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do you think people on welfare shouldnt vote?

in all honesty. i dont think they should...
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Graylight · 51-55, F
Those on welfare have the same right of citizenship as anyone else. Because someone's having enough trouble that they require the assistance of the government charged with protecting their general welfare makes them no less worthy of opinion and thought.

And they do have a vested interest in where money is allocated; they're the ones actually using the programs.

Contrary to what popular US culture would teach us, requiring and accepting help is not a sin, not a crime and makes no one less a citizen or human. The first thing we have to collectively do is erase this popular - and very inaccurate - myth that the majority of those on welfare are living the easy life. Welfare will not support a family and it has some very stringent requirements.

Maybe if we offered a helping hand instead of the back our hands, we could elevate everyone enough to allocate tax money to other uses.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Fernie It's no use. At such a preciously young age, Ms. PiceousPanda has far surpassed others with her wisdom and experience in matters of government. It might've been that Intro to Economics class or Poli-Sci for Freshmen. I mean, the thought of addressing societal issues with the aim of a more efficient economy, c'mon...charts and figures echoed by a Pulitzer Prize nominated agency like National Priorities Project? Silliness.

We live in a new age where truth isn't what is; it's what you want it to be.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Graylight im sorry if u would like to prove me wrong with uodated evidence not a MEME. i wasnt in a political class. i learned this on my own through research
Graylight · 51-55, F
Well, then, by all means... Here's some "research" for you, free of memes, charts, numbers or pesky facts. Sourec: EconoFact, a non-partisan publication preenting facts and incisive analysis to the national debate on economic and social policies. Launched in January 2017, it is written by leading academic economists from across the country and published by the Edward R. Murrow Center for a Digital World at The Fletcher School at Tufts University:

Spending on cash and near-cash transfer programs to low-income families comprises less than 5 percent of the federal budget. These programs are not drivers of increased government spending.

The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), which is one of the nation's largest anti-poverty programs, offers limited assistance to non-working able-bodied individuals without dependents. In 2015 the federal government spent $76.1 billion on SNAP, slightly more than 2 percent of total federal outlays, providing food vouchers to an average of 45.8 million individuals a month. Average monthly benefits per person in 2015 were $126.81 (data available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The federal government had SSI program outlays of $52.3 billion in 2015 – comprising 1.42 percent of federal outlays.

So yes, military spending comprises much, much more of the federal spending than do social welfare programs. The government is designed to account for both, as caring for citizens is the very point of its structure.

