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Who would you like to win the U.S. Presidential election?

Furiousfrog · 31-35, M
I would like to see what betty white would do with the country.
LatteQueen · 41-45, F
Now you're talking!!!
Furiousfrog · 31-35, M
@CurvyLatinMixedMilf: -ribbit
Striderskunk · 41-45, M
It's like the Alien vs Predator movie, whoever wins, we lose.
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LatteQueen · 41-45, F
I want a Taco truck at the corner of my street... Js.
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
I'd vote for you! (this is Barvo btw)
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@TyphoidJerry: :D MissGaga for president! ;) :P
Furiousfrog · 31-35, M
He's really strong on the oral decay of our nation after all.
Glad someone else follows him 😎👍
Furiousfrog · 31-35, M
I don't know how he says all that shit with a straight face.
LatteQueen · 41-45, F
Lol, crabby patties for all!!

If that's not a winner, IDK what is!
The world would be a much better place!
Aidan · 26-30, F
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
This is really the only appropriate answer. You get an insane warmonger nobody likes, and an insane racist that only really horrible people like.
livesincar · 41-45, M
I would go with emperor Palpatine if he would electrocute all the other nuts.he does get shit done
Maybe a draw, Hilary gets to marry Donald and be the first lady AGAIN!!
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
At this rate Cthulhu, because why vote for the lesser of two evils?
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
Gary Johnson. He's on the ballot in all 50 states. Plus, his party isn't owned by the special interests, and it's the only party that will actually uphold the constitution and reduce the size of the federal government. The Democratic and Republican parties will never do either.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I like Gary. He and Jill Stein should be allowed to debate. That they won't is just more proof of how corrupt our government and the corporate news media are.
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@hunkalove: I agree. Anyone on the ballot in enough states to potentially win the electoral college should be included in all debates regardless of polling results, IMHO.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
No Dem or Rep, we need a chance!
Shade70 · 51-55, M
At this point, I'll take my chances with a randomly drawn individual who filed taxes last year.
The most qualified individual that won't destroy our country.
livesincar · 41-45, M
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Jill Stein.
Roflcash4 · 26-30, M
I want to make America great again, sadly
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
Curious - when was it last great?
Roflcash4 · 26-30, M
@hunkalove: I'd much rather have Trump in office, trying to convince congress to let him build his wall (people don't need to worry about the wall, congress will never pass it), than Hillary and Obama letting in potential terrorists from syria though
Roflcash4 · 26-30, M
@TyphoidJerry: Before Bush an Obama. Probably it's greatest days were with Reagan. And we are still great, well at least still the greatest country on earth
Tminus6453 · M
Wheres the poll?
Aidan · 26-30, F
Dont want people judging you? Dont be afraid be confident
Cosreal · 36-40
Quiet, Robit.
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