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SophieC · 31-35, F
I think maybe its because they see him as a dangerous idiot, a dangerous idiot with nuclear codes and that would affect everyone in the world.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Agreed. I was merely suggesting that many people dont get this excited about real dictators and warlords so it makes me think they are just parroting powerful fools with a lot to lose.
4meAndyou · F
@SlaveEt That is what I am beginning to suspect. No one contributes that much energy to tearing someone down unless they have a very powerful money.
sharpfox · 26-30, M
@4meAndyou Like the decades the Republicans took to bring down Hillary.

DrWatson · 70-79, M
Because the United States affects other countries more than they affect us. That is why they have a real interest in who our president is, more so that have in who their leaders are. Trump has done things on the international stage that have raised much alarm: disparaging our alliances, praising dictatorial leaders, and imposing tariffs.
4meAndyou · F
@DrWatson I can certainly understand alarm, but not an unending campaign of hatred with hate questions posted here every other day. I just had to block an old Aussie acquaintance from EP because he has apparently lost his mind over Trump.
sttos · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou And there you have identified the true problem engendered by a leader who condones -- even promotes -- violent actions towards any dissent, by his own words: "get'em outta here", "I'd like to punch'im in the face!" etc etc. ... Few people are willing to allow anyone to have a different take on the man, without immediately coming to blows (figuratively speaking, here, of course) and casting the other person as someone worthy of a pummeling. Does this "elevate our national discourse?
Does anyone remember the First Amendment to our Constitution??
The freedom to speak one's mind, without repercussion, as was faced by all who supported this fledgling nation at it's tenuous inception.
People DIED for that right, @ShekelGoblin, in real life, not some video game! Apparently it's been torn out, because it hasn't been acknowledged by the candidate or by his supporters, seemingly, although they sure expect to USE it when it suits their purpose.
This atmosphere of absolute condemnation of anyone who dissents led to the events that took the life of a protester in Charlotte, and bloodied the noses of American citizens -- American Citizens! -- exercising their DUTY to point out things that are way beyond the pale in our leadership, NO MATTER who that leader is.
This kind of behavior towards our fellow citizens plays directly into the hands of every despot hoping to wipe us off the face of the globe. They don't have to nuke us, they just have to whip up the followers of a man advocating violent responses until we destroy each other!!! Don't you see that??!! No Democratic supporter of ANY candidate has actually wanted to turn the opposition into a bloody pulp -- until now.
We are all American Citizens, and we don't deserve to be treated this way!

Ok. I'll be quiet now.
4meAndyou · F
@sttos You are very right that we are all American citizens. "get em out of here" is perfectly understandable, because one of the tactics of the far left is to make so much noise at opposition events that speakers cannot be heard by those who actually came to hear them...a direct violation of the right to free speech. Example:

This method of PREVENTING free speech is a tactic of the far left.

Trump did not say HE would like to punch anyone in the face. Here is the video:

In that case (above) the protestor was throwing punches. Trump simply commented that in the old days that guy would have been carried out on a stretcher. You have to listen to what he actually said. I do think that regardless of the violent behavior of the protestor, Trump could have said a lot less and would have been better off, but that is a criticism aimed at him by both the right and the left.

Others, on the left, are less restrained than Trump. Biden, for one, would like to "take Trump outside and beat the crap out of him." Robert de Niro wants to punch him in the face. Johnny Depp wondered aloud when was the last time a president had been assasinated. Madonna wants to blow up the White House. Kathy Griffith held up a copy of his bloody severed head. Is any of that...Normal? Or good?

Your supposition that no one on the far left could have dissented in any legal venue is false. Your assertion that the violence of the far left is solely due to being "whipped up" is false. The passion, the violence, the hatred, are due to the spoiled brat reaction of those who adhere to identity politics and who did not get their own way in the 2016 election. It is the media who have "whipped them up" by slanting their far left pundit opinion shows and calling them news. 90% of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Huff post and other news is negative toward Trump, but in a ridiculous way obviously false. Comparisons to Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini abound on these so-called news shows. The Jews are actually highly offended.

