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To the Republicans or conservatives (right wing): What is your opinion on Trump?

TBH: He took more action than some previous presidents. However, I do believe he is a bit radical. At this point, we know he loves to use exaggeration when he speaks, not that he is lying, that is just his character. But, in my opinion, although using his executive power to claim a national emergency IS CONSTITUTIONAL (read your constitution kids), could he have used that money to improve border security? Create more jobs for ICE, and make Mexico's new president to improve asylum conditions.

That is how I view it. I am Hispanic so immigration is a bit of a cliff hanger for me.
Opinions and facts are opened. I am very open to opinions.
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Trump made me leave the Republican Party lol. When I listen to Reagan’s 84 rnc speech about immigration and how he carried himself, that’s what I envision what a republican should be. Trump is not a conservative but more an authoritative reactionary. I’m strongly against government intervention and over spending but he supports both. I prefer diplomacy and free trade but he doesn’t seeing as how state department funding gets slashed each year and how he tries to tariff any country he disagrees with. None of these are remotely republican/conservative ideals so I’m guessing the reason why he has support isn’t from an economic or ideological standpoint, but a socio-cultural and reactionary standpoint where he appeals to predominantly white males (his most popular demographic) by idealizing the “good old days” where things weren’t “pc” and minorities “knew their place.” This kind of nativism and emotional response to politics is largely ineffective towards policy making. Tbh, nothing has improved since he took office. A recession is probably gonna hit any moment due to the natural business cycle but I don’t see any pre emotive measure being taken and the country is extremely divided largely because of him. Student loans are out of control and social security is becoming less and less viable for future generations. The wall is a short term solution with large consequences within foreign policy and his approval ratings are extremely low. When I think about thoughtful conservatives/republicans, I think of Milton Friedman and William f Buckley...trump doesn’t come to mind
Anon066 · 31-35, M
@Insomniac100 I agree with that. But I think you have to acknowledge that he's playing the game he entered. If the left wants to play identity politics you can't blame the right for responding with the same. It's hard not too be reactionary to that level of nonsense. I think the left fucked up dramatically letting the fringe gain such a loud voice.
Sure. But again, that identity politics you hate so much about the left didn’t just come from nowhere. The problem with identity politics in general is that it it’s a swinging pendulum that gives reactionaries on both sides power which is ineffective. Just because trump Is playing the game, doesn’t make it right. @Anon066
Anon066 · 31-35, M
@Insomniac100 well it's always been a thing but the modern left has put it on a crazy steroid regimen. I don't think it's right, but it's certainly understandable.

I'm really hopeful this alternative media trend will continue and we'll get back to listening to intelligent people having productive discourse on long form platforms.

I can't wait for the day families sit around the tv and watch someone like rogan interview someone like a weinstein brother similar to donahue with people like friedman back in the day. This whole listening to the extremes on mainstream media needs to go.
xRedx · M
I'm Hispanic as well and I'm for the wall and actively enforcing immigration laws. I don't see why people think it's racist
@xRedx Mainly because the face of illegal immigration is put forth as Latino when there are people from all over the world here illegally, often those who simply let work or student visas expire. And Trump has said specifically that he wants more European immigrants, both as a private citizen and as president. He has brought European immigrants over in the past, and has had problems with the “paperwork”. And, of course, there was the comment last year about “sh*thole countries”. If one looks at his past as a whole it adds up.
Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Because they have no legal residency. Think of it this way. If someone enters your house without consent, would you still give them all the benefits? Free rent and etc? I think it is not unethical to know who comes in and out of the country. Lol health insurance. Had it until Obama proposed his BS insurance and took away the one I had because I was "high middle."
xRedx · M
@bijouxbroussard That is why we need to enforce immigration laws more strict. I honestly don't care what percentage is making more of a dent, anyone staying here illegally is in fact a criminal and should be apprehended accordingly. I think people are fixated too much on the wall in how you specified. It's also for the sake of national security.
Anon066 · 31-35, M
I don't have a real opinion on him as a president because I've only deeply looked into a few issues. However on those few issues I did agree with him, and reality was very far from the narrative I had heard that caused me to research deeper.

