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Every day is more about Russia in USA Election

Why every day is always more be written on Russia and this try to work in 2016 USA election. There is all countrys in the World before election make their preferred choice to Trump or Clinton and is not a problem. For UK or Israel or EU Countrys to say Clinton is best choice and to make statements is not problem for people but if some part or person from Russia is to say Trump is best choice is big problem. Why is this so bad thing? And is not state policy in Russia to do this as well. If this is why is it never happen before and not make Obama president 2 times?

Every day there is press from USA to make Russia enemy again and is for what reason? USA is democracy and is their choice to make for President, and soon there is choice to make again. Is not important what Russia or other countrys think of this, only people in USA to make this choice. There is real trying from some people in USA media to make Russia the bad person but is not any way true.

Sorry I want to make this point!
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It's a smear campaign to diminish Trumps power and his agenda. By associating him with Russia and implying he is being influenced or controlled by the Kremlin allows people the moral authority to attack Trump and his supporters as traitors or not being true Americans.

However you are on to something here. Why is Russia being singled out? The Dems have made a giant fuss about Russian troll farms and their attempted influence on the 2016 Presidential election, while completely ignoring the same exact behavior regarding the 2016 Presidential election from:

Saudi Arabia
North Korea
Probably some of our allies like Germany and the UK
And most hypocritically of all, the oodles of Political action committees, corporations, think tanks, private organizations, sock puppets, and groups funded by the major political parties who did the exact same thing, such as "Correct the Record"

Nobody wants to question the relationship between Black Lives Matter and the Democrats, but due to the actions of BLM, 5 police officers were killed by supporters of BLM during their demonstrations regarding the 2016 Presidential election.

Where is the outrage there? And that is just one small example....
Abrienda · 26-30, F
I love the United States. My homeland is the Czech Republic. And you are completely and absolutely right.

There is no reason Russia and the United States cannot work together. But the Left in the USA who loved Russia when it was ruled by Communist dictators chate Russia now that it has an elected leader. Why? Because he is a nationalist. Because he I religious. Because he is against Islam and illegal immigration. Because he does not support the LGBTXYZ agenda.

Because Vladimir Putin is his own man.

Like Donald Trump.

For this Leftists here call me a "Russian agent" while they applaud ANTIFA Fascist terrorists at home.

If the American L:eft and media and the dimwits here would open their eyes even a tiny bit they would see China is by far the greater threat to the United States and that a country without about the same economic power as the state of Texas could ever or even want to be.
Lapochka · 31-35, F
Whatever happens, we are going to be just fine 🇷🇺😎
I love Russia! I know Putin is cut throat but he is a great leader. I love the country and its people.
The enemies of Trump created a hoax to make this country believe that Trump had Russia interfere in our election and cause Trump to be elected. That is all. Hopefully the people who created the Russian hoax and committed a laundry list of other crimes to conspire against Trump will face face justice, because it is the worst conspiratorial political crime in American history.
4meAndyou · F
We have found some evidence of tampering with our political computers (the DNC), in 2016, which seems to have originated with hackers in Russia. The level of the hack seems to indicate affiliation with the government, or so it is claimed.

No one cares if other countries make statements, or have preferences. But when we see them actively promoting one candidate or another on Facebook while pretending to be Americans, it's a tiny bit suspicious.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@4meAndyou "Seems to"?" "So it is claimed"? Is that your "evidence"? I hope to God you are never on a jury in the USA where the death penalty is an option. BTW no one who knows anything about computer systems would use a word like "hack" in this context. Anyway "Seems to" be you are just repeating what you've been told not what you found out. Or maybe it's a just an age thing like with your buddy @Kotex70.

Again and again and again Americans keep screaming as if they are political virgins. Stop interfering in OTHER people's elections and maybe you would have a stronger case. Right now even if true you don't and if true would only be what the USA has been doing for along time including to it's allies. Why the double standard?
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
it's all about trying to impeach trump because they know Trump is 2020
AnaKoroleva · 41-45, F
@FreestyleArt Yes I think is people do not like Trump and can not take this defeat again so try to make enemy and big story
Cierzo · M
Not only in the USA, also in Europe media are everyday bashing Russia, when they are our natural ally.
uniglow · 36-40, M
I think there's a difference between saying who you'd like to be elected, and making it happen illegally. The issue is not that it's Russia. It's that word "illegal".
uniglow · 36-40, M
@AnaKoroleva We can only go off the legal cases, rather than speculation. Seven Americans and 26 Russians were tried and there were convictions. If you have evidence that these convictions were unsafe, SW is probably not the right location to go public with that. Equally, if you have evidence that the EU or Israel illegally interfered in a foreign election, I'd present that information to the relevant authorities. Without evidence, this is purely speculative.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@AnaKoroleva The USA tried to subvert the Israeli election under Obama and the revolution in Ukraine. But that's okay cause it was the USA DOING IT not Russia!
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@uniglow Guess you MISSED all the articles and the Senate investigation about that, huh? A simple search gives you a page full of references, @unibraincell.