Personally, I have a somewhat visceral reaction to Hilary Clinton. She makes me feel a bit ill when I see her, but you had best believe that if she had been elected president I would be behaving myself, and if I were overly bothered I would turn off my tv set until her term was over.

When all is said and done, our political discourse has become VERY passionate. I would almost rather see the passion than the terrible apathy that has left our people in a state of lethargy for the past 20 years.

I will not speculate about the role of George Soros and those of his ilk who are heavily infusing the New York Times and other media with money in order to further his pet agenda of a world without borders of any kind. Buying the media is one way to acheive his goals. The CIA scripts to MSNBC to spread their own agenda.
ShekelGoblin · 22-25, M
they are sheep, public opinion is their opinion. Trump hate is all you see on the news so they just do it too, they dont have a mind of their own
I personally don’t think it’s my place to get involved in another counties domestic politics but I guess when someone calls themselves the leader of the free world, then it’s inviting comments from the free world.
Oh this is an easy question. And we don't need to get into childish nonsense like "liberals ALL ____" or "they just need someone to hate".

The fact is that trump is a shitty man who regularly says and does shitty things.
He does these things as a head of state and in a very public way.

Why do people from other countries hate him? Because he does things that make people hate him and he's the US president and that comes with a lot of global visibility.

Abstraction · 61-69, M
The man is truly dangerous to the world. In listening to Trump supporters, I get that he interrupts the status quo - it needed it. But not him. I've watched him carefully and he is simply dangerous and not adequate for the responsibility of running such a great country. For example, you don't play unnecessary brinkmanship with nuclear war, unless you lack the mental capability to understand the potential impact on, eg, South Korea.

Political hate on all sides is unhelpful. We are seeing the death of discussion and debate. In its place is abuse and intolerance. Are we becoming more or less human every time we post mindless hate, intolerance and abuse?
4meAndyou · F
@Abstraction The timeline shows that prior to "fire and fury", NOKO said they would attack the US with nukes if we ever attacked them.

"If the United States attacks North Korea, it will respond with nuclear weapons.

That is the defiant message North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho delivered on Monday to a gathering of foreign ministers from the US, China, South Korea, Japan, and other Southeast Asian countries.

“Should the US pounce upon the DPRK with military force at last, the DPRK is ready to teach the US a severe lesson with its strategic nuclear force,” Ri said, using the acronym for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, North Korea’s formal name."

After that, Trump came out with "fire and fury".

This message from NOKO was in response to US destroyers being deployed to South Korea AFTER Japan and South Korea expressed great concern that NOKO was testing ballistic missiles and lobbing them over their heads.

None of us in the US who followed the story closely believe that the US "started" anything. Nuclear and missile testing by NOKO rang every alarm bell in the region, and we responded by positioning our destroyers to support our allies, as they requested. But we did let NOKO know that if they kept up the bad behaviour, we could definitely finish it.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Yes, you're quite correct, I missed that. And there was an earlier one too:
“Should the U.S. dare to show even the slightest sign of attempt to remove our supreme leadership, we will strike a merciless blow at the heart of the U.S. with our powerful nuclear hammer, honed and hardened over time,” late July.

The regime change reference here is important. As far back as Feb 2016, Trump threatened to 'disappear' Kim (it's in that timeline). The world's dictators are probably socio/psychopaths, who don't care who dies to protect their personal interests. I had a colleague in Myanmar who knew the generals in charge. They were paranoid about US invasion. They honestly believed (he heard them discuss) that a hurricane driven flood was started by the US to bring in spies as aid workers. No, really. They don't let go of power even when nearly dead because they want to look after their family interests (Mugabe, etc).

