really just Trump supporters.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
Sounds oddly similar to conversations with conservatives.

Funny how that works.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@Patriot2020 but you can justify Hannity argosy lying while claiming to be a journalist?

Not apples and oranges.

It’s honey crisps and honey crisps.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
You are certainly entitled to your opinion and I mine, have a very nice night.@JoeyFoxx
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
I suppose everyone is entitled to thei opinions.

This includes challenging someone else’s opinion that is objectively incomplete.

therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Because almost everything they promote goes against common sense, logic, reason and reality.
@therighttothink50 Well join the SW crowd. Its the main thing here.
Piper · 61-69, F
I do know for certain, that what you've described is no more prominent among "liberals"...than any other political leaning.
Maybe if everyone stared their discussion with “In my opinion”. or “I see your point and I respectfully disagree “. Everyone seems so willing to fight regardless of political affiliation. Just so wasteful and sad.
yogibooboo · M
You are confused, its right wing conservative, illiterate rednecks that you are referring to.
@Budwick People don't realize that
is just a left elitist slur for a rural white person.
They started calling white sharecroppers red necks
because they wore extremely short hair because of the heat, and their necks would get sunburned from working out in the sun.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@puck61 Rednecks were and still are hard working people.
I have great respect and admiration for rednecks.
[And not so much for people that use 'redneck' as a pejorative term.
@Budwick It's just another example of the neon hypocrisy of the left.
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
Liberals and conservatives alike

It gets tiring looking in...
America moderate ground has been eroded by tit for tat shite

Dichotomisation of your electorate fits the “divide and conquer” philosophy, just few can see it
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@PainfulTruth says the man with the crusader latin & sword avi lolol 😂
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yeronlyman · 51-55, M
@PainfulTruth you mean a European crusader Knights Templar...

In the context of your first reply... you’re just too funny 😂
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
That is the reason I don't debate with these kinds of people. I'm used to get criticized all the time and heck, I love being criticized. It's not worth the Energy to get hyped of arguments but I believe it will catch up to them. after all, Conservatives are like Magnets to Crazy Liberals
We are threatening to their freebies...
And I suppose you think Trump rallies are peaceful? LOL

You get what you give in life.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
They are very spirited but they cheer and laugh and go home. They don’t leave and fang together a search for liberals to harass them.@dearyme
You sure about that? I’ve seen more post addressing liberals as libtards from conservatives. They need to take a chill pill or something.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
Very sure!@SW-User
That’s not been my personal experience, but ok.....
Playing devil’s advocate, are trump voters for less government spending?
They will never see their anger due to deep spiritual blindness!
Actually, conservatives tend to begin the name-calling, perhaps because they have the popular insults like:
Baby Killer
Loony Left
I’ve had discussions with conservatives here and I always watch to see at what point they will stop talking about ideas and launch into personal insults.
It’s almost immediate.
It’s from all the butt hurt
[image/video deleted]
What they need is
[image/video deleted]
Then some soothing salve:
[image/video deleted]
They seem to have your attention...or should I say fascination? Perhaps you’re entertaining twinings? Scenarios? You wouldn’t have said anything about the anal lube if it didn’t intrigue you. 😉 @JoeyFoxx
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
If that helps you sleep at night, I can’t stop you

Now you’re thinking about my bed? Now now sir. You are not my type.@JoeyFoxx
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Because they have to constantly cover up their crimes and create endless lies in order to exist in their illusion bubble.

Somebody fact checked the IG and how they keep editing and covering up the crimes of the Obama crime syndicate. These people are pathetic.
CodeLyoko · 18-21, M
I have no clue, its so crazy. Its such a shift in socity its mind boggling
JBird · F
@CodeLyoko me too. Effing libtards. Okay I don't know what I am talking about either
Ferrari21 · 36-40, M
Both sides are a mess. That’s why I’m independent.
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Everybody seems angry to me
Why are ******** always trying to smite some enemy?
@Whiterosesociety Your user name reminds me of one of my most favorite songs.
@puck61 It was an anti Nazis organization in Berlin
@Whiterosesociety It was also a society for peace in Northern Ireland.
Liberals/Democrats it is all just cheering for one of two losing teams. In Canada there are three parties but that makes no appreciable difference. The flaw is the people and culture, not the governments. Governments have little to work with, given the poor quality of the "average North American. Blame the citizens, not the governments.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
They're no more angry than other groups
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
😂. Projection is a helluva drug!
JT123 · M
still haven't got over Hillary's ass beating
@JT123 LOL
It was quite the beating now wasn’t it? @JT123
Eternity · 26-30, M
That is true of any partisan polarized individual.

Partisanship: the most socially acceptable form of mental illness.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I wonder which side yells "libtard" and "snowflake" all the time. Also please don't assume everyone who dislikes Trump is a liberal. I hate Trump and I'm an Anarchist, not a liberal.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Patriot2020 because I find it abhorrent to put kids in cages.
Patriot2020 · 61-69, M
@basilfawlty89 so you’ve been at the border and witnessed this first hand?
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Patriot2020 are you gonna deny the photos and evidence from multiple news sources? Or do a Trump and claim it's fake news?

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