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What do you make of the Assange arrest?

I say Thirty pieces of silver for Lenin Moreno.

Will Hillary cackle while her minions cheer?

This certainly will uplift Maddow and boost “Progressive - Resistance” television ratings.

Does the growing Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex win again?

Let the crowing commence!

Will Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard say anything?

Will the US public give a damn?
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ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Can you say that so it makes sense?
hlpflwthat · M
@ChipmunkErnie First visit to Becky's world? :)
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@hlpflwthat Yes. It's kinda dark and scary in there.
Another election is coming and the powers that be must silence him. Discredit his information. Convince you that up is down, left is right and most importantly, right is wrong.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I don't see any reason for Assange to be extradited to the US. He's got that charge in Sweden, but I believe he should be treated as a whistle blower in the US and not a criminal.

Sadly, the past several administrations have not respected the rights of whistle blowers.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@hlpflwthat it was my phone that corrected gucifer to Lucifer and I didn't done check it. Oops.

But yes, it did endear them to the right at that moment. But that is also irrelevant to how I view them.

Speaking of what Trump said when... Now Trump says he doesn't know anything about wikileaks. Which really, if his memory is that short I have to question whether he is for to continue the duties of his office 😏
hlpflwthat · M
@ViciDraco As the young folk like to say ... word. 😏
Ynotisay · M
@hlpflwthat I think the Orange One is losing his way.

October, 2016 "This just came out. WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks."

October,2016 "This WikiLeaks stuff is unbelievable. It tells you the inner heart, you gotta read it."

October, 2016 "It's been amazing what's coming out on WikiLeaks."

October, 2016 "Another one came in today. This WikiLeaks is like a treasure trove."

November, 2016 "Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks."

[b]April 2018 "I know nothing about WikiLeaks." [/b]
Last week they were trying to sell him for debt relief..
This week this..
hope he gets to testify to Congress before he starts feeling suicidal and shoots himself in the back of the head... twice
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Ynotisay · M
You're not an American, are you?
Why don't you people stay in your lane?
Comey clapper Adam shit Brennan. All leaked classified intel to the lamestream media in their failed ass coup.. will they be charged too?
And will the rabid left call for their execution too? For ... treason they call it for Assange.. he’s not even American 😁
Graylight · 51-55, F
Take off the tin foil. I promise you the cosmic rays of the Illuminati won't penetrate the unusual thickness of your skull.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's mostly heartbreaking that Wikileaks became a partisan political tool and lost their soul and mandate. But I suppose being locked in am embassy for several years is gonna fuck with your brain.
@CountScrofula how did they loose their soul?
I would rather it have been for those sexual assaults
Cierzo · M
I was an utter fool for supporting this rat in the past. I hope he finally gets the deserved bullet.

MethDozer · M
@Cierzo Of you liked him then you have no reason to hate him now. Same as those who hated him then and love him now. He us hits doing what he always did but doing it equally.
Cierzo · M
@MethDozer I don't think he does it equally. In the beginning he may have had a purely journalistic interest, lately he seems more moved by $$$$ (or more likely roubles)
MethDozer · M
@Cierzo sure he does. When he was attacking Bush, and rightfully so, the left loved him. Rightfully so. When he published the same kinds of.leaks against some on the left they did a 180 and labelled him right wing. He never did anything he hasn't always been doing.
MethDozer · M
The fact he was the darling of the left for years but they turn on him completely once wikileaks posts evidence against their narrative or wished proves how disloyal and hypocritical they are as well. Cult mentality on par with Scientology.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer Its the liberal left in America. Maonstream Democrats have never forgiven him for exposing the DNC hack.
MethDozer · M
@Burnley123 Exactly my point.

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