Korea analysts consider the nuclear weapons as a deterrent to regime change from outside. Fear is the main part of the commitment to nuclear weapons. Economically they are a mess - sanctions hurt, so nuclear weapons have another advantage. North Korea has had a consistent pattern - rattle the sabre, use it as a bargaining chip. Non-provocative diplomacy has consistently worked in the past without escalating the rhetoric. Tearing up nuclear deal with Iran, threatening regime change in Korea? Dictators are dangerous men. They don't care who gets hurt. Most of the rest of the world does not support Trump's non-diplomatic approach to foreign policy, respect for 'strong man' leaders like Duterte and Putin, disrespect for traditional allies, and unpredictability.

I guess when the US is such an important player in world affairs - which is a direct result of US foreign policy since WWII - then we take an interest. When a mouse sneezes outside, no-one cares. When an elephant is in your garden you don't know what might happen.
4meAndyou · F
@Abstraction Quite true (except for anything from cnbc...LOL!!! JK). We have had weak men in power in the United States through the last four presidencies of the US. They allowed fear to dictate their handling of criminal dictators. They felt that the only tool available was diplomacy....and diplomacy not only failed miserably, but it allowed the threats to grow. Now we are landed with the mess they left us. It is insanity to continue to continually try the same failed methods. So now we have something different....our "elephant", (and it has been quite a circus). You and I, God willing, will see the results of his methods...and then can discuss their effectiveness.
Quite simple-The guy is dangerous.You cannot speak first and think afterwards.
And you can't blatantly lie about something you said two minutes ago-as happened when he was over here.
4meAndyou · F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Hi Sir Furry,

I want to mention, first, that even though you have strong feelings about Trump, I have never seen you posting hate questions about Trump daily or semi-daily....because you don't have skin in this game. You have no money interests. With you, it is simple emotion.

I have been thinking over your reply for a couple of days, and of course you know that I care about you even if we are each on the other side of a politcal issue. As a matter of fact, I have not ONE friend from the UK who admires Trump, but I love them all anyway. You,and several others, may poo on Trump with impunity in my book. {{{Hugs and strokes furryanimals' fur}}}}. I know all of you very well, and I respect and love all of you.

I think what I most wish to express to you is the disillusionment and disappointment I have felt for so many years with the American political system. I have watched our decline with heartache, from our golden years to our third world status, where our streets and bridges are not repaired and the appearance of our country is an embarrassment. Where businesses are boarded up, and entire cities (Like Chicago), (Like Detroit), are written off and sink into crime and fantastic statistics of homelessness and death by violence to satisfy the political ambitions of their mayors.

Being dragged downward to that extent, watching the Clintons and all the crooks in government (Congress) sell us down the river... was so hard that I wanted a REVOLUTION!!!!!!!! I am not a bomb throwing anarchist, but when I see a man with a lot of great ideas, I am going to back him with all of my ability. Trump is NOT PC. GOOD!!!!!! I HATE having control freaks trying to tell me what we can think and say. What was it he said that resonated with ME??? He was going to drain the swamp. I almost got down on my knees. Honesty and transparency in government???? HAND ME my rosary!!!!!

Trump does NOT always know what he is doing, but he is NOT a Washington Insider, is NOT a politician, and is NOT part of the swamp, and he wants to dislodge the major swamp members. I think he has to "lie" as you say, or backtrack, a LOT while he learns how to keep his feet. I forgive him that, even if you can not. I am willing to give him space and time to learn....but he will NEVER be a smooth talking snake oil salesman....and that is what I really, really love about him. He is real, and he BRINGS IT....real. And I hope and pray that he will "BRING IT" the swamp.
kyky16 · 22-25, F
Because we can see how he is ruining America. He has brought out many racist people. And he himself is just racist. He wants Muslim ban. He hate immigrants (especially if they don’t have citizenship) however America is literally built on immigrants. And his wife isn’t a citizen. He doesn’t understand citizenship takes a long time and cost a lot. He’s a perv. I could go on and on. Honestly everyone believes America is the dream land and the best place to live but now it is just awful because it’s built on lies and filled of hate.
4meAndyou · F
@kyky16 In that case, you write in English just like a native, and I congratulate you.