As entertainment I love him though. The depths to the depravity he causes in people is something I've never seen before. The amount of adults that live their life based around figuratively laying on the ground slamming their hands and feet in a temper tantrum is unprecedented.
Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@HungJury May you explain what ignorance are you referring too?
@Anon066 that’s just my sentiment.. I’ve never had a reason hate him. His policies don’t send me into an autism tantrum. And I think it’s all entertainment +++
Anon066 · 31-35, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout ya it's a leftist who cried wolf scenario for me now. I'm libertarianish so I agree and disagree with both sides on things, I have no allegiance to defend either side. So when I started seeing outrage over things I figured it could be valid and looked into some of them. With every specific issue I looked into the narrative was nonsense. Now i just fully assume it's pediatric whining lol.

The Clemson fast food thing was a great example of the entertainment factor. The team loved it by all accounts, and anybody that's ever played sports should know how awesome that'd be. Yet the outrage was insaaaaaaaane. Nobody actually gave a fuck about the Clemson kids, nobody asked if they liked it. It was just another thing for them to screech to their echo chambers about to stock up on more virtue points. The meltdowns over something so trivial was hilarious.
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Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@Overwatch6 Cuomo probably got a hold of his money after his Amazon loss.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
He will likely go down in history as the most effective president in modern US history.
Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 I agree
4meAndyou · F
I believe Trump is working very hard to try to put this country back on its feet financially for the next several decades by making business strong again and helping to create jobs. I also believe that he takes his responsibility to keep the American people safe very seriously.

Immigration has never been the problem with Trump. It is ILLEGAL immigration with which he has a problem. The wall he wants, which is such a bone of contention, is something the border patrol have told him they need so they can relax vigilance at certain places and concentrate on other areas where walls are not possible.

I believe that Trump wants to control the infiltration of gang and cartel members into this country. I am sure you already know that the Sinaloa drug cartel has taken over Chicago, and also Alabama. A rival cartel, the Famiglia Mihocana, has taken over North Carolina. Scum like these will turn our country into South America. We will soon see beheadings in the streets just like San Juan, and people hanging upside down from bridges. They are already here.

I think he also wants to stop non-cartel criminals from entering illegally because they are endangering American citizens. The number of sexual molestations of children by illegal immigrant pedophiles is now at 40,000.

I think he also wants to limit the numbers, because the huge numbers of illegals are going to crash the welfare systems and the school systems and our healthcare systems.

I think he has tremendous pity in his heart for the women and children who are being smuggled in illegally and sold into slavery in the sex industry. And I think he has great pity in his heart for the mothers of American children who have been killed by the illegals.

We have so many criminals already. We don't need to import more.
I prefer Reagan.
Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@SW-User YEESSSSS, his presidency gave my parents legal residency and citizenship.
I believe he's the best President we've had in a long time. I respect his NOT being politically correct, and standing his ground on issues. I believe he truly wants to make America great again. I do think he should pause longer before some of the things he says- in that way, he is his own worst enemy. I do believe he has great courage, and needs our prayers daily.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
I agree with using a national emergency to build the wall . But I like his stance on illegal immigration and . border security. I believe he’s a good president that wants what’s best for the country .
The man is next level.. name another human alive or dead who would still be standing?

I’ll wait
Espehope21 · 26-30, F
He has a deep appeal to those less gifted because of their lower place in the hierarchy.
The wealthy exploit them, and the less fortunate have the votes.@Anon066
Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@HungJury Illiterate? Read your constitution. Don't skip the part about the elastic clause.
Anon066 · 31-35, M
@SW-User I think you're very wrong but that at least makes sense lol.
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He's so immature. I really can't believe people think he's anything other than a whining baby.
As for immigration, I think the wall isn't needed, and we should give amnesty to the illegal immigrants here. Illegal immigrants commit very little crime, so why not?
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Espehope21 · 26-30, F
@Randy777 ??? I am Republican lmao, and voted for Trump.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
You are correct ma’am.

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