@sunsporter1649 You're a nasty woman. And, you're demented. And, you have a complex that was formed in your childhood. You're the puppet. And, just so you know... I don't watch the stock market.
You people are sick taking shots at her. One of the most classy First Ladys we've ever had. It's one thing to slander a president. But his wife? You're disgusting!
@Fukfacewillie Your mom ? - I know and tell her to meet me in the alley instead of back of the liquor store for my weekly "servicing" and tell her to take out her false teeth this time...Oh I forgot, tell her I owe her 35 cents and to bring a towel to wipe her face afterwards..
As much as I am sure she was bought and paid for in every sense, I think she has paid the price for being married to him and I hope she gets the lot in the divorce. Leave the poor woman alone.
That really is just hateful. I saw all the demeaning crap many people posted about the last First Lady, and it's disappointing to see those who likely share my general political views doing the same thing.
@Fukfacewillie You want to show me where I defended rape? Are you trying to bait into a straw man argument, or trying to put words in my mouth? While you're at it, show me where I said I'm a Republican. Sounds like you're backpedaling.