I hesitate to correct you, but you have made one or two mistakes. Trump implemented a legal ban on several countries who have no verification process in place to prove that visa applicants are not ISIS. There was no fettering of the many, many other countries that are predominantly muslim (such as India) which do have verification processes in place. There are many crazy left wing socialist types in the media who began screaming the moment he said he wanted to do that, and called Trump a racist and began calling it a "Muslim Ban".

I know it is difficult to have a correct history of what has occurred based solely on the internet and Italian television.

Trump definitely believes it is correct to block people from our country who have decided in advance to break our law by trying to circumvent the legal immigration process. They show us in advance of anything else they do here that they have no respect for our laws....and we don't want people here who don't respect our laws. There are people in Nigeria who have waited 8 years for the legal process of coming to the United States, and they can not just sneak across a border to get in. Lawbreakers make a mockery of legal immigration processes. You are completely correct that the CONGRESS of the United States must implement immigration reform.

Melania Trump is, in fact, a US citizen. She obtained an Einstein visa and citizenship thereafter.

I don't know whether or not Trump is a perv, but he has a reputation as a playboy.

Anyway, sorry this is so long, but I wanted to make sure you understand that there are always two versions of any story involving Trump....the correct version and the left wing haters propaganda version.
kyky16 · 22-25, F
Most Italians know English fluently.

He hurt a lot of families when he banned certain countries. When he did that I was actually in America during a year long foreign exchange program. Half of my family is from the Middle East but most of them live in America. They were not allowed back in America when he did that. Even though they ARE US CITIZENS. It took forever to get them back in the states.

Most people that come to America illegally are trying to give their family and children a better life. There are many reasons why they are leaving their country and coming to a country where they don’t know anyone. None of those reasons are to break laws. Nobody is perfect and technically everyone breaks laws.
4meAndyou · F
@kyky16 You have my sympathy for your family. Change, I think, is something like childbirth. It can be very painful, but eventually it can also yield a beautiful result. I believe Trumps error was in not providing better instructions to the bureaucrats trying to implement his new visa limitations, and I am sorry your family was caught in the gears during that process. American citizens with proper passports should never, ever, be prevented from returning home.

ALL people who have applied legally for immigration want to give their family and children a better life. ALL of them. However, abiding by the law of the country where you want to live is one of our requirements. I do hope you don't believe that wanting something is an excuse to break the law. Because if that were the case, I could go down and steal the $60,000 car I want right now and they would just have to excuse me....because I really wanted it.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Liberals only listen to liberals.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@SlaveEt That's a generalisation that doesn't apply to myself or lots of people I know. But I get that it can feel like it - on both sides.
4meAndyou · F
@Abstraction Free minds can hear the words of free minds. If the words are different from their own, they savor them, roll them around on their tongue...think about them....sometimes even treasure them. You are one of our treasures.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou That's beautifully expressed and very lovely, thank you.
Tminus6453 · M
I think they need someone to blame for their own shitty choices in life
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Because the US meddles all over the world. Our leaders affect other countries in the way their leaders could never affect ours.
A good part of his MAGA plan requires turning on allies and leaving America isolated and friendless. So very wise, he is.
katielass · F
They let their media tell them how they feel.
sttos · 61-69, M
The man has quickly succeeded in remaking the globe in his own image. It is human nature to be self-centered and xenophobic and bigoted -- it is a survival instinct from deep in our animal brains. We care (and therefore protect) only those form our own "tribe" or "clan".
But humans have been struggling for millennia to evolve beyond such an idea. In order to live in shared society (and if you haven't noticed, this entire planet is a closed, shared society, now more than ever) we must overcome the desire to exclude or discount the value of others of our species.