Now, being such a picky researcher who demands sources - and then different sources when you don't like the info - we'll go ahead and wait patiently for your citations...
Being on welfare doesn't disqualify you from being a thinking, rational human being. There are many who are on welfare who would rather not be.
@PiceousPanda This is not in the constitution. This is your opinion. Further, you cannot speak for others you know nothing about and what they do and don't care about.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@SW-User i cant do much. no one cares for our future generation but ur own. we encoraged an attitude of irrespeonsibility sympathy and what not. in the end we will all get what we deserve. vote in my more people who will bring us further into debt. trump signed something to alow him to spend one trillion dollars. u know its very common for anyone who will eventually go bankrupt to simply use and use money because they have nothing else to lose.
@PiceousPanda I see. Yep. Have a great day.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Do you go to university? and if so are you paying for this or is it free?
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@PiceousPanda You're saying you understand how this works, explain it to me. They say it encourages growth, they can say that all they want. How does it encourage growth? If you understand it, explain it.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@UndeadPrivateer not they say. through evidence it is SHOWN. ive been on here all day and im getting tired of this. if u dont believe it thats fine goodluck
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@PiceousPanda It's shown where? What is your historical example of this working?
Fernie · F
Please explain why you think that...that is a very serious thing to put out there...I hope you have some valid reasons for thinking that way or you will make an absolute fool of yourself...please tell us why people receiving benefits should not vote...I'm assuming you mean EVERY ONE OF THEM right?
Elegy · 46-50
I assume that's because you are privileged enough to not need to be on welfare? I'm pretty sure they would not agree with you. What is your logic?
Elegy · 46-50
So maybe this rant is less about the national budget and more about personal greed, shortsightedness and selfishness?
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@Elegy possibly. i dont think its greed. desperation. sympathy in the wrong place? when women were given the right to vote we should have required them to be more informed about it. i think thats the start on how we came to this situation. they want stuff. men valued freedom more. which is why there seems to be a difference in political stance. i think its being misinformed simply
Elegy · 46-50
All very interesting, thank you.
ladycae · 100+, F
on further thought. i was on welfare for a while when i was young. something happened that was out of my control and my savings ran out. i am very grateful for welfare. it made me no less of a person and no less worthy to vote. after i got back on my feet i worked hard and paid taxes that more than made up for the paltry $200 a month i got on welfare. so i did not deserve the right to vote because of bad luck? without that help, i would have been a constant drain on society. i have and had every right to vote regardless of economic standard. i did not suddenly become a proper person when i supported myself. i was the exact same person i was when i was on welfare.
snowbelt · 61-69, M
@ladycae You are a perfect example of why we have welfare and a social safety net in the first place.
every citizen of a country or state should be able to vote. everyone.
Elegy · 46-50
@SW-User omg, Read more and comment less, this is amazing.
Fernie · F
@SW-User and if we start deciding who can vote and who cannot...we are done!!!!
snowbelt · 61-69, M
One of our strengths as a nation is that we have people of all faiths, education levels, racial backgrounds, ancestry, genders, sexual preferences, etc. Everyone brings their own perspective and life history to the voting booth. Every citizen who turns 18 should be automatically registered to vote, and we should make voting as easy as possible to ensure that our democracy is truly the voice of ALL of the people. To shut out welfare recipients, or any group, from voting diminishes the rest of us.
snowbelt · 61-69, M
@PiceousPanda We do need to cut costs, but it would make more sense to raise taxes on the wealthy than to give them the biggest tax cut in history. You can't balance the budget on the backs of the poor. It just doesn't work.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@snowbelt raising taxes will only make it worse not better. the wealthy can not pay for all the shit we owe! peoople want to do what u believe and it has gone nowhere.
snowbelt · 61-69, M
@PiceousPanda The tax cut took money we didn't have and gave it to the top 2% of the wealthy. Obviously that doesn't bother you in the least to give them money we don't have. However, you'd gladly take it away from people who need it who are poor. You make no sense. Your argument clearly isn't based on what we can afford, or you wouldn't support tax cuts that are unaffordable.
Why ? Do you think a citizen on assistance even for a brief time becomes less of of a citizen ? If they're disabled or can't find work ? That's actually pretty heartless for someone so young.
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NorthernBear · 51-55, M
Does that include corporate welfare?
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
I'm deleting any reply that chooses to insult rather than converse. If u dont want ur reply deleted. Act mature for once
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@RodneyTrotter dude... You must be a pain to talk to when you don't agree with someone. Smh goodluck
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Sure they should. Why not? Because they're not contributing taxes? In most systems they still are, through sales tax, but still. What if a person's total income tax contribution was just 1 cent? Would that be the magic barrier between voter and non-voter? In the US that would essentially constitute a poll tax, which is illegal. Additionally, even if it weren't, who would decide what the tax threshold for voting is if it's not just 1 cent? What if it were $500, or $8000, or $50000? What if only the rich could vote? Slippery slope.