Read and get an education.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust ...
07/10/37 · The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in …
Author: Stephen Dinan

Obama State Dept: $350K For Campaign Infrastructure Used ...
13/03/38 · According to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), the State Department gave $349,276 in U.S. taxpayer-funded grants to a political group in Israel to build a campaign operation, which subsequently was used to try to influence Israelis to vote against conservative Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 2015 election for prime minister.
kentex35 · 100+, M
Russian 'government employees' did a little more than just cheer for our current president. Thousands of fake Facebook accounts have been traced back to the Kremlin. Warrants or calls to appear in court have been issued to a few Russian citizens for their part. People here are sometimes easily led they want to believe everything bad about the President's opponent, things they read on face book but won't read a newspaper all the way through if it says something adverse about their candidate. Newspapers don't just print slanderous things about people there are laws. Most reporters try hard to print all the facts available at the time to give us the whole story. It may be slanted a bit but you should be able to recognize that and drill get a fair outlook. In my opinion.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Most reporters try hard to print all the facts available at the time to give us the whole story. It may be slanted a bit but you should be able to recognize that and drill get a fair outlook. In my opinion.

You are a fool.
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Abrienda · 26-30, F
@kentex35 Of course you did...offense is EXACTLY what you meat. Your apology as much garbage as your so-called "arguments". You just got your stupid ass kicked by a five foot tall Eurasian girl and weren't man enough to accept it that's all.

So I think perhaps instead of @kentex35 that @Kotex70 is more appropriate considering both your temperament and advanced age...
kentex35 · 100+, M
it's been proven that Russia has thousands of fake Facebook accounts that constantly lied about Trump's opponent. This influenced the ignorant. I wonder what Trump has to do to pay Putin back.
kentex35 · 100+, M
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@kentex35 sorry. I’d like to keep playing. But some pussy censored me.. typical liberal
Because there’s a shitstorm coming for those screaming the loudest.. and a failed Russian plot is all they have to push..
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The internet and social media have changed the complexion of personal influence in the public. Now the established media has less authority and people go looking for a media platform that suits the views they already have instead of informing them. In any event. Influence of elections by Russia, China or any other nation via social media channels says a lot more about the gullibility of the Americans who believe it and dont think things through that is says about foreign powers wanting to take over.
AnaKoroleva · 41-45, F
@whowasthatmaskedman This is what i say - if people in Russia, and is important to say is not state officials, want to produce content to promote for Trump why is this problem? And why is it different to same type of perrson in UK, EU, Israel to do the same for Clinton? Can USA people not make decision for themself?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
I absolutely agree. But this is not about Russia exactly but a coup attempt to overthrow a democratically elected president by forces in the USA who don't want to have better relations with Russia.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@AnaKoroleva Yes. I express my opinions about Trump and other US based subjects.Any individual may. Even if "the state" wants to set up opinion influencers, all they have to do is pay a Kardashian to say something. If Americans are silly enough to follow, they dont deserve to keep the "freedom" they have.
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AnaKoroleva · 41-45, F
@Outdoorfreedom yes and I like to see this time the mess for USA how is it possible to blame Russia! the President of USA is say election is wrong, this kind of thing is happen in Belarus is normal but not in USA!
AnaKoroleva · 41-45, F
I think there is big misunderstanding in USA about Russia politics, there is not any way for communist party to be in control in Russia this is biggest problem in country and is no way to ever may happen again. In USA decisions is not important is all is the same in Russia!
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@AnaKoroleva Look Ana...these idiots you are responding to couldn't even find Russia on a map. They only do what their dog handlers in the Leftist US media tell them to do...and I realize I have just insulted dogs by making that comparison.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
USA always wanna whine about someone
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Now it is about The Ukraine. 🙂
I agree. They are totally hypocritical.

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