So, reasonable people all over the globe have been repulsed by the behavior and statements and xenophobic arrogance of our current leader, and resist mightily the effects he is having in every society in the planet capable of hearing or seeing him. They are compelled to resist the clarion call he issues to the worst, most base behavior of humankind. And he is doing it from the loudest, highest, most powerful pulpit there is.
sttos · 61-69, M
You are very gracious. I hope you will continue to discuss these things with me. I'd actually be honored, and I promise not to think you're beyond help (joke)😁
sttos · 61-69, M
@sttos Just to be clear, I wasn't making a direct comparison, truly, only using it as an example of something that seems universally obvious, something we could agree on.
4meAndyou · F
@sttos I am always honored to discuss these matters with one who is himself, so gracious.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Too bad they are entiled to hate him just like he HATES blacks Mexican And disabled people
MrSimons · 41-45, M
@kyky16 Ok, but I was hoping for something more than an assertion. Where has he indicated that he hates disabled people and Mexicans?
kyky16 · 22-25, F
kyky16 · 22-25, F
@MrSimons and before you say “it says nowhere in this article that he hates disabled people”, if he really cares about them he would try to help them out and not make fun of them because they are humans and have every right everyone else has. Have you ever heard the phrase “ actions speak louder than words”, this is a perfect example
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
America affects other countries somewhat, but only slightly.

It's not like it's the richest, most powerful nation in human history, with a long history of violent interventionism.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
The president doesn't handle just domestic policy, but foreign policy too. As the preeminent economic and military power of the west, and indeed the world, the US's posture is an important consideration for many nations. Trump's softness toward rivals and harshness toward allies is making many nations question their commitment to American leadership.
4meAndyou · F
@Xuan12 You are mistaken if you think anything about the US relationship with rogue nations is cordial in anything except appearance. There are severe sanctions in place with all of them. We do not strengthen them. We weaken them. If you believe otherwise, you only look at photos and listen to superficialties, and you do not observe actions.

At one and the same time you criticize the USA for going easy on rivals and admiring us for having a light touch. You must examine your logic, please.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@4meAndyou Oh my God...I should have been more clear. We have a light touch with those whom align with us. I thought that was obvious. But actually, even with rivals we have a light touch. You think those sanctions and such are harsh? You k ow many member states of the USSR didn't even want to be in the USSR. You know what the UK did when it ruled the world? XD Straight up wars of conquest, occupation, mercantilism. The Spanish enslaved thousands or millions of Amercians. Napoleaon? Ghengis Kahn? The Romans? Comparitively America really does have a light touch. We even allow people to own and display Confederate flag. How many nations let citizens openly display and support defeated rebel factions? XD
4meAndyou · F
@Xuan12 Thank you for your clarification. I am sorry to have misunderstood. I agree completely with your last paragraph.
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
Really good question with I’m betting many insightful (inciteful) answers
4meAndyou · F
@JavaJoe Right the first time...we definitely don't want to incite them...LOL!!!
JavaJoe · 51-55, M
@4meAndyou 😂😂😂
Obama's fault for flying around the world talking shlt about trump.
If our economy takes a nose dive so does theirs
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4meAndyou · F
sttos · 61-69, M
@waleskinder Richard Nixon was a "Cox sacker" too!
Anyone remember their history?
Cierzo · M
I don't hate Trump, more the opposite, but that's the price to pay when a country often meddles in other countries' policies. About the fact comments are so negative, blame the media.
4meAndyou · F
@Cierzo I do. 😉
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JimboUk · 31-35, M
He has become the stress ball everyone uses to vent. Its pathetic
JimboUk · 31-35, M
@4meAndyou it's the sheep mentality.
4meAndyou · F
@JimboUk You nailed that one right on the head.
JimboUk · 31-35, M
@4meAndyou didn't even need a hammer 🔨
Do you talk about Kim Jong-un in America?
It's just interest and international gossip- not all hating.
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Yes, we talk about Kim Jong-un, and we make fun of him quite often, but I haven't seen the rabid slavering hatred toward him that I have seen directed at Trump from foreigners. We have several Aussies, Brits, Chinese and "Italians" (who actually come from Serbia) on this site who are badly infected with Trump derangement syndrome. They hate Trump as much as American far left liberal Democrats. I had to block one of my old acquaintances from EP (Aussie guy) because he has gone nuts with it.
strongbow · 46-50, M
kyky16 · 22-25, F
@strongbow nobody is jealous of trump

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