I can’t decide if you’re really an immature 17 year old or someone pretending to be one just to make inflammatory posts.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@ProdigalSummer Using my age isn't an arguement and making excuses isnt an arguement. I sure as hell no if i wasnt 17. you would find something else to insult me and degrade my opinions somehow. ive always had my own mind. it wont change growing up. i will evolve but i will cross any idea barrier that people are afraid of questioning. goodluck lady
Why just government help though? Why can't we get rid of different stuff? Like the recent spending bill was to help pay for the government and avoid a shutdown. If we didn't pay the government we could have saved that. Also why do we have to pay for a military? We have a lot of stuff we could save on.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@canusernamebemyusername the military and social care is one of the main ones that we spend on and need to cut cost of
Oh okay. Just looked like social care only.
ladycae · 100+, F
wow i guess you don't like people who disagree with you. but here goes. why shouldn't they be allowed to vote? they are citizens of the us and therefore by law entitled to vote. the poor have as much right to vote as the rich do. money and power do not make one a better citizen.
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PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@sighmeupforthat and when i get older what am i?? and ignorant dumb ass. continue with ur excuses to not have a civil conversation. people like you tire me. anything ur against ur automatically go to insults and derogatory language rather than conversing. goodluck. i know many people who are older than you and agree with me but youll find a way to degrade there opiniona s well
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Elcapo · 41-45, M
You're seeing welfare from a prospective that the government or the people take care of the needy which has some truth to it and it doesn't because at the end of the day to simplify it, we all pay taxes and thru some channel it does end up back in the governments pocket, again to simplify it more the government is basically a mediator which is elected by the people, the same people who pay taxes wether you're poor or rich you're paying taxes somewhere along the line. Don't believe me go to the grocery store and go buy something follow the money and really find out where it ends up. So you say people on welfare shouldn't vote, why not ?? Better yet, you should be thinking how to improve the system.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic."
-Benjamin Franklin-
there are different reasons for being on welfare
those who don't deserve it/who plays the system
probably shouldn't
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@PiceousPanda of course since you use it.
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@sighmeupforthat im not against welfare. im against encouraging it. if we have the money then why not but we dont.
Cierzo · M
Yes, at least those on welfare for a long period (more than a year) should not vote.
Cierzo · M
@snowbelt If everyone thinks only of their particular interests when they vote, then democracy is a flawed system.
Cierzo · M
@ladycae Where does the question state that it is about America?
Do you think opinions from foreigners who agree with you are not valid either, or only those of them who disagree?
snowbelt · 61-69, M
@Cierzo Democracy is absolutely a flawed system, but it is the best system we've got. The reality is that everyone considers their own interests when they vote, but that doesn't mean that they don't consider the interests of others as well. Everyone who is eligible to vote should be given the opportunity to do so.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I disagree very strongly but I'm curious about your reasons.
Also the country has sort of already done this before. When the country was young the only people that could vote were white male landowners. Which would definitely have left out people needing social care. If the concept had even existed then
Dusty101 · F
I think they should vote. But the ones fiddling the system on benefits while secretly working or the ones who are on disibility for nothing wrong with them, .. I'm sure those ones wouldn't give a toss about voting as they want nothing to change their free money!
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
@SW-User as i said actual freeloaders dont dont usually vote,
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
@SW-User REREAD WHAT I SAID!,,,,if one loses there job and have kids to support,they are not freeloaders! please ead before you get on my ass!
@Bluesky52 You really are defensive. I was trying to gain clarification. Have a nice day.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
@SW-User i was too trying too,,,we are getting anywhere,have a nice day too,
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
well we all have our opinions of welfare,,,people are on it for different reasons,most maynot even vote anyway,,,,,,,
If they’re of age and are legal they can and should vote. I think we should make voting easier not harder
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I find this idea disturbing...
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@ozgirl512 which is why im gettong hatem i forgot that I am willing to cross ideas that peoppe will never think of out of fear and blind belief
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@PiceousPanda I don't agree with hateful replies .. But it is a touchy subject... Many people are jobless through no fault of their own... But to then disenfranchise them is a double whammy
The only people who shouldn'vote are non legal citizens,convicted felons and in some states...The dead.
katielass · F
I don't see why they shouldn't vote but they should work for the welfare. They can pick up trash lazy ass people litter the streets with, they could do a lot of things to earn what we give them.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
You do realize those who use the programs also pay for them.... no?

You shouldn't vote,we have enough ignorant asshole who vote now
PiceousPanda · 26-30, F
@sighmeupforthat pay taxes they recieve back? what?

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