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Kinda political I guess.

So I'm not a racist but I am curious is black power the equivalent of black lives matter and equality or is black power the equivalent of white radicalism white power? Genuinely interested in discussion
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bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
Black Lives Matter came into being because of an increase in numbers of police shooting and killing unarmed black people. It wasn’t the equivalent of black power, certainly not of white power. More like a desire for black survival when encountering law enforcement. It’s a bad thing to have to be afraid of both criminals and the police.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
SlySarah · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard so if we follow that logic it's simply a brotherhood a bonding rally cry for protection for strength together right? Regardless of socioeconomic status.
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
@SlySarah More or less. For a bonding rally cry for protection against violence directed at African Americans. From criminals and police. It is also a movement to try to change things and prevent that violence. They advocated for policemen wearing body cameras so that it is clear exactly what happened. Although, this has not solved everything because of what the policemen sometimes do with the body cameras. But, it's something. You got it right though. Following that logic, it is a movement of solidarity among people who believe that black lives are important and should be protected, just as white lives are important and should be protected.

Batman · 41-45, M
Anytime there is a group of people who want to make rules to keep down another race it’s racism. That’s just my opinion.
Batman · 41-45, M
Yeah all the ladies say that. I wonder why women are not that disgusting 🤔
SlySarah · 31-35, F
Lol they are. Just not as openly
ladycae · 100+, F
@SlySarah we also share 30% of our DNA with rice plants and 25% with flys.
I’m not black so obviously I don’t have best understanding of cultural history but I’m pretty sure “black power” was a term coined during the civil rights era for African Americans fighting for equal rights. “White power” is the term white nationalists/supremacists use to promote racist ideals which stemmed from the kkk and other white supremacist groups in order to suppress civil rights. Black lives matter isn’t really the same thing as black power as its used for a specific cause of police brutality/prejudice whether it be attempting to improve police/inner city relations in some cases or to speak out against racist laws such as “stop and frisk”
Batman · 41-45, M
Black Power was a movement in the 60s don’t remember reading about it in the civil war. @Insomniac100
SlySarah · 31-35, F
@Batman he said civil rights...
Batman · 41-45, M
I miss read his comment then I apologize
its only racist if a white person said it..
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
No. Here's why. First, let's define power.

Black lives matter is a group that exists because black people want to stop getting shot by police for being black. The name does not imply that only black lives matter, but rather black lives don't matter right now, and that needs to change.

There is no equivalent problem with white people. Although you can be white and shot by a cop, nobody gets shot by a cop for being white. None of my problems as a white person are a result of my race.

White power movements have a strong history of racism, because they did not exist until black power movements became a thing. THey're a reaction, and an attempt to make sure black people stay down.
SlySarah · 31-35, F
Should have known better than to expect genuine discussion
SlySarah · 31-35, F
I got a few thoughtful answers I'm satisfied.
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SlySarah · 31-35, F
BROWN powwah!
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
@YoungPoet345 Okay Black Lives Matter is not the equivalent of the KKK. All Black Lives Matter is about is saying the black lives are equally important as white lives. That's my opinion. If you disagree, that's fine. You can have whatever opinion you want. Not looking to argue about it.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@YoungPoet345 you are right with what you say about Black Lives Matter and it's sad that anyone would disagree with that.
The original post was asking if the original Black Power movement had different goals.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Hon, melanin is not race.

You ARE online, research.

Learn about .... United states......


All done.
Allelse · 36-40, M
I am so offended!!!
SlySarah · 31-35, F
@Allelse -___-
Allelse · 36-40, M
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Not a.?....?..... lmfao
SlySarah · 31-35, F
@sighmeupforthat if you can read it is a question lol
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SlySarah · 31-35, F
@FelixLegion so you're saying it is the equivalent of white radicalism
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JohnRing · 56-60, M
@FelixLegion You are completely wrong. It was a movement gathered around a particular issue which was the inordinate amount of violence against people of color by police.
JohnRing · 56-60, M
Black Power was a movement in the 60s and 70s which was a celebration of black culture and pride in being a part that culture. Keep in mind the context, some black people only recently were able to use the restroom, water fountain, vote, etc. Generations of being called an inferior part of society needed this cultural boost. White Power is a rallying cry for racist white people who believe in White Supremacy. Apples and Oranges.
Allelse · 36-40, M
I think though that alot of people use it as a term of 'For the underdog!! Power to the underdog". In that kind of mentality since blacks were shit on as a race for so long, but I wouldn't be surprised if some nutters out there also use it in the same manner as a white supremacist would use 'WHITE POWER!!'.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
It is a tool of the radical left, their plan is to create a generation of victim-hood. Create a rage within a group thought cult which will blame everybody but themselves about their circumstances in life. Hatred and division, the tool of the modern day leftists. BLM members are the useful idiots of the Marxist movement. Many are paid to be activists by the demonic George Soros.
Black ppl can't racist u racist
SlySarah · 31-35, F
@terribleperson I didn't call anyone a racist. I asked if it was the equivalency of white radicalism
No cause blacks can't racist
Graylight · 51-55, F
@terribleperson Not sure 'racist' is a verb, but any group can - and often is - racist toward another group.

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